Variety Bundle


This bundle contains the following:
Rufina T – Dolly
Nicole – Outdoors
Elza – First Timer

Categories: , , ,


Downloadable photo albums in zip format
Amount of photos in album: 476 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Total Length: 38:08
Extra Previews:
rufinat-dollycap-1 rufinat-dollycap-2 rufinat-dollycap-3 rufinat-dollycap-4 nicole-outdoorscap-1 nicole-outdoorscap-2 nicole-outdoorscap-3 nicole-outdoorscap-4 elza-firsttimercap-1 elza-firsttimercap-2 elza-firsttimercap-3 elza-firsttimercap-4

Got something to discuss?

7 years 1 month ago

Hey guys, let us know if you enjoyed this bundle and if any models stood out for you. We don’t want to interfere with our schedule too much, so we’ll put together these sometimes for models that are new and to gauge interest.


Paulo Amor
7 years 1 month ago

If you really want to know: I was hoping Lili’s turn was next. To have this set injected and delaying TM’s most popular model is a bit saddening. Nothing wrong with the models. But, for the love of all that is holy and good in the world, “DON”T MESS WITH LILI’s SCHEDULE! Thank you, now I feel better.. 🙂

7 years 1 month ago

Dude calm down! We all love Lily, but there is a place for other models in TeenMarvel. The site has to evolve, and I think many people like to discover new models, and have more reasons to visit this site than Lily. Personally, I discovered the old sites because of Lily, but I liked many other girls (which I hope they come to TeenMarvel). So, even if Lily is our favorite, we all can have more than one favorite.

7 years 1 month ago

im agree with Paulo there not enought of lily freya luna and cutie

7 years 1 month ago

Can we please get more Sofie? Would love a Madison booty set with full bootyhole also.

Would be amazing if we could get Gabriella/Ichimaru over here as well for some videos. Don’t see why not if MC keeps borrowing Madison? ?

7 years 1 month ago

Hey Let be the first to say that all girls are beautiful. I really like them all. But I will not buy this bundle, which I think is a “calculation” error. I love “Rufina”, which has an angelic face, and in addition she is very explicit posing, which I also like. The combination is explosive. I also like Nicole a lot. But there is too much difference between the way each girl poses. Although the price is not bad for 4 sets and 4 videos, in practice this means buying 4 sets to see only one. I think we have said it before: people do not agree with the bundles of several girls. It is different if the bundle is about only one girl, because the fans will buy it. But in this way, you are harming each of the girls.
I’m sorry, it’s my humble opinion. And I hope you guys post this.

7 years 1 month ago

Thanks for your comment. A few things:
If you are buying 4 sets to see just 1, then it is not for you. Just like how some models here are not a persons type. And contrary to your belief that people do not agree with varieties, there are many that do. The ones who disagree can sometimes be the loudest. I know who are the ones who say they don’t want variety bundles since they always comment about it. But just like how we’ll put in a less popular update instead of something like a Lili update, these are done to help please our whole audience and to maybe help you find a new favorite you may have skipped.

Basically, our data shows that people enjoy these. We wouldn’t do them otherwise.

7 years 1 month ago

I joined the bundle we need more bundles in the future

My top 3

7 years 1 month ago

Personally, I like the bundles. It’s a good way to get a good variety at an affordable price when there are a lot of new girls to look at. Under the current pricing model, this would be $45 on it’s own, so $20 isn’t bad. Of the girls, Rufina is all over the web under a couple of different names, so she’s not really “new” per se. I’d rather come here and see models that are unique to this site or have come from MC or, like Lili, Petra, Melissa, and Cutie, that grew up from older sites that are gone. Nicole and Sophia are stunning, and I look forward to seeing more sets with them in the future. Elza is pretty, and I enjoyed her video, but I don’t think she’s as strong as the others. I’d like to see her develop a bit in her next set if she continues with TM. Thanks!

7 years 1 month ago

oh nice! didnt know Rufina was going to be here too. Awesome!

7 years 1 month ago

My thoughts closely align with Steve’s, but I’ll share them anyway… As much as I love the classic models (and newer classics), I appreciate that TM and MC are always adding new girls to their rosters (future classics!!!), a bundle like this is a cost effective way for the fans to sample the new girls and it doesn’t heavily disrupt the flow of releases from the established models, it also has the potential to give the new models a broader audience more quickly. At a glance I would have bought Rufina, Sophia, and probably Nicole… In my case, this saved me money and gave me a look at a model I may have passed over otherwise. Even if I only wanted to see one girl, I could sample three more for a nominal fee…

Anyway… On to the girls… It was surprising to see Rufina here, I’m used to seeing models who are (mostly) exclusive to TM, BUT… I’m a huge fan of hers, and she’s a welcome addition. Adorable and not the least bit shy… I really enjoyed Sophia when she debuted at MC, and I was starting to fear we wouldn’t be seeing more of her. She always seemed like she would be more at home here, and I’m happy for her return… A great second showing from Nicole, she seems to be loosening up (a LOT) and I look forward to more from her… Going in, I wasn’t expecting to love Elza immediately (she’s the only girl I hadn’t seen before), it sometimes takes a few shoots before a girl makes an impression. I liked her first outing, and she has some serious potential. Even though she’s technically still my least favorite from this bundle, I wasn’t disappointed and even somewhat pleasantly surprised… And for the record, I vote YES to more bundles, more new models, and just all around more from TM!

7 years 1 month ago

Just an FYI, none of these models are getting a scheduled slot for an update yet, but we’ll do it if one becomes popular enough. It might take a bit before we decide to include or not.

7 years 1 month ago

I really hope Eiza gets a scheduled update slot. She is beautiful and fits with the other girls from TM. Nicole, also is gorgeous and would love many more sets from her! Ruffina and Sophia seem to me like they fit more at MC, but I’d never complain to have them here once in a while.

7 years 1 month ago

I really liked the bundle, especially Nicole, she was awesome in her debut set and equally so if not even more so in her second set in this bundle. If any of these models would get a scheduled update slot some time my vote would go to Nicole, if that doesn’t happen or until that time I’m happy to buy any occasional update or bundle she’s featured in.

7 years 1 month ago

Ever since I first saw Nicole and Sophia (at MC), I’ve been wondering why they never came back. Both are amazing, very sexy and Nicole is also one of the most pretty on this site, definitely en par with Petra or Claire (who is sadly also long gone). Imo both could sell a lot of sets, but ofc I only know my personal taste.
Rufina T has been seen nude all around the web, so she lacks the “specialness” that all the exclusive models have. No opinion on Elza yet as I have yet to buy the bundle.

7 years 1 month ago

God I miss Claire, she is so amazingly cute! If she would make a comeback I’m not sure I’d survive that, or even if some unpublished sets would be found and released…. ah well, dreams I guess 🙂
Get the bundle mate, you won’t be dissapointed, as you seem to have quite similar taste to mine.

7 years 1 month ago

There is my top 3 :

Elza – my favorite ,she’s really awesome and pretty cute ,she have (in my opinion) the most potential of all the 4 .
Sophia – she’s the gorgeous one ,her face is angelic and her body is just perfect .
Nicole – she’s a great add to TM models ,she is right in the style of a lot of your others models .

Please ,think about update these 3 models time to time ,even in a bundle I would be happy .

7 years 1 month ago

I really love this bundle! Nicole is so hot. She has made me a huge fan with this set. I will be buying every set of hers in the future if they are all this sexy. Love the poses and the camera work.


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