Katrina – Holiday Bunny




Amount of photos in album: 122 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 7:25
Video Thumbnails:

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Jerry Springer
4 years 2 months ago

I’m so pumped for more Katrina! She’s totally my fav. Gorgeous girl, wonderful tight body. Cute little holiday bunny.
Fappy Holidays Everyone!!! (hehe, sorry)

4 years 2 months ago

Could not of said it better 😉

4 years 2 months ago

How old are these sets of her? She does not look like this anymore.

4 years 2 months ago

She still looks like this.

She has a variety of styles if you follow her, that’s because she’s flexible with all the stylists she works with to achieve different looks. This is her natural look.

4 years 2 months ago

I have read other posts like Seputura’s saying she is tattooed, she doesn’t look like this anymore does she have a doppleganger? Does she have an onlyfans site where we can see her? I’m just wondering why this keeps coming up,thanx.

4 years 2 months ago

She does not.
They are free to link photos if they think she looks different.

4 years 2 months ago

No, she still does NOT look like this. Here are two links to Ukrainian dating sites where her photos are posted: (1) https://lifedatingclub.com/woman/info/view/id/101231 (2) https://www.brides4love.com/user29555 Draw your own conclusions, but it appears she’s had lip injections, maybe some work done on her face. The photo manipulation on almost all of these new photos is really heavy handed, but it also appears that she is not as ripped as she is in her photos and vids here at TM. She says that COVID-19 restrictions have affected her work, so probably she hasn’t had access to the gym where she worked as a trainer. I searched high and low for new photos of her using half a dozen facial recognition apps, but came up with nothing other than three dating sites, one of which’s photos were tiny. Interestingly, there were no cross-references to her earlier photos, so evidently her face is different enough now that the software isn’t recognizing her as her old self. I wish her well, and hope that she doesn’t do the big tattoo thing somewhere on her flawless body.

4 years 2 months ago

I hate to say this, but you are wrong. And ANY Karina fan will tell you that is not her. Do not take it from me. You searched for new photos using facial recognition apps, that’s your problem right there. Stop cross referencing photos and searching for images online, just because she shares the same name and approximate age does not mean it is her.

Here she is, TODAY:

I won’t bother with the body photos, she has more from this week that show she is still very fit.
Edit: Also, dating sites are definitely not her thing. She has a boyfriend anyway.

4 years 2 months ago

I hope I am wrong. I’ve always thought she was one of the most beautiful women I’ve seen. My relationship with her was much more than dating site stuff and dates to her work a long time before TM. Truthfully, I was stunned when I saw the “new” photos of her…not pleasantly stunned, so, once again…I sincerely hope that I am wrong.

4 years 2 months ago

It’s okay to be wrong. That is 100% not her. I don’t know what type of relationship you had with her, but I’d be wary on the internet with people taking advantage of you and claiming to be someone else. I’m worried that you got scammed.

4 years 2 months ago

ARE YOU BLIND!!!. THATS NOT HER!!!!. I have her Instagram account. She is beautiful as you see in TM sets and even better.Pure Natural Beauty. You definitely need to check the eye doctor. Stop spreading false accusation.

I supported Katrina before she joined TM and she never changed anything about her looks.

When are we going to learn to stop spreading rumors and false accusation??!!!. When are we going to learn to love than hate.!!

4 years 2 months ago

Katrina is so incredibly stunning, just flawless beauty!
I don’t mind if this was shot weeks, months or years ago, Katrina looks great in this wonderful Holiday update.

4 years 2 months ago

Agree 100%

4 years 2 months ago

I’d love to see a set with Katrina wearing workout clothes, like a sports bra and those little black volleyball/bootie shorts the instagram fitness girls wear.

4 years 1 month ago

Sorry I always post this- but can we pleeease get more Katrina more often? I wish that TM had some more bonus clips, extra stuff available for guys who are big-time fans of certain models. It would be a dream come true to get some bonus material from previous shoots. Can this become a reality??

4 years 25 days ago

Time for a new Katrina set?? Let’s do it!

4 years 11 days ago

Any more Katrina sets coming TM? Wanting it.


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