Hi everyone, it’s been awhile since we made a posting with just discussion. I think now is a good time, as we are looking for feedback on a few things. Please note that this post might be long, therefore it’s not necessary to read the entire thing. You can still write feedback, this post just gives you a little more perspective on where my head is at.
We want to make the websites better, but want feedback on how to do so. I’m going to write my own list of what I believe and see (with our own data) of what’s most important. I’ll put them in tiers of high importance to lower importance. And just because something might be lower on the list, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important… everything is! It’s just necessary to filter things so we know where to spread our energy and attention.
MarvelFans is at the top of the list, as this is where most people tend to visit and spend the most time. It is also, however, the hardest to maintain and upkeep. This is because a lot of the models who do have MF pages either don’t update them enough or some simply stopped because it’s a big hassle to maintain. The majority of our models are not “full time”, and making content or chatting with fans on MF can be a full time job. It’s actually a big contrast, because the models who update consistently (top earners) are earning hundreds per day, a few have broken even $1000 on some days. More girls could (and should) work harder to earn this.
Going forward, we want to persuade more of our girls to join and make more consistent content. I’ll be reaching out to more of them to encourage more posting. But we also want to know from you:
-What would you like to see from them?
-Or maybe it’s better to ask: what would you like to see from the models, and what would you like to see from us (management)? On my side, we can make more previews or run promos. On the models side, more posts, more content in the MF shop, custom content, etc.
The other priority with MF is that you want access to your funds much quicker. I don’t know how fast we can do this yet, but I have it as a big priority to at least speed it up during peak times.
And lastly, we’re curious if you would enjoy a few MF pages dedicated to classic or unreleased content. Anita does this already, it seems to work well. There are also models that are interested in MF but not the main sites, this might be another opportunity to bring new talents, as we currently don’t do this. It’s something we are looking at.
The way the main sites update needs some work. There are two things we want to improve upon.
1️⃣The time of day when each site updates with a new set
2️⃣Which models to prioritize for updates
For the first one, do you think it’s better if we set an exact time that each website updates? If so, what time would you like? We think sometime in the evening for those in the americas / europe is best.
For the second one, this is more complicated. It’s more clear to us now that certain models deserve many more updates than what they are currently getting. Models who are active and still shooting to this day should get some priority. However, there are not enough update slots across the sites to make this happen. Everyone has a favourite model and it will be impossible to make everyone happy, so we will have to go primarily based on data on who sells the most to see who gets more slots. What I am thinking right now is:
-Popular models get more consistent, maybe even weekly updates depending on popularity. Then, every week or every other week, bundle a handful of the other models who are not quite as popular into 1 update for that week.
I think this will help solve both issues. Models who are popular will get more time to shine, and we can also grab a larger pool of the less popular models and put more of them out in a single update.
The other way to do this would be just to push out two updates every day or every other day. I don’t think this is feasible yet due to time constraints, but we want to consider it regardless.
A new website does not make sense and wouldn’t solve this. We do not want to make another website and spread your attention across even more sites (we already have half a dozen). This is not an issue that is solved with more websites, it’s solved with a few changes to priority.
More new models are coming!
Stay tuned.
Orders and Emails
Some of you have been with us for a long time and still have to wait for orders (excluding MF) to get to you. I’m aware sometimes orders get lost and take days in some cases. I want this fixed now. If you have been with us for awhile and have a few orders with us, send an email using our contact form and I will put you on the list for instant downloads. This will only affect TM and MC sets, it can’t be done for MF credits unfortunately.
Hiring Editors
We are still looking to hire some editors to help push out content faster. If you have basic adobe skills and an up to date modern PC, reach out to us and we can discuss offers.
We might have to charge a small tax on purchases going forward. This is because of tax changes and the cost of processing transactions, plus the cost of hosting and security. We used to pay a few hundred dollars years back, and now it’s more than doubled and costs thousands every month. If you see a small tax of 3% or 4% on a purchase going forward, this is why. We’re going to delay this for as long as we can. This is just a heads up to let everyone know.
The tldr of this all is to be a little more transparent with everyone, and also get feedback. Most forums and places of discussion don’t exist anymore, so hopefully this is a start to get more engagement with our core fans who want to be heard more often.
And one last question: if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?
6 days 21 minutes ago
In order. For the high importance, I personally don’t spend a lot of money on MF at this time, though that will change when my financial situation changes. From what I have seen, those models are doing a wonderful job.
The classic sets pages are a wonderful idea.
For the mid importance, your timing idea is fine. I don’t think the time of day is as important as consistently sticking to whatever you choose. Once people adjust to the routine, it will stick.
The bundling idea does sound good, with the more popular models getting time to shine. Though, I suppose that would make it more obvious to the customer base who is & isn’t popular.
As for one thing I would change. I would create a portal page on Marvelfans that linked to every model, to make navigation easier. Unless I am missing something, I can only find the “Explore Creators” button which only shows you 3 models at a time at random.
5 days 15 hours ago
Thank you. About your last point, there is a creator page where you can see every MF creator: https://marvelfans.com/creators
5 days 15 hours ago
OH! I knew I was missing something! Not sure how I missed that page. Thank you so much! <3
5 days 23 hours ago
Hi, i would like an upcoming Updates-row on Teenmarvel. On Marvelcharm this already exists. That would be great. And the updates should come regularly, in the last time TM updates only every 2 Days, it should be everyday, besides one day. You wrote it on the last News, that every day comes an update. Maybe you can change the abo system on MF? Models who posting very often would be okay to pay monthly, but a model who post not so often, should be a free abo and then make a paywall on the post when she is posting something.
5 days 15 hours ago
I think I understand you, that models who don’t post often should be free and the ones that are consistent should have a paywall. This is very hard to do on my end because our models are reposted elsewhere and even on social media sometimes, someone would be free to repost and spam this. And also trying to convince our models that they should post for free is very difficult in terms of persuasion. A paywall is a natural barrier to stop both these problems.
Maybe we can limit the cost of their subscription to a lower cost while they build their page out, and if they are consistent with lots of content, this limit can be lifted and they can price their subscription how they want.
5 days 22 hours ago
Hello and thank you for having involved the fans into this, it’s nice to see the effort you put into keeping the sites working.
You already answered to the only point I would have liked to be tuned: the updates of non active models vs the new one since the coming of new models would consume even more slots. I agree with both of your solutions, the second one would be better, but the first one would be already a big step forward into solving the problem so I would be happy to see one of the two taking place. Eventually you could start with the first one and then if there are the conditions, move to the second one. I am fan of Angela and sometimes I try to contribute to push for updates but I can see that the slots are missing and latest update is 4 months old, so I welcome your idea and thank you for having paid attention to this!
5 days 21 hours ago
This is a kind of two-in-one.
First, name the actual sets in bundles. Example. Somebody tipped me off to look for a Lili set called ‘Shower’. I looked all through Lili’s sets but it wasn’t any of the ones that included shower in the name. The only clue I was given was that Lili starts dressed in a black bikini/lingerie. I eventually managed to find such a set in ‘Summer’s End Bundle’ but I still don’t know if that is ‘Shower’.
Similarly, it would prevent the accidental re-purchase of bundles the customer already has. I nearly did this once. Once purchased, I can see video names, not the bundle name.
Second. A search engine (especially if tied into the bundle specifics). I know this can be done by adjusting the information in the address bar of your browser. But, in the case of the first suggestion, rather than trawl through 23 pages of Lili sets, it would be far easier if you could specify a model name and/or a set name in a dedicated search function.
5 days 14 hours ago
Love the search function idea. We’re also going to tweak the store page to show more sets on a single page. It will reduce clicking through so many pages.
5 days 14 hours ago
The Lili set you are referring to in the Summer’s End bundle is indeed called just ‘Lili – Shower’.
If anyone ever has a question about Lili sets, please do not hesitate to post anywhere and ask me. I can tell you just about anything you need to know.
I agree though that it would be helpful to know each of the individual sets in past bundles, but I would prefer if mixed bundles never made a return to be honest. I think a search function would be helpful, but would also take time to implement across hundreds and hundreds of sets.
5 days 11 hours ago
Thank you. Another one to add to the shopping list.
5 days 20 hours ago
The marvelfan site: the obvious speed at which funds are placed in wallets is something I read above and will repeat. Sometimes you think twice about purchasing funds because of how long it takes to get then put into wallets. If there could be a solution similar to how you have long time purchasers getting I stand downloads that would be very great, and would benefit the models as well.
MF is a great site, but as you also said a lot of models don’t update or update once in a blue moon. That leaves it to a select few that actually do. You are left trying to guess which have turned into message only accounts and which are just plain not posting anything. A way to see how active they are would work. I understand it could be a task to maintain, bus as you said the financial outcome is only as good as the work you put into it. More frequent posts and custom content is a good suggestion.
Hiring new models is always a great idea, but how do you keep it from getting filled by the models that are charging a lot for 1 pic and a 2 second video? Or keep it from models asking for 5 dollar subs to charge another fee in chat for “VIP” (which amounts to nothing different from the regular posts.) not asking for the models to do anything extra (maybe except allowing valensia to go back to the content she was making when the site first started…wishful thinking? JK)
The other sites open the possibility of getting more frequent updates but they do require a priority for the more active models as opposed to those that either don’t shoot very often or have stopped: I do think the idea you have to focus on the active and bundle the less active/retired would work.
The weekly preview works well, showing us what to expect each day. Could there be maybe a way to see when or how frequently the favorites will get posted?
The release of these updates has become more and more later in the day. It went from knowing it would be out in the evening to being unpredictable. The heidy sets sometimes get pushed much later into the night and for those that don’t have instant download privileges it would mean waiting much later even into the next day for a link. A set time in the early evening would be great. Also some models tend to have too short of videos in their sets. I know this may not be something you can directly control, but can probably suggest to them.
A longshot but ill try: maybe two updates a week on heidy? Pleasssee
I like that this discussion is being had. I look forward to seeing what other feedback is posted.
5 days 14 hours ago
Hi, thanks and love the feedback!
I mentioned in a previous reply here that we could add previews of MF updates on TM or MC. We could filter this by only showing and promoting the more active models. I think this helps and would get the general audience to understand who is most active.
About models charging a lot for very little content, it’s very clear this doesn’t work. You know it and I know it. It resolves itself on its own.
5 days 20 hours ago
Photos that I buy from models (except if you can download them in zip file) are quite difficult to download on my own computer (laptop) etc..
Please make them easier to download.
I also notice that photos are made smaller, so that you do not have the original format available, while you have to pay for them.
If I pay for photos, I want to be able to download them easily in the best possible quality
5 days 14 hours ago
Hi, I think you mean from MF? Anything you download from the main sites has little to no compression.
On MF, the platform auto compresses to reduce load on the server. There is an extension for your web browser that allows you to save the images that are sent to you. I don’t know if you have that or not. Unfortunately there is no good way to make larger resolution on MF, maybe ask the model if they know how to zip and send to you.
5 days 11 hours ago
Thanks for the quick response.
Indeed, it only concerns downloads on MarvelFans. On MarvelCharm you can indeed download everything neatly with a link after purchase.
Unfortunately, the plugin no longer works in recent browsers.
A download button for purchased photos would be nice on MF
5 days 19 hours ago
I definitely like the idea of some models updating weekly. As a huge Alissa fan I have sneak peaks of sets that were shot years ago and still haven’t released. Seems she shoots faster than she updates…which is amazing but also some sets I was excited for years ago still haven’t seen the light of day. I really enjoy the posts and it is nice to get those “sneak peaks”.
Having the store update say “every Friday at 6:00 pm” would be nice as I know I could go there, look, and see if there was something i was interested in. It would also be a nice way to start the weekend! Getting credits faster would be welcome. But I also understand it is done manually so it is a big labor to constantly update. Having a weekly schedule of when you release sets on the store would also help you manage this by knowing when your spikes in purchasing would happen.
I agree another website doesn’t make sense, as it would take more energy to maintain. Thankfully I don’t have to wait for sets as I have been with you guys almost since the beginning! But I could imagine the frustration of waiting for sets might deter future purchases, especially an impulse buy.
Honestly, you guys and the models have done an amazing job for years and years. The quality of your site and desire to create a better experience is easy to see. Costs for 95% of your sets are extremely reasonable (some milestone sets get a bit pricey which deters me from buying unless it is Alissa but I completely understand why this is so).
Please keep up the amazing work, and thank you for all you and the girls do to maintain the best site on the internet!
5 days 14 hours ago
Hi, thanks a lot.
Right now we are leaning towards a window of time to push out updates, maybe not an exact time. Between 6:00 and 8:00 pm, for example.
5 days 19 hours ago
New model looks great. Please include a bio. the bio is the best part. As a MC and MF customer for a few years now, the delay is a hassle. The add folks to a list so the the MC purchases are immediate would be a massive upgrade, and to be honest, create a situation where i am more likely to buy more. thanks for that.
As far as more updates to models, I like the frequency tbh. I can’t miss you if you never leave kind of thing. My faves are usually every other week or so, and that is enough for me. Maybe i am in the minority on this.
5 days 14 hours ago
You’ll get yours immediately now.
5 days 17 hours ago
Site Gimmicks
Teenmarvel could use a preview schedule like MC.
All sites could use fetish tags: e.g. Water, Chocolate, Mlik, Stockings, Lingerie, Casual, Outdoor, Studio, Pool, Shower, Christmas, Hallowen, Glitterdust Censored Feet, Naked in Sneekers… Its over 1500 sets on each site. The Girls did it all and If they didn’t: How dare you holdin’ out on us?!
Birthday reminders: for sbscribed models on MF. I could spoil them any day but what’s the fun in that?
Comissioned / Crowd Funded Shootings: I like a custom shooting but I am not a hoarder so MF-Creators could either offer Ideas and we Tip / Crowdfund (with a number of total tips shown in a post) or if we have a philantropist among us, who gets them funded. Then send in DM to backers or Sell on Blog / in Store (taxed with a modest fee) to have that warm ingroup feeling of Connaisseurs.
General Site Stuff
I am visiting the main sites daily to see whats up and in case of MC what’s coming next. So Updating 4 times a week is more than enough in my feed.
NOT in favour of weekly updates for Alpha Babes unless sites switch to consistent daily updates. I like the variety and yes… some models are more qual than others but I still enjoy a dark horse in my stable and be reminded of a friendly face. Ready your Ptchforks and Torches: But I say putting Phoebe and Vanessa off Marvelcharm was a great Idea. If a model can get weekly updates or more frequent its a blessing to fans and casuals to put them on their own deas.
Without new faces the site will die and I often go for debut sets and the first few updates but I am a sucker for Classic Models at heart. So Priority goes to them with me often buying sets in bulk later. So a Multi-model / Multi-set release might work. I mean, are we still tracking how good Becca, Val, Kayley or Lili sells? I buy all of them if not today then next paycheck.
I Favour Anita as a photographer regardless of the model in question so you could consider doing photographer bundles or model debutes if there is an overlap in fanbase of certain models who share photographers.
OR you could mix them up whenever you have your oh sooo tiresome team building excercises at the blue lagoon. I would have a blast if Jiri and Anita would swap models for an event shooting.
We already had the discussion of the Latina / Euro / Eurasia model split on MC and I feel it could be more even but I am also biased. All camps have bombshell models and Instabuy sets but you gotta like some of them just 20% more. MC could try hire some ‘Asian’ models. I only remember Isabella and Rikki
On MF I visit every odd day or two and it might be a generational thing as I am not a Zoomer. This works great with Amber and Anita, who are both photographers and are doing it the same way but makes it difficult to chat with any models.
IF creators update weekly (or even less) I would ask of them to offer 3 / 6 / 12 months subscriptions. Creators can always use money in advance and I missed some updates because they are no longer shown in the feed, once a subscription cancels. (and it takes a day or two to top up wallet and to resubscribe) I want to spent my hedonism fund on them but I can only click once.
If sets do not fit your style or update schedule or are ancient but internet standards, I would see them still go on MF in the Shop.
5 days 13 hours ago
Your “site gimmicks” are actually some of the best ideas I’ve read so far. I love the fetish tags (lots of people into certain things), and birthday reminders are something to celebrate.
Crowdfunded photo sessions seem like a win/win, there would have to be some milestone reached in terms of money raised. Once they’re funded you could get your photo set idea added to a list that might get done during the crowdfunded session. I’ll ask the photographers and models about this.
All classic models sell well, regardless of if the content is nude, non-nude, etc. A clothed Becca set will sell just as well as one where she is not clothed. Same with Lili.
It is only a matter of time before we add asian models to the Marvel universe. Our latina / darker skinned beauties like Naya sell just as well as the european models, but we do still want the majority of focus to be on euro models.
5 days 17 hours ago
I agree MarvelFans (MF) does allow for a interaction with the models whom are on the site and trying to encourage a somewhat regular attendance and response would be beneficial, the models that I follow do tend to have a regularity so I may not see a difference if there is a push with those. (Phoebe, Alissa, Katerine, Nicole).
On the site MF, I like the behind the scenes photo shoots as well as the interactions with the models, hearing their voices gives added depth that just the published sets for sale on the Marvel Teen and Charm sites. The models who have live streams with normal Q&As or outfit try ons are ideas, but understandably not all models are comfortable with the live larger audience per say than themselves and a photographer.
As to the time of postings I would love that greatly in whatever timezone is easy for the team or you doing that, I can convert to my local time accordingly, that would be good across all the sites even if they’re spaced out. ex. Teen Marvel 2000UTC, MarvelCharm 2100UTC, HeidyPino 2200UTC, etc… but times for posting on a regular would be good. Obviously things happen so I would be understanding, but in real life, technical issues etc…
I think a simple page listing to your active models vs inactive would be good, not sure if this is posted in places but it seems that the way to find out is either from direct posts or comments from others, hard to track if a favorite is still actively shooting or if they decided to stop either forever or for the time being. Not sure how this would impact or not the business but just my thoughts.
Overall I have had a positive experience with orders on the sites and fund adds to MF, but if the MF funds add is streamlined even more then even better but it’s good. Understand the processing fees and transparency either it cuts into the margins, you could increase the cost of items like other business but that would detract the value contained from the models so noting it separate is more transparent.
The one thing on the site which would be helpful is a search ability of the shop area, if we know a set name to find a purchase during an event that would be easier than going through the pages even if I narrow it down to a models pages of sets. Just a thought.
Hope Vanessa is doing well, wondering if there is any news on that front, heard somethings from Phoebe whom stays in touch from others whom ask but find it strange to do so.
Great post and breakdown for feedback Marvel, thank you.
5 days 16 hours ago
Going forward, we want to persuade more of our girls to join and make more consistent content. I’ll be reaching out to more of them to encourage more posting. But we also want to know from you:
Q)-What would you like to see from them?
A)—Customs are always appreciated. But also they need to be sure not to overpromise and misrepresent what they are including in their paid DMs. I’ve
gotten a couple of promises and high price only to see a sticker or emote blocking the promised view.
Q)-Or maybe it’s better to ask: what would you like to see from the models, and what would you like to see from us (management)? On my side, we can make more previews or run promos. On the models side, more posts, more content in the MF shop, custom content, etc.
A)—All of this sounds perfect.
Q)-And lastly, we’re curious if you would enjoy a few MF pages dedicated to classic or unreleased content.
A)—Unreleased is always a nice present. I am subscribed to Anita and I like how she releases the classics. Nice to see a story of a model over the career
Q)-For the first one.
A)— When the site updates hasn’t bothered me so much but knowing that I don’t have to keep checking in too see if I missed one would be a nice bonus. Late or earlier doesnt matter as long as it is a set known time
Q)-For the second one:
A)— How is a “popular” model designated. Same number of sets released and then compare sold? Some models are gorgeous but nearly every set is the same, so the buyers hold off and then their “popularity” is —decreased. Purchases are as of now the only metric to go off of. Perhaps some polls for the buyers, “Model of the month”,”Favorite newcomer,” “who would you like to see” “what settings do you like the most” etc. —I think pushing out too many sets over the week can hide a models released set because a new update is out.
Q)-A new website does not make sense
A)—agreed no new website is needed. In fact, is there a page that shows links to all site. At one point I had no idea some of the marvelcharm girls did guest spots on teenmarvel
—What kind of editing are you looking to have done?
5 days 13 hours ago
Thanks a lot for the comment.
Maybe we could do a model of the month, or “classic model of the month” that would feature a model who we think is under appreciated or less known. We could do the same for popular models and it would feature more updates from them. We did this in the past at TM, it might be good to try again here or at MC.
For editing, we need a photo and video editor. Anyone who knows how to compile previews, render videos, understand simple editing with Adobe products can contact us.
5 days 16 hours ago
MarvelFans – Not enough content, not frequent enough updates to justify memberships for most creators, lack of previews on ppv’s and the store you have zero clue what your potentially buying so personally i just skip what i’d potentially buy if there was some sort of preview. Quality of photos / videos, todays smart phones can take amazing quality photo/video, yet models use filters or i don’t know what to make it look like it was with a early 2000’s potato phone. Again, no interest in looking at terribly filtered/pixelated photos in 2025.
Definitely MF pages dedicated to classic/unreleased content, there are tons of old models i love, and know you have sets of them, yet you won’t sell them, and if LUCKY might see 1 set a year. Unreleased/Extended content is what dreams are made of.
What i’d like to see on MF besides more content/consistently and the store actually being taken advantage of with more updates, use it as an extension of MC/TM to get more sets out, you have so many models, variety is good, but getting 1 update a month from “popular” models is crazy, and every 3 months or more is frustrating.
Also allow models to post what they want, personally i liked the more risque content
More live streams of model shootings
MC/TM – a set daily time would be amazing, currently sets can be posted any were from 7pm to 6am the next day. which after you waited an entire week for the update you’ve been looking forward to, to then have like a 12 hour window to have to refresh for it heh.
Actually posting 6 updates a week, TM hasn’t been posting 6 updates a week many many times especially recently
MC been getting 5 updates and a Phoebe, you created Marvel Stars for Phoebe and Vanessa, post her content there, i don’t want one of the 6 updates to be Phoebe when she has her own site.
With more models, which is good, you need a way to get models sets out more frequently, so whether its like you said more bundles, multiple sets released a day.
Next part obviously somewhat dependent on what models is comfortable with but, for me personally silver level nn is minimum of what i’d expect (slips,sheer,seethrough etc), especially for older models. Like Natalie is beautiful, would love to support her, content is currently just too tame.
Also more consistent and maybe linear progression, will use a model like Sofie, she has several great sets, some from LONG ago, but most sets are beyond tame its frustrating, even more frustrating when her photographer is like a cockblock lol, she will attempt to show more, then they do there best to move the camera as quick as possible. Which again, she is clearly comfortable showing more if you watch the videos you can see this, but for some reason 6 years later, the tease with no consistent slips or no delivery at all gets old
Personal opinion, and i know you can’t control what models do, but man, having procedures and certain tattoos, just really ruins it for some models for me who where previously favorites. Also hair color/style huge swings, again personal preference but for some just totally changes there overall appearance.
Better quality Photography/Videography, again the equipment available today, especially if they are supposed to be a professional photographer, Jiri’s content should be the standard of quality, i know there are models who i like but stopped buying there content, because the image quality is just terrible for modern day. If you need to fly Jiri to these other photographers to teach them and get them set up with the correct equipment or something.
Marvelstars/Vanessa we were promised several updates, both about why the abrupt quitting, and potential return, or atleast return of being able to purchase already shot content. We haven’t gotten a single Vanessa update
Please let us purchase content thats already been shot!
Nipple TAPE! – get rid of it! personally its the devil, if there is tape there is zero chance of a slip.
What I would love to see, is some how to purchase sets of my favorite old models, who have sets sitting in the vault and never see the light of day Nika, Polina, Sheila, Patty etc etc
I’d LOVE to see new og silver girls experience level models
I’d love to see more extended/uncut sets/videos
More updates or way to get more sets of models you like
5 days 15 hours ago
I agree that the models do not post often enough on MarvelFans for me to visit. I would visit hourly if Vanessa ever came back and p[ay any amount. As far as updates, I would to see them a few hours earlier as they appear near midnight where I live. Taxes are fine, you deserve it for the great work you do. Thank You!
5 days 12 hours ago
I’m gonna take this backwards.
What would I change with Marvelcharm?
Perhaps including the newer models on the models page,
I don’t necessarily mean remove unactive models from there but it would open up space for the newer ones.
What would I change with Teenmarvel?
I think Teenmarvel needs a dark mode or something, it would be nice.
And Marvelfans?
Not needing to unsubscribe to not get automatically charged the next time you get/buy funds.
Hiring editors
My interpretation is Adobe skills only.
New models
Coming to Marvelcharm, Teenmarvel or both?
Time of releasing sets
The time of day has been working fine for me,
The only thing I’d be asking for would be
consintency on a weekly basis
What would I like to see from the models and you?
I always enjoy content more when the girls have fun and are confortable.
Maybe sexy selfie videos?
And I think that was it.
5 days 9 hours ago
“if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?”
I would add some batch buys. Like, “Seasonal Bundles”
Seasonal bundle:
-6X-8X the price of a normal set.
-For not so much frequently updated models especially.
-Should be a limited time offer (available only for one week in every 7 weeks for example)
-After buying a models seasonal bundle, for 6 weeks, new sets and videos should be delivered in a weekly basis like every wednesday.
-Like a pseudo membership on tm for not-so-frequently-updated models.
I would jump on that offer. Pay 6X-8X amount and let tm deliver you new videos on a weekly basis.
marvelfans wallet speed is a joykiller. should be fixed as soon as (if) possible.
4 days 22 hours ago
Welhether on MF or other I would be very happy to have older uncensored sets of Madison.
Basically and old versions of models that didn’t use to do nudes but now do so if they’re comfortable with it
4 days 19 hours ago
I don’t really subscribe to MarvelFans as the models I’m most interested in (Lili, Bety, Jesse, Elis) are not on that site. Bety is on MarvelCharm and I buy her material there.
For MarvelCharm, the site doesn’t render very well on mobile devices, or at least a fully updated iPhone. The upcoming models section is all squished together. Not sure how easy it is to fix but that’s something I’ve noticed.
TeenMarvel needs a special page for announcements such as this. The only way I knew about this was the banner across the top – there isn’t a “Site News” or “Site Announcements” page anywhere that I’m aware of. Perhaps some kind of Forum would serve this function. Also, easy to find links to the other “Marvel Network” sites would be good. Previously it was mentioned that the network has half a dozen sites in it while I was only aware of TM, MC, and MF.
TM also needs a better developed Models list. When I click on Models at the top I get “View All Models” which then lists the latest 7 releases then 45 or so of the site’s models. The issue is that overall listing is incomplete. Elis, for example, isn’t on that list and she hasn’t had a new set release in a few weeks and has somehow dropped off. Even if she’s no longer producing new content her old releases should still be available for purchase. I would also arrange that model’s list alphabetically rather than the seemingly random order it is now. MarvelCharm seems to be the same way. The model list should be all inclusive and have some kind of organization to it.
As someone who will always buy Jesse, Lili, Bety, and Elis I would, of course, prefer more frequent releases of their content but, in general, perhaps a bit more variety of what is shot would be good. That’s all well and good but what about some kind of casual wear or something that would be worn outdoors. The idea is to create a fantasy but there are more varied fantasies than just lingerie or showers. I also have purchased content from FameGirls and they have a good bit of variety in their locations and clothing even if I feel that site is kinda on the decline lately.
Bios of the models would be amazing. No one is asking for, nor expecting their addresses, phone numbers, or emails or anything but a bit more about them would be good. What do they like to do when they’re not modeling, what’re their interests, stuff like that. Just don’t have it say “Lili is an 18 year old model that loves to do this/that.” We all know that was true a long time ago but isn’t accurate now. Accurate ages are okay.
I agree with another suggestion in this thread about having a “production date” or “shoot date” somewhere in the set release so we know when it was made. I can tell newer (even pre-pregnancy) Lili releases from older ones but it would still be nice to know when the set was shot. Behind the scenes shoots or pics would also be very welcome. It’s understood that the models might not want pictures from their actual homes or personal lives posted but that BTS/Selfie stuff could be done during a shoot or something. Finally maybe a listing of the most popular and least popular shoots for a given model would be interesting.
4 days 14 hours ago
Thanks for doing this task.
I would love to see a link section added to the current bar, containing links to all of the sites.
much appreciated.
19 hours 2 minutes ago
Regarding release times for sets – pick a UTC midnight for the release date and stick with it consistently. I’m in the western US and waiting until 8+PM on the date of release advertised puts it at almost a full day past that date for much of the planet. When sets have been released in the past like this, it’s like Christmas every week when it’s your model(s)
Thank you Team Marvel.
6 days 40 minutes ago
I’m mainly on TM so my thoughts mainly reflect here. I definitely like the idea of more popular/active models updating weekly if possible. It would also be good if the feature that showed what updates were happening this week on MC showed up here.
I think a consistent update time would be good. It’s hard to say when would be best maybe late evening CEST-Early evening US time?
In terms of website design generally, I think the white background suits TM, but maybe the models page could have little bios about each girl?
Also, and this might be controversial, might it be time to change the site name? The vast majority of the girls are not teens, which is fine. With the other sites beginning ‘Marvel’, maybe it could change to reflect that?
Finally, more Naomi lol.
5 days 15 hours ago
I agree with the Teen Marvel point. Make Marvel the brand. You have Marvelcharm, Marvelstars, Marvelfans, how about Marvelbeauty, Marvelgem, Marvelwonder?
5 days 13 hours ago
One other thought, in the early days TM occasionally had little video teasers that would show off a few updates to come over the next few weeks (I definitely remember a summer one sometime ago). Something like that would be good.
Mr G
6 days 25 minutes ago
Suggestions for websites:
1. For every X sets bought, automate the instant download process for eligible and trustworthy buyers
2. Fix the broken and often confusing model listings on both MC and TM
3. Applied a while back for MS, still didn’t get through; this needs to be automated based on MC/TM/MF purchases
On the business side:
1. A heads up for models soon to be leaving TM/MC/MF/MS would be good and it can generate more purchases. Daniela just vanished from TM overnight as I was about to buy her content
2. Same goes for MF – if its a subscription-based monthly thing there needs to be a bare minimum of postings or at least 1 set/video per month. If the model wants her content gone, customers who are paying for it should be able to access it until subscription expires
3. MF needs a better preview of the entire purchasable sets similar to MC/TM
4. Yes, a Classic/Unreleased sets on MF would be great
Let me know if you need any help with the websites.
6 days 8 minutes ago
Implement new payment options. After single time purchase long time ago I’ve been permanently blocked from using my card on your sites and wasn’t able to purchase anything whatsoever no matter how much I wanted. There are enough alternatives that are as easy to use.
5 days 15 hours ago
If you are still interested, can you send us an email? It looks like a block back when MF first started and we were trying to filter out a lot of new users that got flagged.
3 days 13 hours ago
I am, I did
5 days 23 hours ago
Thanks for the opportunity to feedback.
I’ve been following your site pretty much from day 1, starting with the first releases from lili. Have purchased almost everything she & Rebecca ever released & quite a bit of other stuff.
To answer some of your specific queries
1. I don’t mind the exact timing of the releases. A lot of the site / appeal is around the tease & checking if the latest release is there is actually part of the thrill. Appreciate I may be in a minority on that one though.
2. I know you’ve upped the release frequency, but would prefer it to be every day without fail – you have enough models / content.
3. We’ve all got our favourite models & everyone will answer this differently, but a weekly release for lili would be great. I do like the idea of weekly updates for the most popular models with a bundle of others going out one day a week.
4. I’d love to see outtakes / extended sets from my favourite models. The Becca extended sets you released a while back were great. More of these would be very well received & anything similar from lili would be awesome.
5. I have purchased some of the classic sets from Anita – they were very good. I would suggest having free previews for the sets though & not needing to subscribe – I don’t want to have to pay to see previews of sets I may already have.
6. Some of the pricing feels a bit random – e.g. the last 5 lili sets have been at 3 different prices & there’s no obvious reason why. No issue with the general cost of the sets though.
7. Personally I don’t use marvelfans much, mainly as my favourite models aren’t on it any more. I’m also not particularly interested in speaking directly to the models, but appreciate many people are & it’s good money for the models.
8. Re marvelfans, I would suggest that all ppv content gets put in the shop. Some fans are interested in the day to day updates, chat from the models & would still subscribe to their favourite models. Others like me would prefer to simply be able to purchase sets they like.
9. The sites are easy to navigate & fast. The purchasing is easy (appreciate it might be a pain if people have to get verified first). Downloads are usually superfast. Customer service is very good. On the rare occasions there has been an issue, you’ve resolved it very quickly.
10. Is there any benefit in keeping Marvelstars running ? It must require effort to maintain. Now it only has Phoebe on who seems happy for the previews to be on Marvelcharm, I struggle to see the benefit in keeping her material separate. I’d suggest either closing it down & putting Phoebe’s content on MC, or using it for more models ?
11. I do have a comment re content – I think some of the photographers could vary things up a bit more. For example, sets like Lili Naughty and Rebecca Devilry had a different look & feel to their usual sets & both were very good. There were aspects of both vids I’ve not seen used with any other models. Having said that, I do appreciate the effort spent on new sets, costumes etc.
5 days 15 hours ago
Our models appreciate your years of support, thank you.
I will look to see what we have for classic sets or extended sets.
6. We’re trying to figure out a good price still, based on how good we think the set is, but also general price increases for hosting over the years, we’ve started to adjust pricing based on this too.
8. Most ppv content is in the shop, except Anita who sometimes posts them in a post only. She’s the boss of her own page, if you want me to post previews of those sets I can try that.
10. Phoebe doesn’t want to be on MC. The only solution would be to add more models to MarvelStars (which she also suggested to us). I haven’t found a model that fits and can be consistent with weekly updates yet though.
11. Agree, I would like this too.
5 days 22 hours ago
I understand I’m not the typical customer or who you are targeting here TM, but I have been here for a very, very long time so please allow me to add some feedback.
Marvelfans :
If MarvelFans is such a ‘high level importance’ as you say, why isn’t it better integrated into Teenmarvel.com and MarvelCharm.com, Heidypino.com etc…?
Currently, how does a new customer to the websites even know it exists? Do you only want established customers signing up to it eventually or how is that working? I never understood the disconnect, but maybe I’m just out of the loop on this stuff. I don’t see why there isn’t a small dedicated section of information on the main pages of each and every one of your websites at least giving a little info on Marvelfans and what it’s about. I would also add that Marvelfans.com still says “Grand Opening” despite it now being active for almost 3 years? I think that homepage could use some love.
In my opinion there could easily be some great cross promotion opportunities between the websites going on. Buy lots of credits on MF? Get a special on some new sets on TeenMarvel. Buy a bunch of sets on MarvelCharm? Get some promo code or something to use in the Marvelfans shop. Something like that, i don’t know.
As far as content goes I would prefer Marvelfans to have more BTS / candid content over just seeing previews of unreleased sets, although that always has a place as well. I personally like to see models acting natural and having fun off camera. Something I can’t find in the actual sets themselves if that makes sense.
One other thing you mentioned is about the wallets. It’s pretty simple, people want that process to be as near instantaneous as purchasing a set. They want to support and tip models on the fly, not after a delay when the rush (erection lol) is gone. I don’t think there’s much to say about that. You already understand the importance of this.
Models :
Another thing that I have been saying to you for years and years, but I’ll say it once again here. Models are the lifeblood of these websites, so why aren’t there still some proper pages to showcase them? I’m opening the models tab of this website in real time, and finding that yes, it’s still the most useless, uninformative page on here and it always has been. I get that updating the store with content has always been the most important thing, but straight up, after 10+ years, it’s is a real mess, TM.
New models are added, but have no “place” on the website.
Some models are on Marvelfans, some are not. Who knows?
Some models are currently active, some are not. Who knows?
Some early models have some really great content, and hardly anyone will ever be able to find it.
Also please add the “upcoming” sets to TeenMarvel, I’ve been quite used to not having it for over a decade personally, but it would be nice to be able to know when our favorite models are going to have an update.
Updates :
This is a difficult topic to address for me personally, but I’ll try. (I’m biased)
Do very active “popular” current models deserve more updates? Sure, probably, maybe? They are putting in the work afterall…demand is high. However these models most certainly already have other outlets their fans get to enjoy such as MF and semi-regular streams. It may not be fair to models who have less time to dedicate to modeling, but have sets waiting to be released just the same.
Should brand new models garner a short “rapid update window” for a time when they premier? I think so. It would certainly be the best way to get them into the spotlight and also let people see what they are all about with some variety. It’s good to know a little bit about how they plan to progress in future sets.
Having said those things, should “my” model (Lili) who was very much quite active for many years, and was undeniably probably the the most popular, but maybe isn’t as much anymore get less updates now just because time has passed? No. Absolutely not. I have tributes I’ve been waiting on the full release of longer than other models entire careers.
Basically what I’m saying is, there is no right answer. Trying to continue to evenly spread the updates around is the most fair way to do it.
Archive and classic sets still have a lot of value so maybe opening a “Marvels classic” MF page would be a good idea depending on what you do with it.
I’m not really sure where you stand with archived models or sets over all of TM / MC. How much unreleased classic material remains is a mystery.
Lastly – As far as the time of day sets are released. I don’t think it matters too much, late US – early EU seems to be the most ideal though.
5 days 14 hours ago
Your feedback is welcome and great.
As you know, we’re really slow when it comes to UI changes. What I have thought about doing is adding a row on the front page of both TM and MC that would show some previews of recent MF content. You would click that and it would direct you to that models MF page.
An additional way to solve it would be to have a link on each set that links to the models MF page (if they have one).
About the models navigation, what you said is more or less true. Nobody wants to spend time navigating, and getting people to find early content or great content that is years old is a problem all websites face. Some examples would be youtube or netflix, they show you the recent / trending stuff, but navigating to find older content is a nightmare. There should be a quick way, either from the front page or the “models” page to show as much content as possible. If you can help with more concrete suggestions, it would be great, because I definitely don’t have all the answers.
Updates will strictly be based on sales data, 9 times out of 10. If it’s Lili, you have nothing to worry about since she does well. You have to remember there is a silent majority that we have to factor in, these are people who don’t comment but are the majority of purchasers.
5 days 14 hours ago
Thanks for the reply TM. I sent an email as well to you.
I have a ton of ideas and I’ll try to present a more fleshed out solution to you in the near future. Basically I think each model and every model deserves their own “hub” of information (bio’s have been suggested as well) with as much relevant and useful links so that people can find what they are looking for. As you said, no one wants to navigate old, outdated information. I know it’s difficult because each model is unique and some may want more exposure than others.
I think the MF content row you suggested is a good start. I know the TM main page has some unused space that is currently going to waste that could be used as a quick fix. The “popular models of the month” section at the bottom could be moved to just under the daily update photos and be used for Marvelfans linking + upcoming weekly sets for instance.
5 days 21 hours ago
Hi boss I would like to see hotter scenes with more lesbians and more hardcore, increasing the level for the girls who feel comfortable
5 days 21 hours ago
I would like to see custom content offered. I have asked models before and the answer was no.
What would I change? No teasing and no explicit content.
5 days 14 hours ago
Custom content here or on MF? If a model says no on MF, there is nothing I can do, they make the rules.
No teasing and explicit content, I don’t quite understand so you would have to explain a little more.
Thanks for your feedback!
5 days 20 hours ago
About TeenMarvel site, I would like to have more previews as MarvelCharm. Why not monthly subscription (I know already been mentionned in the past)?
I’m not in favour to have exact time for update in each site.
About update, perhaps to do bundle from time to time as in the beginning (with new or classic models).
Add backstage content, not necessarily a video, just 1 or 2 photos, when model comes to studio in her daily life. Because it’s sunny/rainy day, or model is bad/happy mood.
Add extra set on MarvelFans, for models which are on TeenMarvel and MarvelCharm.
On MarvelFans, new models are always highlighted, but we don’t know when they stop modelling or decide to take a break (I think in particular to Andy, Riana we have no update).
5 days 19 hours ago
I like the idea of a time of day release maybe 4 pm est would be a good average time for most? Also selfishly more regular updates of lili and Kayley they’ve been closer to one a month! Even two weeks is too long lol. I would also say I think you’re doing an excellent job with the sites and have a good balance of models who do tease nude and hardcore!
5 days 19 hours ago
I would be interested in doing some editing as well I have some free time and the requirements to do the editing (basic adobe experience and a Mac) reach out if you would like to discuss further
5 days 17 hours ago
First of all, thank you very much for being open to feedback. Hopefully it will help you make the sites even better.
Let’s start with the high-level importance:
For me MarvelFans has turned more into an alternative way for Tributes, Tributes+ if you will.
I tend to ask the models for some previews their upcoming sets.
My thoughts on the types of content I would like to see as well as some ideas:
Previews of upcoming updates on the main sites are great
Random casual selfies are nice, perhaps something like a Selfie Tuesday or whatever day of the week really, as a way to get some posting consistency in.
If you don’t already, please provide the models with some easy to post or share pictures and clips from their shoots.
It seems to me for many models you have shot a lot more content than has actually been released or is actually being released.
Perhaps the active models could post more in the MF shop.
For the no longer active models, yes please, I would very much like MF pages dedicated to unreleased content.
I’m very much enjoying what Anita is doing with this.
There are some no longer active models of which I have tributes for still to be released content.
If there is only one thing I could ask for then please let it be this.
Mid-level importance:
1: An exact time would be nice but not really needed, fine as it is as well.
2: Perhaps the MF shop can help out a bit here. Though I must say a bundle once per week / 2 weeks with the less popular models seems like a great idea. This also make the wait more tolerable, as we would have a better idea of when to expect an update from our favorite model, even if she’s not the most popular one. Combined with the upcoming previews we have over on MC I think that would be perfect, something similar for TM would be great.
Also on the costs side, I’m surprised you haven’t had to do this sooner, over a decade of TM and a lot of sets are still priced around the same amount as they were at the start.
“And one last question: if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?”
Reading back on what I wrote above, I think it’s safe to say my main thing is: I would love to see more classic/unreleased sets become available.
5 days 13 hours ago
Great feedback, thank you.
I have requested that more models on MF do selfies. So many of our models really like to separate their work / life, it’s hard to get some to make this shift of only making photo sessions to implementing more candid moments. Some do it better than others (Phoebe, MC Nicole for example).
Fun fact about costs: if you use an inflation calculator, the average price of sets should now be around $16. We’re still in that range for most content, but some sets cost a little more, some cost less.
It’s still not great, because salaries and renting of properties has increased much more than the inflation average. We’ll be fine, just wanted people to know that it affects us too.
5 days 13 hours ago
I can very much understand why a model would want to keep their work and life separate.
As an alternative for those models, perhaps ask them to make some selfies before, during and / or after shooting? Which they can then post over time on their MF page.
Keeps it more separate for them as well as adding a bit of a casual touch.
5 days 15 hours ago
Get Vanessa to come back, and banish the handbra.
5 days 14 hours ago
I love the idea of unreleased/classic sets having its own category. As for other pain points; losing access to content purchased after a model decides to close their page on MF really sucks.
5 days 14 hours ago
I think better previews for content on the subscription pages is a must. Not all content from page to page is the same quality/length even if the prices are. (I’ve been bit by this a few times unfortunately) I think most fans can say that they want an idea of what they are getting before hand. I appreciate you trying to encourage more updates and engagement for some of the models. Perhaps for the ones who can’t update a page regularly, they could upload more store items?
I’d be interested in more classic/unreleased content if I knew that it was enhanced compared to what was out previously. Again, preview and transparency are welcomed!
It would be lovely if the payment system was more responsive. Current state is far too long of a wait to order from TM and get credits applied hours after the fact.
Thank you for all the effort you put in for the site, the models and the fans.
5 days 14 hours ago
I would like to suggest that when a model is leaving the site and wants all her content removed, that fair notification be given to allow anyone who wishes to purchase her sets would have the option to do so before content is removed. I was waiting for the next event to purchase Vanessa’s sets from MarvelStars. It was very disappointing to found out that she had not only left, but all content had been removed. Now today I find out that Daniela has left and will miss out on her more recent sets, as again, I was waiting for the next event. It also baffles me that a model can request to have her content removed. Is not Marvel the owner of the content?
5 days 13 hours ago
For Daniela, for now it’s temporary. Her content might come back, but in general I agree with you. However, lots of times a model appreciates when we do these gestures of good will, and it tends to reciprocate back over time. If we don’t agree to some of the requests, then trust is lost and that is very difficult to earn back.
5 days 13 hours ago
Sabi completely naked in body paint with nothing covering, and some more sets of her with fully see through revealing tops and bottoms, beaded, crotchless, etc. Slingshot bikini would also be hot, extremely small micro bikini, full fishnet dress, no tape for any of the suggestions. Hope to see alot more of this goddess in the near future.
5 days 13 hours ago
I would love more ethnic diversity with models. (Cough cough asians) OR for some to come back My all time favorite models from your site were Isabella, Karina, and Marina. All Goddesses
Idiot Savant
5 days 12 hours ago
I love the idea of a Classic/Unreleased section. There’s gotta be a vault of unreleased content.
Anita has the right idea.
5 days 11 hours ago
Q: What would you like to see from them?
A: Jiri, the photographer, is incredible. The camera quality and resolution are chef’s kiss. Being able to zoom in so closely is a huge plus for the TM/MC Studio. And he seems to really understand what viewers like – at least what I enjoy. Personally, I love “backside” (ass) shots. I’d love to see more of those angles and more models being as bold as Bety in how much they’re willing to reveal back there.
A: More ahegao expressions and tongue-out shots from the models would be great – playful expressions add a lot of personality.
A: Outtakes and bloopers sold exclusively on MF would be a fun addition.
A: Consider creating exclusive opportunities for extra/highly trusted subscribers/fans to request or help fund custom content. I realize this would require extra vetting, but it could be a cool way to build both deeper engagement and another source of income for the models and the studio. These supporters could receive special content or help fund shoots/travel in exchange for personalized ideas being considered.
Q: Accessing Funds
A: No issues at all. The timing of deposits has been smooth on my end.
Q: The timing of updates
A: No issues from me so far. I trust the MF community to weigh in more if needed.
Q: Which models to prioritize for updates
A: I apologize if I am not understanding the question, but if you are asking who I’d like to see more from: Bety, Beverly, Esmeralda, Kayley, and Sabi.
Q: Hiring Editors
A: I have a high-end PC, though very limited editing experience. I’m willing to learn, and if you’re ever in need of extra help, I’d be happy to assist however I can beyond just being a subscriber.
Q: And one last question: if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?:
A: Please, remove the auto-subscribe feature. When I top off my wallet – for example, to tip Kayley – it sometimes automatically renews subscriptions I didn’t want, which cuts into my available funds. It is quite frustrating when this happens, and has happened multiple times. I’d prefer to manually choose what and who to support, like tipping sweet Kayley.
That’s everything. Thank you for being so open to feedback – it’s thoughtful and appreciated.
5 days 11 hours ago
I would love to see a production date for each update. Especially in MF announcements are made for new photo shoots, but you never know which photo shoot was done at that time.
5 days 9 hours ago
I don’t have too many suggestions, so this is mostly feedback on what’s already been suggested.
Adding at least one more model to MS sounds like a good idea, then moving back to the Wednesday/Friday schedule with more consistency would be nice. Of course, if Vanessa decides to return, she could take Friday’s back and perhaps Monday could be used for the additional model(s).
The weekly bundle idea for TM and MC would be a nice addition, as long as each set can be individually be purchased. You did some of those during the latest event, and I thought that was a great way push out updates.
For update times, I think having a consistent time frame would be best. I do like the idea of between 6-8 p.m. EST. Lately, I never know when the sites will update, and it’s usually happening while I’m at work.
For MF, I think livestreams have been under-utilized. Phoebe has always been good about doing them, and I appreciate that a lot. However, it’d be nice for fans of other models if more could be convinced to give it a try. Chatting live with them, hearing them respond to questions, and reacting to tips and suggestions is great fun.
Also, there should be some kind of way to show if someone is streaming. Right now, you only know if someone is streaming if you’re subscribed to the creator, if they post something in advance, or if you’re constantly checking the /explore/creators/live page. Maybe if a creator is currently streaming, a banner could appear near the top of the content column of home page and explore page, linking to the /explore/creators/live page.
I do like the idea of having MF exclusive creators. That could be interesting with the right talents.
That’s all I’ve got for now.
5 days 8 hours ago
I can think of a few creators who could utilize livestreams more. Our photographers for sure could livestream their photo sessions, and some of the models like Aiko or Esmeralda could as well.
Thanks for the feedback on everything else too.
5 days 9 hours ago
Thanks for giving us the opportunity for feedback.
Older unreleased sets or re-released extended sets would be my number one request. You could sell them directly in the MF shop or if the volume is great enough have a separate MF account for Classics for a small monthly subscription. Anita has been knocking it out of the park lately. Please more like this!
Consistent time of day and even day of week for updates. I don’t think the current update cycle matches up with the days of the week. It would be nice if the days without updates were the same every week, like a Wednesday or something. There should always be new content available Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Anything for sale in MF should be required to have an unblurred preview. At least one photo, even if censored, is better than nothing. Again I think Anita is doing a great job with all of this.
It would be nice if we could purchase MC, MS or TM sets using MF funds.
Can you please add me to the list for instant TM downloads? Thanks.
5 days 8 hours ago
You’re added.
Not sure how we can allow website purchases with MF funds. We don’t want accounts here for people to login to. I would have to post the set on our MF page to unlock, I guess. Not sure about the demand for that though.
5 days 1 hour ago
May I also be added to that list please.
5 days 8 hours ago
It seems there are 2 of using the same name here. I am a different AD from the one than posted earlier.
I have only been a customer since June 2022 and am an avid fan and instant purchaser of just one model in particular (Alissa) and a purchaser of 2 other models at event time (Jackie & Jesse) so I have specific buying habits and may not be your typical customer, therefore my viewpoint and suggestions come from that angle……
MarvelFans – Alissa is an active creator so it is great to get previews of recently shot sets – and I frequently request unlocks of these sets instead of using the Tribute option on the main website as it is less ‘pot luck’ and I can choose to spend more if I want more from a specific set. The one downside to this is no video clips available as unlocks anymore (clips used to be provided in set previews when she first started on the platform ie a $20-30 unlock for a handful of pics and 1 short clip)
I’m sure subscibers to any models MF page would like live streams but can they be made available after the event (Alissa did 1 live shoot, and if you weren’t online when it happened (as I was not) then too bad)
I’d love to see more behind the scenes and/or candid content either on your MF page or Alissa’s page.
Maybe also some bonus content for those of us who support a model by subscribing continuously month in month out – not just join for a month to get everything and not subscribe again for a long period – this may help in subscription retention for models.
I have found one downside to subscribing to MF and that is seeing all the previews of photoshoots and knowing it could be 2 or even 3 years before I get to see a certain set in full due to the woefully slow release schedule for Alissa. I occasionally wonder if I made a mistake by subscribing and maybe not knowing would have been better, sometimes ignorance is bliss as the saying goes. But it’s too late now, I’m hooked and too far in to stop now
Finally on my MF thoughts…. shop content. From reading your comments so far it seems that another website will likely not be happening, nor will other models be joining MarvelStars – this means a model like Alissa with 50+ sets in the bag and likely shooting 18-24 new sets a year has an abundance of unreleased content, so starting to release sets on her shop is a no brainer.
Which leads neatly onto Updates and Times…….
A set time would be preferable given I know a set is going to be released from the upcoming release schedule. Countless times I have sat here in the evening (UK time) contstantly hitting refresh excitedly awaiting an Alissa update, only to get more frustrated the longer the wait goes on, and sometimes the set fails to materialise until the next day. The times the sets are posted seem to be completely random so a fixed would be very much appreciated.
Schedules – I like the idea of set days for specific models especially if this means more updates of the popular models (and more Alissa for me), so my suggestion would go along the lines of:
Day 1 model A, Day 2 model B, Day 3 model C, Day 4 model D, Day 5 model E, Day 6 bundle, Day 7 no update
Day 8 model F, Day 9 model G, Day 10 model H, Day 11 model I, Day 12 model J, Day 14 bundle, Day 14 no update.
So a rolling 14 day schedule and the 10 most popular models would get 2 updates per month, with the remaining models released on the bundle days – the bundles seemed to be popular at the xmas event judging by the comments at the time.
General comments regarding the MC and TM websites. I think TM has a much more modern look to it than MC, which I think could do with a makeover (not that it impacts my puchasing behaviour) but it does feel a bit outdated compared to TM. What definitely needs improving to entice new users is the Model Pages on both which are bordering on useless in my opinion.
MC Main page has a list of ALL MODELS (below the FEATURED MODELS) yet only lists 12 of them, maybe this could be changed to popular models (or just remove this entirely). The actual Models Page only lists 27 but should have the model catalogue in its entirety, and maybe add options to sort Alphabetically, Most popular, Release date etc.
TM Main page and Models page suffer from similar issues or even no models show depending on what you click on.
Needless to say, this needs thought on both sites to make it easier for new vistors to find content instead of scrolling through page upon page in the Store section.
Finally, continue the great work bringing us such great content and models, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds (and just a bit more Alissa a bit more often please)
Oh and if you could add me to the Instant Downloads list I would be thankful, I’ve had a dowload link sent within 3 minutes before, and some that have taken over 24 hours but usually they are somewhere in the middle. When it comes to the Goddess that is Alissa, in the words of that famous song by the band Queen, I Want It All and I Want It Now
4 days 16 hours ago
I have you added to instant downloads now. And thanks for the thoughtful messages and feedback.
We will work on the main site pages to update with the current model roster, alongside showing some MF previews. At least that is the current thought process. I’m with you on the scheduled updates, something like that is what we’re looking at.
5 days 8 hours ago
I agree with the issues you mentioned about MF. Beautiful girls with lots of potential but they don’t keep their content updated and don’t interact with customers. I was excited about one of the new photographers on MF, but it seems she is no longer active. I hesitate to try new girls because so many of them lose interest quickly. I don’t want to pay a monthly subscription when the model does not update for 2 or 3 months.
I would like to see more MF posts from them and offering more custom content. Collaboration with other girls when possible is fun too.
Speeding up funds transfer is a great idea.
Main sites
I requested instant download a while ago and I love it. I’ve been a customer for a very long time. I appreciate being able to get the content immediately instead of waiting a day or two. Thank you!
It is unclear to me which models are still active or which models have only old unreleased sets. Old sets are fine. But I am just curious who is making new content.
5 days 7 hours ago
Shoot, either I self deleted or I got deleted from MF. I don’t even have an account there anymore.
I read your post, TM. This thread is too damn long to read everyone else’s response and then your response to their response, so apologies if things are repeated.
1. I would like dates of when content was originally filmed and when it was released. Prob hard to do retroactively, but going forward.
2. MC is awful on a phone, you try to scan and it just goes on endlessly to the end of a page.
3. Delete or move non-active models off MC. MC basically needs a complete overhaul. Even on a desktop it’s janky as hell. The upcoming sets are always late and outdated.
4. Requests for specific content for models.Outfits, types of vids, etc.
5. Would love to buy clothes worn in a vid. Prob hard to do, if not impossible.
6. While I don’t get it as much these days, but get rid of that damn code on vids. Embed it. There’s no reason you have it OVER the vid, embedding is more secure all around.
That’s all I got for now. Thanks for all you all do.
7. Each member/email should be relegated to ONE ‘Name’. As it is now I can leave a comment as anyone. I don’t, but it could be an issue.
4 days 16 hours ago
Hi, I don’t blame you. I did not expect the long replies either.
2. Yes it’s trash, we never thought about phone when it was first designed. It’s a static page that isn’t dynamic for different phone resolutions.
3. Will do.
6. There is already some code embedded, however when people don’t “see” the code, they assume they won’t get caught. By showing them, it lets them know that yes, we are not bluffing. It’s not a good system regardless, I’d like to make it better, or use it sparingly.
5 days 5 hours ago
a lot has already been said. First thanks a lot for your work.
Definitely more unreleased for classic models is always a must. Maybe getting a “collector editions” special section on MC and TM. Some kind of vault that only trusted used could have access.
For MF updates, I think it lacks consistency. Sometimes we get a lot of updates the same day by numerous models, and then 2-3-4 days with very few updates. Also the problem of creators that charge for subscription but never update. A cleanup should be done.
For models, I always enjoyed ethnic diversity. It’s nice to have a mix of latina and euro models. Getting more asian style would be nice also (always missing Isabella!).
Finally, you should improve experience for mobile users. Most of my time spent on your websites are from a mobile device and unfortunately, navigation is often difficult. Buggy interface, hard to zoom, strange layout… I think MC is the most problematic. Also, MF interface could be improved. It is sometime difficult to access an specific model.
4 days 9 hours ago
Btw if not already done, can you add me to the instant download list?
These sets but with Sabi doing the same exact poses in the same outfits with NO TAPE please and thank you.
5 days 2 hours ago
Thank you for the transparency and for the opportunity to provide feedback. I’ve had some opinions and ideas in my mind for some time but didn’t know how to share them. I hope I don’t come off as being too harsh.
I’ll go in order of what’s written:
“What would you like to see from the models, and what would you like to see from us?”
Honestly, MF became stale the moment you decided to limit what the models can and cannot show. MF as a platform was a great opportunity for fans to purchase the content they truly want from their favorite girls. I understand we live in an era of overly sensitive people who can’t handle the idea that models have their sex lives and might want to share them, but what I don’t get is why others should be denied the option to access the content they desire – especially when there’s an option to buy stuff privately through DMs. I’d like to see that restriction lifted. If someone doesn’t want to see explicit content from their favorite models, they simply don’t have to buy it.
“Access to your funds much quicker”
This is a great idea, even though funds can already be purchased ahead of time anyway.
“Pages dedicated to classic or unreleased content”
This would be a good opportunity for people to discover new models and content, so why not?
“The time of day when each site updates with a new set”
I didn’t know it was an issue.
“Which models to prioritize for updates”
The releases of inactive models could be incorporated into your idea of a MF page for classic or unreleased content. This would free up more slots for the more popular models, and since all that content would be centralized, people looking for it might discover content they wouldn’t have found otherwise.
Regarding your second point: we were promised that six updates a week would allow us to buy much more content from our favorite models, but right after the change, you introduced a bunch of new models, and now we’re back to square one.
There are plenty of ways to address this. While I like your idea of bundling less popular models, I suspect others might not.
A better approach could be releasing two or three sets of the same model bundled together more frequently, without changing the intervals between releases. Another option is to release more sets on the MF shop page – lots of models are already on MF, but the shop rarely has new stuff being added. On that note, why don’t models release sets on their creator pages? They can already sell images and videos, so why not full sets? That would absolutely be the best way to address this. If each model had regular set releases on their own page where all their fans are, that’d be ideal.
My suggestion: keep releasing on MC and TM, but offer more sets for paid subscribers. It’s a win-win, more sets for us, more subscribers and support for the models.
Now to answer your question: “if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?”
I’d like to see all your websites combined into one, let’s say Marvefans, with an option to switch between platforms easily with a single click. That way, we wouldn’t have to constantly check multiple sites, more sets could be released in the shop (helping with the release slots), and with sets released on the models’ own pages, they could see their fans’ reactions and interact with us directly.
4 days 14 hours ago
Hi, great feedback. Thanks.
About limiting MF content: the problem at that time was the new platform caused a rush that many people (fans and models included) thought made anything possible. We did not want our models to do something stupid and risk content leaking that they would regret. Now that time has passed, we aren’t as strict about this as before, in fact I don’t remember the last time we told a model that they can’t do something. Many models sell things privately through DM.
And for sets, I agree that we and the models should utilize every tool available to get more sets out.
Combining all websites into one isn’t possible, they are built on different platforms. The best thing we could do is implement sets on the main sites here at MF, and you could unlock them with your MF funds. But I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that there are too many websites and there is a need to compress things a bit more.
cavit cilingir
5 days 2 hours ago
Payment system must change, you have to find other options cause i always denied even i was trying different countries and bank credit cards.
5 days 1 hour ago
My biggest gripe about MC and TM is that I have to wait a day or so to download content. I’ll send a message in contacts so I can get instant downloads. I did not know that was option before. As far as updates, I like as it is done now… most of the girls are so great that I want to buy almost all of them. To save me from going bankrupt, please keep the update frequency the same as they are now 🙂 Thanks.
4 days 14 hours ago
All done. Enjoy.
5 days 1 hour ago
I know your models set the prices, but they are too high. Especially for models like Heidy, and especially the $40 sets. It’s too much for a 10 minute video. I stopped buying Heidy, after buying like 150 of her videos because of prices, and the feet close ups are a major turn off too. I get some are into it, but it’s too prevalent. Another example, Kayley released a set to the store for $50. I paid, because she’s my favorite, but I won’t again. Too expensive.
Kayley does a good job with her MF site. It’s nice to leave a little tip and get a picture and short response. I tried some other models, but they were too inactive. I haven’t paid much attention to customs but they are common and pushed on other sites and I think there’s a lot of opportunity there.
Updates in the evenings are great. I miss Vanessa and Tina. Kayley seems to be less frequent lately. I guess the newer models are more popular, but I wish Kayley updates were more frequent. Seems like the popular models lately get super frequent updates, but they aren’t the ones I’m interested in. New models are always good, but for some reason the new models lately just haven’t gotten my interest despite buying a few sets to give them a chance.
Bundles with multiple updates of less popular models on occasion sounds like a good idea. So the more popular models can have more frequent updates.
I still don’t have instant on TM, no idea why, have bought thousands of videos lol. MF has been for years. I’m not too worried about it, waiting a day doesn’t bug me.
4 days 14 hours ago
You’re on the list for instant downloads on TM, I don’t know why you wouldn’t get them. MF funds are not instant, but everything else is.
About prices, setting prices on the main sites lower (including on Heidy’s) is a guaranteed way for us to lose money and eventually go out of business. By paying for a set, you essentially help us pay for the model, photographer, location, editing, storage, hosting, processing fees, taxes, etc (I could go on). And I know as a customer you’re probably thinking “not my problem”, but I’m just being transparent on where that money needs to go. For MF, it’s completely different. The model can charge whatever they want, then they get the majority of this. If Kayley wants to charge $5, $10, $50, she can. If it’s too much, simply don’t buy it. Kayley also likes her more daring content on MF for her fans to enjoy, that’s why we don’t post it much here. We will get to them eventually, she is still very popular here too. And Tina hasn’t modeled in 1-2 years, we just have a large amount of content left that still needs to be released.
4 days 11 hours ago
I gotta say I 100% disagree with the user above.
I LOVE the focus on Heidy’s feet on her vids. Sometimes I wish it was longer or that she did feet only vids for that fetish. I can’t count how many times I couldn’t hold on looking at her cute toes, soles, and feet.
Is here MF more risque?
She’s amazing, but it kinda stinks her best modeling years are wasted with her hiding those amazing, perky breasts! Even her booty hole. Would love to see her kitty, as well, but maybe that’s pushing it.
Heidy giving a pov footjob, or food foot play, I think I’ve suggested this somewhere before. lol.
Wait, you said Vanessa and Tina both stopped modeling 1-2 years ago!? I know Vanessa did because of some idiot with leaks, so her backlog may be released one day?
And Tina from MC also stopped modeling!? Crazy cus her sets seem to be cranked out. (Not that I’m complaining.)
4 days 10 hours ago
Appreciate the transparency and for checking TM instant.
It’s weird, someone checked before and said I was on but it still hasn’t been instant. I’ll check again next purchase, but it isn’t a big deal. Might be my old email address is on there because it’s similar, or a space in it? In any case, no big deal.
For the pricing, I do understand. It isn’t the regular $16.95 or $19.95. It’s the $44.95 sets that don’t seem to be worth the extra, and you’re right, I just shouldn’t purchase. I suppose if you get a large percentage purchasing those expensive sets it’s worth it to you. But, in the long run, I’m not sure it’s worth it because some customers are unhappy they aren’t getting all the sets. But I respect your response and firmness on that point and want to see you stay in business. So I may buy those on events.
And I forgot, the watermarks. Those are the worst, and the one thing I would get rid of. They utterly ruin the video. I understand the need for security and maybe they work sometime, but I hate them with a passion lol.
5 days 1 hour ago
I’ve loved all the sites for years now, my biggest concern is that years ago I purchased sets no problem and then in the last couple of years my set purchases would cancel, this would put me off retrying the purchase as it would take so long to find out whether the purchase is successful or not.
So definitely a quicker download solution.
Saying that, thank you to you and all the models!
4 days 23 hours ago
I’d rather see fewer releases, and more appearances by the top tier models like Jackie, Caroline, etc.. The cameltoe and tiny thong teasing is fantastic. Booty shaking as well. You already have a fair amount of it, but even more would never hurt.
4 days 21 hours ago
vanessa thats all im saying my love for models died the same time she stopped she was my number 1 my insta buy and i wont buy none till she return not a threat just only her fan
4 days 19 hours ago
I’m really not that interested in more explicit photos. There are so many hardcore websites on the internet and they get a bit samey after a while. More than anything, I’d prefer a move towards more glamorous photoshoots as opposed to the crude ones that seem popular these days (i.e. photos of girls with their legs spread uncomfortably wide and fingers jammed into their crotches. That’s just tacky.).
Marvel Fans isn’t something I’m interested in… at least until it becomes much better value for money. The only one I’ve checked out so far is Jackie’s which, sorry to say, was a complete rip-off. Does she really have any actual involvement with her own site because it seems unlikely that she’d be forever talking about how wet her pussy is and posting links to her ‘friends’ – who are all really rough looking tattooed porn star types? The actual content was pretty poor, too. One I bought cost me £20 for 5 photos and a 20 second video clip. Rip-off? Unfortunately yes.
For the future, I’d prefer a move towards more ‘wholesome’ models, not ones with tattoos and piercings. That kind of thing is a real turn off. Teenmarvel brings to mind more innocent models, not tattoos and piercings.
Maybe some kind of bio page for the models? It’d be nice to know if they have their own websites, Onlyfans pages, etc.
Could we have longer videos / photoshoots? I’d be quite happy to pay extra for a 30 minute video and I’m sure I can’t be the only one.
4 days 14 hours ago
About Jackie, that wasn’t on our sites, but we informed everyone that it wasn’t her managing that specific page where you saw that. It happens too often for us to count.
I agree with your other points as well.
4 days 19 hours ago
I think one main thing I’d love to see on alot of the purchases on MarvelFans, is a better summary of what I’m purchasing – I’ve had purchases where I’ve felt like I’m going in blind, and have not gotten what I had hoped for. Maybe something like ‘contains x photos’ or ‘2 videos x:xx total length’, that goes a long way in my eyes.
Also classic content is 100% something I’m looking for, even if I’m purchasing the same set, if I know there’s more photos, higher resolution, I’m sold. Anita does a great job, but more is always better.
And for new content, I think just more of everything, even if it’s vlog-style, with the models (cheaper) thru possibly something like voting for content (not sure how that would work, maybe model + outfit choices?), more content is better.
For update times, I think it does need to be set to a specific timezone, I’ve had a few times where I’ve waited for a specific set (on MarvelCharm), and it released a day after the date listed for me, so being more specific would be nice. Even if we had to do the math ourselves, list it as GMT or something like that.
As for the tax / processing fees, I’d say that’s expected, I know credit card companies make their money every ‘swipe’, maybe something like a bulk discount for people purchasing multiple sets at a time, so the fees are a lower percentage of the total? And to incentivize people like me who tend to purchase sets immediately, maybe set a ‘discount’ price for the first 2-3 days after a set releases, so there’s less incentive to wait on the bulk purchase – just throwing ideas out there.
Thanks again!
4 days 16 hours ago
Wish 1
An email alert when a model responds to your chat.
Just like when I get an email when there is a new update of the site of your favorite model that you have a subscription to, like with my favorite model Valensia.
That would be nice.
2nd wish:
Remove sites that no longer have content available.
like Mila on MF or Anita on MC
3rd wish:
A FAQ with content and not like now on MC: a FAQ with a menu but WITHOUT content!
I’m curious what is possible
I’m very happy with MF site with my favorite model Valensia (multiple updates every week!)
4 days 12 hours ago
1. That’s being worked on.
2. I think you mean profiles on MF. If there is no content, on the page, we’ll remove it.
3. You would have to describe your idea better, or give an example for me.
Wish 3: addition:
If you look at this page: https://marvelcharm.com/faq/
you see NOTHING.
so why create a menu with frequently asked questions while this page is empty and does not answer frequently asked questions.
It will certainly relieve you of emails with questions
So there is enough information to place here
3 days 12 hours ago
We used to have an FAQ there on MC, I’ll if it can be added back, otherwise it will be removed.
4 days 15 hours ago
First of all, thank you for all the work you do!
I’ve got a rather simple suggestion. I’d appreciate it if there were bigger preview pictures.
Also, I’m sure I’m not the only one who would be ecstatic if there will be more extended/unreleased sets of our classic favourites to be unleashed upon us.
4 days 15 hours ago
Holy smokes….total TLDR but I read most of it anyways too. Lots of great themes here.
1) Consistency/FrequencyTransparency –> Too many models without frequent updates as customers have varying tastes. Many have suggested (I would agree) that you keep some form of schedule for weekly models (1 release a week like Lili, etc.), bi-weekly models (2x a month release for Sabi, etc.) and monthly models (1x a month release for those with either fewer sets or less active). Transparency around each models’ category (1x a week vs. 1x a month) so folks can log in when they know their model will be released vs. not. I have my favorite models but some litterally come out once every few months if I’m lucky.
2) BTS –> Its super popoular but obviously up to each model in terms of what they are willing to share/not but would think it’d be a big hit.
3) Classic/Unreleased –> Someone mentioned it but bundles. Would think they are huge hit. Could off 5 for the price of but buying individually slightly higher than 20% of the cost in case someone only wants 1 or 2 of the bundles. Great additional revs and helps you clean-out and get caught up.
4) MS was a great concept allowing those of us who are long timers/purchasers were able to get “special treatment” and more revenue some of the more active models. Adding more there would be great if able.
5) Old/Gone models –> Someone mentioned that Daniela is gone…sad as i hadn’t even realized. Ideally if folks can be given 24hrs heads up but appreciate the models want them gone immediately. Hopefully they all come back (we miss you Vanessa) and put back their content but would agree with your approach. But sad none the less.
6) Refresh the pages so each model a bit more dedicated but would put this on the lower priority list. #1 I think would cover a lot of folks’ comments.
7) Also pls add me to instant purchase pls.
Thx and keep up the great work.
4 days 12 hours ago
Now you can see why we put the discussion here instead of MF… even here it is hard to keep up.
1. You have the right idea. We’re deciding now who will get frequent updates.
3. We’ve moved away from bundles, mostly because people don’t like every model included in a bundle. But I do like the idea of a bundle discount, if someone chose to purchase a bundle with all the models included.
5. Some removals aren’t permanent. I am brainstorming a few ideas, maybe putting their content behind a private access where our whitelisted customers have access. Not sure yet, just thinking out loud.
7. You’re added.
3 days 21 hours ago
Regarding no 5 – if that is managable, please do it. I was waiting for promo to buy Vanessa sets, and now they are all gone
4 days 14 hours ago
Hey! I keep getting this error when trying to buy from MC: “An error occurred, please try again or try an alternate form of payment”*. Could it be because I’m using a VPN? (The mc and tm site’s blocked in my country, so I have to use one).
And about what you talking about
What if models earned a bigger cut of their sales the more they post each week? Like, if they hit 5 posts, they get 60% instead of 50%, and if they go all out with 10+ posts, they jump to 70%(the numbers is just for example). That way, even models who aren’t top sellers yet have a reason to stay active—it’s not just about sales numbers, but consistency. For fans, maybe a loyalty program where they earn points for buying stuff. Those points could unlock discounts or let them “vote” for their favorite models to get extra updates. And about the site updates 30% of updates for hardworking models (even if they’re not the most popular) would keep things fresh.
4 days 5 hours ago
Hi, first off I would like to thank you for all you do.
I hope that I have something new to add. So many comments already.
2. More clear about what models are active, semi-active or retired. Maybe pages with those titles that link to the models.
3. We need more classic models! Please come back Nika
Could I please get added to the insta download on MC? I already am on TM and HP. Thanks
4 days 3 hours ago
Hi, thanks for your message.
1. Good idea, we can add that a portion of the set (or all) is an MF release as well.
2. I will think of something. We just don’t like to say a model is ever retired because it can be 5+ years like Rikki did and they come out of retirement.
3. More classics are coming.
You are added to MC.
4 days 3 hours ago
why not always give a discount on older sets like more than 1 year old. this should increase sell ~
Luis M
3 days 22 hours ago
TM have I would like to make a suggestion for a future models. She just turned 18: Modelo Julinha from YouTube, beautiful girl from Brazil.
3 days 20 hours ago
Even though I’ve been tempted by other models before, so far I’m strictly a Heidy fan so I’ll stick to her site and MF profile. Some issues are probably related to other models as well.
1. Consistency of updates. I am not a regular subscriber but I’ve considered subscribing every few months. The problem is Heidy sometimes doesn’t post anything for subscribers for 20+ days. I’d hate to pay for a month and barely get anything new during that period. It would be ideal to have a somewhat regular frequency of updates for subscribers like once a week.
2. Content. From what I’ve seen and bought, she mainly posts BTS videos. It would be nice to have more content custom made for MF like the PPV video she did during “Smoke show” shooting. It could be short videos related to published sets like the one mentioned or others she did for “Best student” or “Topless reflection revisited” or something entirely different.
3. Previews. All of her posts drastically need more info about what you will see. It could be anything or everything from: better descriptions, blurred photos, screenshots from videos.
4. Time of updates. It’s quite random. It would be great to choose a fixed time or a 2 hour period in which we could expect new sets. It doesn’t even have to be the same every week as long as we know when it’s coming. You could post an update on the site when you know it will be late or early this week.
5. I think there are some older sets that were not released so far. I’m not sure how many but it might be interesting to be able to buy them somehow. Maybe an occasional bundle on her site as an extra update during events.
6. Prices of older sets. Sometimes, especially during sales, I want to check prices of older sets and it’s a real pain in the ass. You have to add every potential set to the chart. It would be great to see those prices on the site. An alternative could be browsing TM store page with a category for Heidy. It’s somewhat possible to browse some of her sets for “Uncategorized”. You could link to such list on her main website.
7. Minor fixes. I think info about ideas, editing and resolution is meaningless at this point.
3 days 12 hours ago
Hi, I will talk with Heidy about what can be done for her page and the amount of updates.
I like your idea of putting the price on the set page. Thanks for the idea!
3 days 15 hours ago
Great to see this space for feedback!
I have a few suggestions on the sites, First Marvelfans:
1. Auto-renew when you don’t have funds or add funds to your account – I don’t like this behaviour of the site to renew a subscription when you add funds to the site. My suggestion is to have the option to cancel subscription or auto-cancel subscription when you don’t have funds. Then you decide if you subscribe again.
2. Have previews on paid posts – some posts are PPV and don’t have previews, so you don’t know what you are buying
3. Search in MF shop – currently I cannot search in https://marvelfans.com/shop a search bar would be nice
4. It is difficult to find the “purchased items from the shop” – you can add a button in the MF shop to take you directly to your purchased items. Currently you have to click on your profile and on the left navigation bar look for the purchased items.
5. Would like to see more “behind the scenes” of shootings. This could be content for paid subscribers of a MF page, currently only Jiri makes this type of content but are paid posts. It could be short-format or something more “casual”. For a time HannaFans and Anita did this.
For the regular sites – I don’t have too much to add to other suggestions, but also a search bar feature would be a good thing with tags like lingerie, stockings, cream, outdoors, etc.
3 days 15 hours ago
Sorry for all the posts! This will likely be my last. Just want to say, after giving it some thought, a dedicated Kayley site would be my first wish. I know it’s unlikely but if there’s any model I’d like to see weekly it would be Kayley.
3 days 15 hours ago
High Level
Marvel Fans Updates – I do not use the platform often but more previews and more content from the models is always welcome.
Marvel Fans Payments – Increasing the payment speed would definitely make me more interested in using the platform more.
Classic/Unreleased Content – I think adding some pages for classic and unreleased content is great idea. I always welcome more models, so if there are some that only wants to use MF and not the main site, I say we let them.
Mid Level
Site Update Times – There should absolutely be a scheduled release time. Combined with the weekly schedule, it makes things much more convenient when you’re waiting for a release.
For the release time, I think it should be a time that allows most people to enjoy the content the day of release. Something like 6PM UTC should work for most of Europe and the Americas.
Model Priorities – I like the idea of two updates every day, but I understand that not really doable yet. The bundling of less popular model updates is probably the next best solution.
Low Level
Orders and Emails – My orders have generally been fulfilled in a timely manner, however over the last several months I have experienced more delays than usual. Hopefully I can be added to the instant download list and that should resolve the problem.
3 days 12 hours ago
You are added now.
3 days 15 hours ago
I’ve been reading some of the comments and I haven’t read them all so I’m just gonna throw my two cents out there
Concerning MF, I believe the situation will sort itself out because the creators who doesn’t post as often or doesn’t update as much as they should. I think they will soon get the point of they need to be more interactive or that income is just going to dwindle with that also being said the models who don’t update frequently it would be nice to have something that says not often updated not frequent. Something like that to where people aren’t spending money wastefully if that makes sense. Also I know that you want to keep things a mystery but having previews even if they are asmall one or even slightly blurry.
From the model: if they are OK with showing more than MF should be the place to where they can show more without having to blur things or hide behind emojis.
From the crew: definitely preview pictures would be helpful as I stated above and on their main page it would be helpful to have something that shows when the last time they even posted so that way, if you subscribe to a model and wait, two months resubscribe because you don’t know if the model updated or not just to find out that they’ve updated one time that feels like a waste of money.
MF funds: obviously you’ve already stated that getting the funds quicker would be more helpful agreed but here’s an idea that I have since everything is under the umbrella of marvel when you add funds to you wallet, How hard would it be to make a login for the other Marvel site to where you can use your Wallet funds to purchase sets from MC, TM, MS, HM, LM,exe.
Classic/Unreleased content. I think that would be a great idea to have a section dedicated to unreleased or classic sets. That you could load as a package deal or purchase separately, but as someone else stated, make them to where they’re only limited for a certain amount of time which will a keep people constantly coming back and checking for new sets new content, and it would also make the unreleased/extended content more sacred to own.
Personal opinion, your update times would be nice to have a certain time to look at 00:00 for the updates. It would be convenient, but also make it a time to where it’s convenient for everyone.
As far as who’s more “important”. I don’t think prioritizing the models who update more frequently should get more exposure because then it just shows that XYZ models aren’t really cared about and that shouldn’t be the case what I would do is you update every day like you have been but let’s say Monday, Wednesday and Friday you also have a subsequent update of the less active models because they do deserve update slots as well If any of you remember the old silver sites, they would have all of their models photos and under each one it would say how many sets that each model had and then whenever they did the updates, it would say updated 3-26–25. so you know at that time to go check that models page and Bam see the new update.
A new website isn’t needed, we just need to make these more streamlined and easier to use
As I stated above, if I was operating this website MC as the example. Keep the header, keep the rotating slides of the updates, keep the slide of future sets but below have a profile pic of the model, have how many sets she has when you click the models name it takes you to her page where it shows her profile pic, a brief description of the model name, age how long she’s been with Marvel just a little backstory nothing in too in-depth. Then below that have all of her sets listed with the tags of stockings, leggings, tape handcuffs, leather, exe.
Do this same template on the TM site as well to be consistent.
Going back to the MF funds it would be nice to have a marvel login to every website. We have to have one for MS and MF lets do it to MC/TM/HM/LM and that way when we add funds, we can call it MARVEL MONEY and you can use those funds on all Marvel sites whether it be for custom, tips, MF subscriptions or anything marvel That would also help you guys understand where people are spending most of their moneys versus their emails.
As far as needing editors I have adobe and do car photography and run a YouTube channel so very used to video editing. If that could be any assistance.
3 days 11 hours ago
Hi, thanks for this and for giving us a voice.
For me update times would be great and an upcoming would be good too.
I like the idea of having a weekly update from “the vault” as well, ideally on the main page, personally I’d love to see more Bella.
Thanks again
Related Products
Give your suggestions and receive $5 in MF credits: https://www.teenmarvel.com/product/website-suggestions/ Dismiss
Got something to discuss?
Hi everyone, it’s been awhile since we made a posting with just discussion. I think now is a good time, as we are looking for feedback on a few things. Please note that this post might be long, therefore it’s not necessary to read the entire thing. You can still write feedback, this post just gives you a little more perspective on where my head is at.
We want to make the websites better, but want feedback on how to do so. I’m going to write my own list of what I believe and see (with our own data) of what’s most important. I’ll put them in tiers of high importance to lower importance. And just because something might be lower on the list, that doesn’t mean it isn’t important… everything is! It’s just necessary to filter things so we know where to spread our energy and attention.
MarvelFans is at the top of the list, as this is where most people tend to visit and spend the most time. It is also, however, the hardest to maintain and upkeep. This is because a lot of the models who do have MF pages either don’t update them enough or some simply stopped because it’s a big hassle to maintain. The majority of our models are not “full time”, and making content or chatting with fans on MF can be a full time job. It’s actually a big contrast, because the models who update consistently (top earners) are earning hundreds per day, a few have broken even $1000 on some days. More girls could (and should) work harder to earn this.
Going forward, we want to persuade more of our girls to join and make more consistent content. I’ll be reaching out to more of them to encourage more posting. But we also want to know from you:
-What would you like to see from them?
-Or maybe it’s better to ask: what would you like to see from the models, and what would you like to see from us (management)? On my side, we can make more previews or run promos. On the models side, more posts, more content in the MF shop, custom content, etc.
The other priority with MF is that you want access to your funds much quicker. I don’t know how fast we can do this yet, but I have it as a big priority to at least speed it up during peak times.
And lastly, we’re curious if you would enjoy a few MF pages dedicated to classic or unreleased content. Anita does this already, it seems to work well. There are also models that are interested in MF but not the main sites, this might be another opportunity to bring new talents, as we currently don’t do this. It’s something we are looking at.
The way the main sites update needs some work. There are two things we want to improve upon.
1️⃣The time of day when each site updates with a new set
2️⃣Which models to prioritize for updates
For the first one, do you think it’s better if we set an exact time that each website updates? If so, what time would you like? We think sometime in the evening for those in the americas / europe is best.
For the second one, this is more complicated. It’s more clear to us now that certain models deserve many more updates than what they are currently getting. Models who are active and still shooting to this day should get some priority. However, there are not enough update slots across the sites to make this happen. Everyone has a favourite model and it will be impossible to make everyone happy, so we will have to go primarily based on data on who sells the most to see who gets more slots. What I am thinking right now is:
-Popular models get more consistent, maybe even weekly updates depending on popularity. Then, every week or every other week, bundle a handful of the other models who are not quite as popular into 1 update for that week.
I think this will help solve both issues. Models who are popular will get more time to shine, and we can also grab a larger pool of the less popular models and put more of them out in a single update.
The other way to do this would be just to push out two updates every day or every other day. I don’t think this is feasible yet due to time constraints, but we want to consider it regardless.
A new website does not make sense and wouldn’t solve this. We do not want to make another website and spread your attention across even more sites (we already have half a dozen). This is not an issue that is solved with more websites, it’s solved with a few changes to priority.
More new models are coming!
Stay tuned.
Orders and Emails
Some of you have been with us for a long time and still have to wait for orders (excluding MF) to get to you. I’m aware sometimes orders get lost and take days in some cases. I want this fixed now. If you have been with us for awhile and have a few orders with us, send an email using our contact form and I will put you on the list for instant downloads. This will only affect TM and MC sets, it can’t be done for MF credits unfortunately.
Hiring Editors
We are still looking to hire some editors to help push out content faster. If you have basic adobe skills and an up to date modern PC, reach out to us and we can discuss offers.
We might have to charge a small tax on purchases going forward. This is because of tax changes and the cost of processing transactions, plus the cost of hosting and security. We used to pay a few hundred dollars years back, and now it’s more than doubled and costs thousands every month. If you see a small tax of 3% or 4% on a purchase going forward, this is why. We’re going to delay this for as long as we can. This is just a heads up to let everyone know.
The tldr of this all is to be a little more transparent with everyone, and also get feedback. Most forums and places of discussion don’t exist anymore, so hopefully this is a start to get more engagement with our core fans who want to be heard more often.
And one last question: if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?
In order. For the high importance, I personally don’t spend a lot of money on MF at this time, though that will change when my financial situation changes. From what I have seen, those models are doing a wonderful job.
The classic sets pages are a wonderful idea.
For the mid importance, your timing idea is fine. I don’t think the time of day is as important as consistently sticking to whatever you choose. Once people adjust to the routine, it will stick.
The bundling idea does sound good, with the more popular models getting time to shine. Though, I suppose that would make it more obvious to the customer base who is & isn’t popular.
As for one thing I would change. I would create a portal page on Marvelfans that linked to every model, to make navigation easier. Unless I am missing something, I can only find the “Explore Creators” button which only shows you 3 models at a time at random.
Thank you. About your last point, there is a creator page where you can see every MF creator:
OH! I knew I was missing something! Not sure how I missed that page. Thank you so much! <3
Hi, i would like an upcoming Updates-row on Teenmarvel. On Marvelcharm this already exists. That would be great. And the updates should come regularly, in the last time TM updates only every 2 Days, it should be everyday, besides one day. You wrote it on the last News, that every day comes an update. Maybe you can change the abo system on MF? Models who posting very often would be okay to pay monthly, but a model who post not so often, should be a free abo and then make a paywall on the post when she is posting something.
I think I understand you, that models who don’t post often should be free and the ones that are consistent should have a paywall. This is very hard to do on my end because our models are reposted elsewhere and even on social media sometimes, someone would be free to repost and spam this. And also trying to convince our models that they should post for free is very difficult in terms of persuasion. A paywall is a natural barrier to stop both these problems.
Maybe we can limit the cost of their subscription to a lower cost while they build their page out, and if they are consistent with lots of content, this limit can be lifted and they can price their subscription how they want.
Hello and thank you for having involved the fans into this, it’s nice to see the effort you put into keeping the sites working.
You already answered to the only point I would have liked to be tuned: the updates of non active models vs the new one since the coming of new models would consume even more slots. I agree with both of your solutions, the second one would be better, but the first one would be already a big step forward into solving the problem so I would be happy to see one of the two taking place. Eventually you could start with the first one and then if there are the conditions, move to the second one. I am fan of Angela and sometimes I try to contribute to push for updates but I can see that the slots are missing and latest update is 4 months old, so I welcome your idea and thank you for having paid attention to this!
This is a kind of two-in-one.
First, name the actual sets in bundles. Example. Somebody tipped me off to look for a Lili set called ‘Shower’. I looked all through Lili’s sets but it wasn’t any of the ones that included shower in the name. The only clue I was given was that Lili starts dressed in a black bikini/lingerie. I eventually managed to find such a set in ‘Summer’s End Bundle’ but I still don’t know if that is ‘Shower’.
Similarly, it would prevent the accidental re-purchase of bundles the customer already has. I nearly did this once. Once purchased, I can see video names, not the bundle name.
Second. A search engine (especially if tied into the bundle specifics). I know this can be done by adjusting the information in the address bar of your browser. But, in the case of the first suggestion, rather than trawl through 23 pages of Lili sets, it would be far easier if you could specify a model name and/or a set name in a dedicated search function.
Love the search function idea. We’re also going to tweak the store page to show more sets on a single page. It will reduce clicking through so many pages.
The Lili set you are referring to in the Summer’s End bundle is indeed called just ‘Lili – Shower’.
If anyone ever has a question about Lili sets, please do not hesitate to post anywhere and ask me. I can tell you just about anything you need to know.
I agree though that it would be helpful to know each of the individual sets in past bundles, but I would prefer if mixed bundles never made a return to be honest. I think a search function would be helpful, but would also take time to implement across hundreds and hundreds of sets.
Thank you. Another one to add to the shopping list.
The marvelfan site: the obvious speed at which funds are placed in wallets is something I read above and will repeat. Sometimes you think twice about purchasing funds because of how long it takes to get then put into wallets. If there could be a solution similar to how you have long time purchasers getting I stand downloads that would be very great, and would benefit the models as well.
MF is a great site, but as you also said a lot of models don’t update or update once in a blue moon. That leaves it to a select few that actually do. You are left trying to guess which have turned into message only accounts and which are just plain not posting anything. A way to see how active they are would work. I understand it could be a task to maintain, bus as you said the financial outcome is only as good as the work you put into it. More frequent posts and custom content is a good suggestion.
Hiring new models is always a great idea, but how do you keep it from getting filled by the models that are charging a lot for 1 pic and a 2 second video? Or keep it from models asking for 5 dollar subs to charge another fee in chat for “VIP” (which amounts to nothing different from the regular posts.) not asking for the models to do anything extra (maybe except allowing valensia to go back to the content she was making when the site first started…wishful thinking? JK)
The other sites open the possibility of getting more frequent updates but they do require a priority for the more active models as opposed to those that either don’t shoot very often or have stopped: I do think the idea you have to focus on the active and bundle the less active/retired would work.
The weekly preview works well, showing us what to expect each day. Could there be maybe a way to see when or how frequently the favorites will get posted?
The release of these updates has become more and more later in the day. It went from knowing it would be out in the evening to being unpredictable. The heidy sets sometimes get pushed much later into the night and for those that don’t have instant download privileges it would mean waiting much later even into the next day for a link. A set time in the early evening would be great. Also some models tend to have too short of videos in their sets. I know this may not be something you can directly control, but can probably suggest to them.
A longshot but ill try: maybe two updates a week on heidy? Pleasssee
I like that this discussion is being had. I look forward to seeing what other feedback is posted.
Hi, thanks and love the feedback!
I mentioned in a previous reply here that we could add previews of MF updates on TM or MC. We could filter this by only showing and promoting the more active models. I think this helps and would get the general audience to understand who is most active.
About models charging a lot for very little content, it’s very clear this doesn’t work. You know it and I know it. It resolves itself on its own.
Photos that I buy from models (except if you can download them in zip file) are quite difficult to download on my own computer (laptop) etc..
Please make them easier to download.
I also notice that photos are made smaller, so that you do not have the original format available, while you have to pay for them.
If I pay for photos, I want to be able to download them easily in the best possible quality
Hi, I think you mean from MF? Anything you download from the main sites has little to no compression.
On MF, the platform auto compresses to reduce load on the server. There is an extension for your web browser that allows you to save the images that are sent to you. I don’t know if you have that or not. Unfortunately there is no good way to make larger resolution on MF, maybe ask the model if they know how to zip and send to you.
Thanks for the quick response.
Indeed, it only concerns downloads on MarvelFans. On MarvelCharm you can indeed download everything neatly with a link after purchase.
Unfortunately, the plugin no longer works in recent browsers.
A download button for purchased photos would be nice on MF
I definitely like the idea of some models updating weekly. As a huge Alissa fan I have sneak peaks of sets that were shot years ago and still haven’t released. Seems she shoots faster than she updates…which is amazing but also some sets I was excited for years ago still haven’t seen the light of day. I really enjoy the posts and it is nice to get those “sneak peaks”.
Having the store update say “every Friday at 6:00 pm” would be nice as I know I could go there, look, and see if there was something i was interested in. It would also be a nice way to start the weekend! Getting credits faster would be welcome. But I also understand it is done manually so it is a big labor to constantly update. Having a weekly schedule of when you release sets on the store would also help you manage this by knowing when your spikes in purchasing would happen.
I agree another website doesn’t make sense, as it would take more energy to maintain. Thankfully I don’t have to wait for sets as I have been with you guys almost since the beginning! But I could imagine the frustration of waiting for sets might deter future purchases, especially an impulse buy.
Honestly, you guys and the models have done an amazing job for years and years. The quality of your site and desire to create a better experience is easy to see. Costs for 95% of your sets are extremely reasonable (some milestone sets get a bit pricey which deters me from buying unless it is Alissa but I completely understand why this is so).
Please keep up the amazing work, and thank you for all you and the girls do to maintain the best site on the internet!
Hi, thanks a lot.
Right now we are leaning towards a window of time to push out updates, maybe not an exact time. Between 6:00 and 8:00 pm, for example.
New model looks great. Please include a bio. the bio is the best part. As a MC and MF customer for a few years now, the delay is a hassle. The add folks to a list so the the MC purchases are immediate would be a massive upgrade, and to be honest, create a situation where i am more likely to buy more. thanks for that.
As far as more updates to models, I like the frequency tbh. I can’t miss you if you never leave kind of thing. My faves are usually every other week or so, and that is enough for me. Maybe i am in the minority on this.
You’ll get yours immediately now.
Site Gimmicks
Teenmarvel could use a preview schedule like MC.
All sites could use fetish tags: e.g. Water, Chocolate, Mlik, Stockings, Lingerie, Casual, Outdoor, Studio, Pool, Shower, Christmas, Hallowen, Glitterdust Censored Feet, Naked in Sneekers… Its over 1500 sets on each site. The Girls did it all and If they didn’t: How dare you holdin’ out on us?!
Birthday reminders: for sbscribed models on MF. I could spoil them any day but what’s the fun in that?
Comissioned / Crowd Funded Shootings: I like a custom shooting but I am not a hoarder so MF-Creators could either offer Ideas and we Tip / Crowdfund (with a number of total tips shown in a post) or if we have a philantropist among us, who gets them funded. Then send in DM to backers or Sell on Blog / in Store (taxed with a modest fee) to have that warm ingroup feeling of Connaisseurs.
General Site Stuff
I am visiting the main sites daily to see whats up and in case of MC what’s coming next. So Updating 4 times a week is more than enough in my feed.
NOT in favour of weekly updates for Alpha Babes unless sites switch to consistent daily updates. I like the variety and yes… some models are more qual than others but I still enjoy a dark horse in my stable and be reminded of a friendly face. Ready your Ptchforks and Torches: But I say putting Phoebe and Vanessa off Marvelcharm was a great Idea. If a model can get weekly updates or more frequent its a blessing to fans and casuals to put them on their own deas.
Without new faces the site will die and I often go for debut sets and the first few updates but I am a sucker for Classic Models at heart. So Priority goes to them with me often buying sets in bulk later. So a Multi-model / Multi-set release might work. I mean, are we still tracking how good Becca, Val, Kayley or Lili sells? I buy all of them if not today then next paycheck.
I Favour Anita as a photographer regardless of the model in question so you could consider doing photographer bundles or model debutes if there is an overlap in fanbase of certain models who share photographers.
OR you could mix them up whenever you have your oh sooo tiresome team building excercises at the blue lagoon. I would have a blast if Jiri and Anita would swap models for an event shooting.
We already had the discussion of the Latina / Euro / Eurasia model split on MC and I feel it could be more even but I am also biased. All camps have bombshell models and Instabuy sets but you gotta like some of them just 20% more. MC could try hire some ‘Asian’ models. I only remember Isabella and Rikki
On MF I visit every odd day or two and it might be a generational thing as I am not a Zoomer. This works great with Amber and Anita, who are both photographers and are doing it the same way but makes it difficult to chat with any models.
IF creators update weekly (or even less) I would ask of them to offer 3 / 6 / 12 months subscriptions. Creators can always use money in advance and I missed some updates because they are no longer shown in the feed, once a subscription cancels. (and it takes a day or two to top up wallet and to resubscribe) I want to spent my hedonism fund on them but I can only click once.
If sets do not fit your style or update schedule or are ancient but internet standards, I would see them still go on MF in the Shop.
Your “site gimmicks” are actually some of the best ideas I’ve read so far. I love the fetish tags (lots of people into certain things), and birthday reminders are something to celebrate.
Crowdfunded photo sessions seem like a win/win, there would have to be some milestone reached in terms of money raised. Once they’re funded you could get your photo set idea added to a list that might get done during the crowdfunded session. I’ll ask the photographers and models about this.
All classic models sell well, regardless of if the content is nude, non-nude, etc. A clothed Becca set will sell just as well as one where she is not clothed. Same with Lili.
It is only a matter of time before we add asian models to the Marvel universe. Our latina / darker skinned beauties like Naya sell just as well as the european models, but we do still want the majority of focus to be on euro models.
I agree MarvelFans (MF) does allow for a interaction with the models whom are on the site and trying to encourage a somewhat regular attendance and response would be beneficial, the models that I follow do tend to have a regularity so I may not see a difference if there is a push with those. (Phoebe, Alissa, Katerine, Nicole).
On the site MF, I like the behind the scenes photo shoots as well as the interactions with the models, hearing their voices gives added depth that just the published sets for sale on the Marvel Teen and Charm sites. The models who have live streams with normal Q&As or outfit try ons are ideas, but understandably not all models are comfortable with the live larger audience per say than themselves and a photographer.
As to the time of postings I would love that greatly in whatever timezone is easy for the team or you doing that, I can convert to my local time accordingly, that would be good across all the sites even if they’re spaced out. ex. Teen Marvel 2000UTC, MarvelCharm 2100UTC, HeidyPino 2200UTC, etc… but times for posting on a regular would be good. Obviously things happen so I would be understanding, but in real life, technical issues etc…
I think a simple page listing to your active models vs inactive would be good, not sure if this is posted in places but it seems that the way to find out is either from direct posts or comments from others, hard to track if a favorite is still actively shooting or if they decided to stop either forever or for the time being. Not sure how this would impact or not the business but just my thoughts.
Overall I have had a positive experience with orders on the sites and fund adds to MF, but if the MF funds add is streamlined even more then even better but it’s good. Understand the processing fees and transparency either it cuts into the margins, you could increase the cost of items like other business but that would detract the value contained from the models so noting it separate is more transparent.
The one thing on the site which would be helpful is a search ability of the shop area, if we know a set name to find a purchase during an event that would be easier than going through the pages even if I narrow it down to a models pages of sets. Just a thought.
Hope Vanessa is doing well, wondering if there is any news on that front, heard somethings from Phoebe whom stays in touch from others whom ask but find it strange to do so.
Great post and breakdown for feedback Marvel, thank you.
Going forward, we want to persuade more of our girls to join and make more consistent content. I’ll be reaching out to more of them to encourage more posting. But we also want to know from you:
Q)-What would you like to see from them?
A)—Customs are always appreciated. But also they need to be sure not to overpromise and misrepresent what they are including in their paid DMs. I’ve
gotten a couple of promises and high price only to see a sticker or emote blocking the promised view.
Q)-Or maybe it’s better to ask: what would you like to see from the models, and what would you like to see from us (management)? On my side, we can make more previews or run promos. On the models side, more posts, more content in the MF shop, custom content, etc.
A)—All of this sounds perfect.
Q)-And lastly, we’re curious if you would enjoy a few MF pages dedicated to classic or unreleased content.
A)—Unreleased is always a nice present. I am subscribed to Anita and I like how she releases the classics. Nice to see a story of a model over the career
Q)-For the first one.
A)— When the site updates hasn’t bothered me so much but knowing that I don’t have to keep checking in too see if I missed one would be a nice bonus. Late or earlier doesnt matter as long as it is a set known time
Q)-For the second one:
A)— How is a “popular” model designated. Same number of sets released and then compare sold? Some models are gorgeous but nearly every set is the same, so the buyers hold off and then their “popularity” is —decreased. Purchases are as of now the only metric to go off of. Perhaps some polls for the buyers, “Model of the month”,”Favorite newcomer,” “who would you like to see” “what settings do you like the most” etc. —I think pushing out too many sets over the week can hide a models released set because a new update is out.
Q)-A new website does not make sense
A)—agreed no new website is needed. In fact, is there a page that shows links to all site. At one point I had no idea some of the marvelcharm girls did guest spots on teenmarvel
—What kind of editing are you looking to have done?
Thanks a lot for the comment.
Maybe we could do a model of the month, or “classic model of the month” that would feature a model who we think is under appreciated or less known. We could do the same for popular models and it would feature more updates from them. We did this in the past at TM, it might be good to try again here or at MC.
For editing, we need a photo and video editor. Anyone who knows how to compile previews, render videos, understand simple editing with Adobe products can contact us.
MarvelFans – Not enough content, not frequent enough updates to justify memberships for most creators, lack of previews on ppv’s and the store you have zero clue what your potentially buying so personally i just skip what i’d potentially buy if there was some sort of preview. Quality of photos / videos, todays smart phones can take amazing quality photo/video, yet models use filters or i don’t know what to make it look like it was with a early 2000’s potato phone. Again, no interest in looking at terribly filtered/pixelated photos in 2025.
Definitely MF pages dedicated to classic/unreleased content, there are tons of old models i love, and know you have sets of them, yet you won’t sell them, and if LUCKY might see 1 set a year. Unreleased/Extended content is what dreams are made of.
What i’d like to see on MF besides more content/consistently and the store actually being taken advantage of with more updates, use it as an extension of MC/TM to get more sets out, you have so many models, variety is good, but getting 1 update a month from “popular” models is crazy, and every 3 months or more is frustrating.
Also allow models to post what they want, personally i liked the more risque content
More live streams of model shootings
MC/TM – a set daily time would be amazing, currently sets can be posted any were from 7pm to 6am the next day. which after you waited an entire week for the update you’ve been looking forward to, to then have like a 12 hour window to have to refresh for it heh.
Actually posting 6 updates a week, TM hasn’t been posting 6 updates a week many many times especially recently
MC been getting 5 updates and a Phoebe, you created Marvel Stars for Phoebe and Vanessa, post her content there, i don’t want one of the 6 updates to be Phoebe when she has her own site.
With more models, which is good, you need a way to get models sets out more frequently, so whether its like you said more bundles, multiple sets released a day.
Next part obviously somewhat dependent on what models is comfortable with but, for me personally silver level nn is minimum of what i’d expect (slips,sheer,seethrough etc), especially for older models. Like Natalie is beautiful, would love to support her, content is currently just too tame.
Also more consistent and maybe linear progression, will use a model like Sofie, she has several great sets, some from LONG ago, but most sets are beyond tame its frustrating, even more frustrating when her photographer is like a cockblock lol, she will attempt to show more, then they do there best to move the camera as quick as possible. Which again, she is clearly comfortable showing more if you watch the videos you can see this, but for some reason 6 years later, the tease with no consistent slips or no delivery at all gets old
Personal opinion, and i know you can’t control what models do, but man, having procedures and certain tattoos, just really ruins it for some models for me who where previously favorites. Also hair color/style huge swings, again personal preference but for some just totally changes there overall appearance.
Better quality Photography/Videography, again the equipment available today, especially if they are supposed to be a professional photographer, Jiri’s content should be the standard of quality, i know there are models who i like but stopped buying there content, because the image quality is just terrible for modern day. If you need to fly Jiri to these other photographers to teach them and get them set up with the correct equipment or something.
Marvelstars/Vanessa we were promised several updates, both about why the abrupt quitting, and potential return, or atleast return of being able to purchase already shot content. We haven’t gotten a single Vanessa update
Please let us purchase content thats already been shot!
Nipple TAPE! – get rid of it! personally its the devil, if there is tape there is zero chance of a slip.
What I would love to see, is some how to purchase sets of my favorite old models, who have sets sitting in the vault and never see the light of day Nika, Polina, Sheila, Patty etc etc
I’d LOVE to see new og silver girls experience level models
I’d love to see more extended/uncut sets/videos
More updates or way to get more sets of models you like
I agree that the models do not post often enough on MarvelFans for me to visit. I would visit hourly if Vanessa ever came back and p[ay any amount. As far as updates, I would to see them a few hours earlier as they appear near midnight where I live. Taxes are fine, you deserve it for the great work you do. Thank You!
I’m gonna take this backwards.
What would I change with Marvelcharm?
Perhaps including the newer models on the models page,
I don’t necessarily mean remove unactive models from there but it would open up space for the newer ones.
What would I change with Teenmarvel?
I think Teenmarvel needs a dark mode or something, it would be nice.
And Marvelfans?
Not needing to unsubscribe to not get automatically charged the next time you get/buy funds.
Hiring editors
My interpretation is Adobe skills only.
New models
Coming to Marvelcharm, Teenmarvel or both?
Time of releasing sets
The time of day has been working fine for me,
The only thing I’d be asking for would be
consintency on a weekly basis
What would I like to see from the models and you?
I always enjoy content more when the girls have fun and are confortable.
Maybe sexy selfie videos?
And I think that was it.
“if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?”
I would add some batch buys. Like, “Seasonal Bundles”
Seasonal bundle:
-6X-8X the price of a normal set.
-For not so much frequently updated models especially.
-Should be a limited time offer (available only for one week in every 7 weeks for example)
-After buying a models seasonal bundle, for 6 weeks, new sets and videos should be delivered in a weekly basis like every wednesday.
-Like a pseudo membership on tm for not-so-frequently-updated models.
I would jump on that offer. Pay 6X-8X amount and let tm deliver you new videos on a weekly basis.
marvelfans wallet speed is a joykiller. should be fixed as soon as (if) possible.
Welhether on MF or other I would be very happy to have older uncensored sets of Madison.
Basically and old versions of models that didn’t use to do nudes but now do so if they’re comfortable with it
I don’t really subscribe to MarvelFans as the models I’m most interested in (Lili, Bety, Jesse, Elis) are not on that site. Bety is on MarvelCharm and I buy her material there.
For MarvelCharm, the site doesn’t render very well on mobile devices, or at least a fully updated iPhone. The upcoming models section is all squished together. Not sure how easy it is to fix but that’s something I’ve noticed.
TeenMarvel needs a special page for announcements such as this. The only way I knew about this was the banner across the top – there isn’t a “Site News” or “Site Announcements” page anywhere that I’m aware of. Perhaps some kind of Forum would serve this function. Also, easy to find links to the other “Marvel Network” sites would be good. Previously it was mentioned that the network has half a dozen sites in it while I was only aware of TM, MC, and MF.
TM also needs a better developed Models list. When I click on Models at the top I get “View All Models” which then lists the latest 7 releases then 45 or so of the site’s models. The issue is that overall listing is incomplete. Elis, for example, isn’t on that list and she hasn’t had a new set release in a few weeks and has somehow dropped off. Even if she’s no longer producing new content her old releases should still be available for purchase. I would also arrange that model’s list alphabetically rather than the seemingly random order it is now. MarvelCharm seems to be the same way. The model list should be all inclusive and have some kind of organization to it.
As someone who will always buy Jesse, Lili, Bety, and Elis I would, of course, prefer more frequent releases of their content but, in general, perhaps a bit more variety of what is shot would be good. That’s all well and good but what about some kind of casual wear or something that would be worn outdoors. The idea is to create a fantasy but there are more varied fantasies than just lingerie or showers. I also have purchased content from FameGirls and they have a good bit of variety in their locations and clothing even if I feel that site is kinda on the decline lately.
Bios of the models would be amazing. No one is asking for, nor expecting their addresses, phone numbers, or emails or anything but a bit more about them would be good. What do they like to do when they’re not modeling, what’re their interests, stuff like that. Just don’t have it say “Lili is an 18 year old model that loves to do this/that.” We all know that was true a long time ago but isn’t accurate now. Accurate ages are okay.
I agree with another suggestion in this thread about having a “production date” or “shoot date” somewhere in the set release so we know when it was made. I can tell newer (even pre-pregnancy) Lili releases from older ones but it would still be nice to know when the set was shot. Behind the scenes shoots or pics would also be very welcome. It’s understood that the models might not want pictures from their actual homes or personal lives posted but that BTS/Selfie stuff could be done during a shoot or something. Finally maybe a listing of the most popular and least popular shoots for a given model would be interesting.
Thanks for doing this task.
I would love to see a link section added to the current bar, containing links to all of the sites.
much appreciated.
Regarding release times for sets – pick a UTC midnight for the release date and stick with it consistently. I’m in the western US and waiting until 8+PM on the date of release advertised puts it at almost a full day past that date for much of the planet. When sets have been released in the past like this, it’s like Christmas every week when it’s your model(s)
Thank you Team Marvel.
I’m mainly on TM so my thoughts mainly reflect here. I definitely like the idea of more popular/active models updating weekly if possible. It would also be good if the feature that showed what updates were happening this week on MC showed up here.
I think a consistent update time would be good. It’s hard to say when would be best maybe late evening CEST-Early evening US time?
In terms of website design generally, I think the white background suits TM, but maybe the models page could have little bios about each girl?
Also, and this might be controversial, might it be time to change the site name? The vast majority of the girls are not teens, which is fine. With the other sites beginning ‘Marvel’, maybe it could change to reflect that?
Finally, more Naomi lol.
I agree with the Teen Marvel point. Make Marvel the brand. You have Marvelcharm, Marvelstars, Marvelfans, how about Marvelbeauty, Marvelgem, Marvelwonder?
One other thought, in the early days TM occasionally had little video teasers that would show off a few updates to come over the next few weeks (I definitely remember a summer one sometime ago). Something like that would be good.
Suggestions for websites:
1. For every X sets bought, automate the instant download process for eligible and trustworthy buyers
2. Fix the broken and often confusing model listings on both MC and TM
3. Applied a while back for MS, still didn’t get through; this needs to be automated based on MC/TM/MF purchases
On the business side:
1. A heads up for models soon to be leaving TM/MC/MF/MS would be good and it can generate more purchases. Daniela just vanished from TM overnight as I was about to buy her content
2. Same goes for MF – if its a subscription-based monthly thing there needs to be a bare minimum of postings or at least 1 set/video per month. If the model wants her content gone, customers who are paying for it should be able to access it until subscription expires
3. MF needs a better preview of the entire purchasable sets similar to MC/TM
4. Yes, a Classic/Unreleased sets on MF would be great
Let me know if you need any help with the websites.
Implement new payment options. After single time purchase long time ago I’ve been permanently blocked from using my card on your sites and wasn’t able to purchase anything whatsoever no matter how much I wanted. There are enough alternatives that are as easy to use.
If you are still interested, can you send us an email? It looks like a block back when MF first started and we were trying to filter out a lot of new users that got flagged.
I am, I did
Thanks for the opportunity to feedback.
I’ve been following your site pretty much from day 1, starting with the first releases from lili. Have purchased almost everything she & Rebecca ever released & quite a bit of other stuff.
To answer some of your specific queries
1. I don’t mind the exact timing of the releases. A lot of the site / appeal is around the tease & checking if the latest release is there is actually part of the thrill. Appreciate I may be in a minority on that one though.
2. I know you’ve upped the release frequency, but would prefer it to be every day without fail – you have enough models / content.
3. We’ve all got our favourite models & everyone will answer this differently, but a weekly release for lili would be great. I do like the idea of weekly updates for the most popular models with a bundle of others going out one day a week.
4. I’d love to see outtakes / extended sets from my favourite models. The Becca extended sets you released a while back were great. More of these would be very well received & anything similar from lili would be awesome.
5. I have purchased some of the classic sets from Anita – they were very good. I would suggest having free previews for the sets though & not needing to subscribe – I don’t want to have to pay to see previews of sets I may already have.
6. Some of the pricing feels a bit random – e.g. the last 5 lili sets have been at 3 different prices & there’s no obvious reason why. No issue with the general cost of the sets though.
7. Personally I don’t use marvelfans much, mainly as my favourite models aren’t on it any more. I’m also not particularly interested in speaking directly to the models, but appreciate many people are & it’s good money for the models.
8. Re marvelfans, I would suggest that all ppv content gets put in the shop. Some fans are interested in the day to day updates, chat from the models & would still subscribe to their favourite models. Others like me would prefer to simply be able to purchase sets they like.
9. The sites are easy to navigate & fast. The purchasing is easy (appreciate it might be a pain if people have to get verified first). Downloads are usually superfast. Customer service is very good. On the rare occasions there has been an issue, you’ve resolved it very quickly.
10. Is there any benefit in keeping Marvelstars running ? It must require effort to maintain. Now it only has Phoebe on who seems happy for the previews to be on Marvelcharm, I struggle to see the benefit in keeping her material separate. I’d suggest either closing it down & putting Phoebe’s content on MC, or using it for more models ?
11. I do have a comment re content – I think some of the photographers could vary things up a bit more. For example, sets like Lili Naughty and Rebecca Devilry had a different look & feel to their usual sets & both were very good. There were aspects of both vids I’ve not seen used with any other models. Having said that, I do appreciate the effort spent on new sets, costumes etc.
Our models appreciate your years of support, thank you.
I will look to see what we have for classic sets or extended sets.
6. We’re trying to figure out a good price still, based on how good we think the set is, but also general price increases for hosting over the years, we’ve started to adjust pricing based on this too.
8. Most ppv content is in the shop, except Anita who sometimes posts them in a post only. She’s the boss of her own page, if you want me to post previews of those sets I can try that.
10. Phoebe doesn’t want to be on MC. The only solution would be to add more models to MarvelStars (which she also suggested to us). I haven’t found a model that fits and can be consistent with weekly updates yet though.
11. Agree, I would like this too.
I understand I’m not the typical customer or who you are targeting here TM, but I have been here for a very, very long time so please allow me to add some feedback.
Marvelfans :
If MarvelFans is such a ‘high level importance’ as you say, why isn’t it better integrated into Teenmarvel.com and MarvelCharm.com, Heidypino.com etc…?
Currently, how does a new customer to the websites even know it exists? Do you only want established customers signing up to it eventually or how is that working? I never understood the disconnect, but maybe I’m just out of the loop on this stuff. I don’t see why there isn’t a small dedicated section of information on the main pages of each and every one of your websites at least giving a little info on Marvelfans and what it’s about. I would also add that Marvelfans.com still says “Grand Opening” despite it now being active for almost 3 years? I think that homepage could use some love.
In my opinion there could easily be some great cross promotion opportunities between the websites going on. Buy lots of credits on MF? Get a special on some new sets on TeenMarvel. Buy a bunch of sets on MarvelCharm? Get some promo code or something to use in the Marvelfans shop. Something like that, i don’t know.
As far as content goes I would prefer Marvelfans to have more BTS / candid content over just seeing previews of unreleased sets, although that always has a place as well. I personally like to see models acting natural and having fun off camera. Something I can’t find in the actual sets themselves if that makes sense.
One other thing you mentioned is about the wallets. It’s pretty simple, people want that process to be as near instantaneous as purchasing a set. They want to support and tip models on the fly, not after a delay when the rush (erection lol) is gone. I don’t think there’s much to say about that. You already understand the importance of this.
Models :
Another thing that I have been saying to you for years and years, but I’ll say it once again here. Models are the lifeblood of these websites, so why aren’t there still some proper pages to showcase them? I’m opening the models tab of this website in real time, and finding that yes, it’s still the most useless, uninformative page on here and it always has been. I get that updating the store with content has always been the most important thing, but straight up, after 10+ years, it’s is a real mess, TM.
New models are added, but have no “place” on the website.
Some models are on Marvelfans, some are not. Who knows?
Some models are currently active, some are not. Who knows?
Some early models have some really great content, and hardly anyone will ever be able to find it.
Also please add the “upcoming” sets to TeenMarvel, I’ve been quite used to not having it for over a decade personally, but it would be nice to be able to know when our favorite models are going to have an update.
Updates :
This is a difficult topic to address for me personally, but I’ll try. (I’m biased)
Do very active “popular” current models deserve more updates? Sure, probably, maybe? They are putting in the work afterall…demand is high. However these models most certainly already have other outlets their fans get to enjoy such as MF and semi-regular streams. It may not be fair to models who have less time to dedicate to modeling, but have sets waiting to be released just the same.
Should brand new models garner a short “rapid update window” for a time when they premier? I think so. It would certainly be the best way to get them into the spotlight and also let people see what they are all about with some variety. It’s good to know a little bit about how they plan to progress in future sets.
Having said those things, should “my” model (Lili) who was very much quite active for many years, and was undeniably probably the the most popular, but maybe isn’t as much anymore get less updates now just because time has passed? No. Absolutely not. I have tributes I’ve been waiting on the full release of longer than other models entire careers.
Basically what I’m saying is, there is no right answer. Trying to continue to evenly spread the updates around is the most fair way to do it.
Archive and classic sets still have a lot of value so maybe opening a “Marvels classic” MF page would be a good idea depending on what you do with it.
I’m not really sure where you stand with archived models or sets over all of TM / MC. How much unreleased classic material remains is a mystery.
Lastly – As far as the time of day sets are released. I don’t think it matters too much, late US – early EU seems to be the most ideal though.
Your feedback is welcome and great.
As you know, we’re really slow when it comes to UI changes. What I have thought about doing is adding a row on the front page of both TM and MC that would show some previews of recent MF content. You would click that and it would direct you to that models MF page.
An additional way to solve it would be to have a link on each set that links to the models MF page (if they have one).
About the models navigation, what you said is more or less true. Nobody wants to spend time navigating, and getting people to find early content or great content that is years old is a problem all websites face. Some examples would be youtube or netflix, they show you the recent / trending stuff, but navigating to find older content is a nightmare. There should be a quick way, either from the front page or the “models” page to show as much content as possible. If you can help with more concrete suggestions, it would be great, because I definitely don’t have all the answers.
Updates will strictly be based on sales data, 9 times out of 10. If it’s Lili, you have nothing to worry about since she does well. You have to remember there is a silent majority that we have to factor in, these are people who don’t comment but are the majority of purchasers.
Thanks for the reply TM. I sent an email as well to you.
I have a ton of ideas and I’ll try to present a more fleshed out solution to you in the near future. Basically I think each model and every model deserves their own “hub” of information (bio’s have been suggested as well) with as much relevant and useful links so that people can find what they are looking for. As you said, no one wants to navigate old, outdated information. I know it’s difficult because each model is unique and some may want more exposure than others.
I think the MF content row you suggested is a good start. I know the TM main page has some unused space that is currently going to waste that could be used as a quick fix. The “popular models of the month” section at the bottom could be moved to just under the daily update photos and be used for Marvelfans linking + upcoming weekly sets for instance.
Hi boss I would like to see hotter scenes with more lesbians and more hardcore, increasing the level for the girls who feel comfortable
I would like to see custom content offered. I have asked models before and the answer was no.
What would I change? No teasing and no explicit content.
Custom content here or on MF? If a model says no on MF, there is nothing I can do, they make the rules.
No teasing and explicit content, I don’t quite understand so you would have to explain a little more.
Thanks for your feedback!
About TeenMarvel site, I would like to have more previews as MarvelCharm. Why not monthly subscription (I know already been mentionned in the past)?
I’m not in favour to have exact time for update in each site.
About update, perhaps to do bundle from time to time as in the beginning (with new or classic models).
Add backstage content, not necessarily a video, just 1 or 2 photos, when model comes to studio in her daily life. Because it’s sunny/rainy day, or model is bad/happy mood.
Add extra set on MarvelFans, for models which are on TeenMarvel and MarvelCharm.
On MarvelFans, new models are always highlighted, but we don’t know when they stop modelling or decide to take a break (I think in particular to Andy, Riana we have no update).
I like the idea of a time of day release maybe 4 pm est would be a good average time for most? Also selfishly more regular updates of lili and Kayley they’ve been closer to one a month! Even two weeks is too long lol. I would also say I think you’re doing an excellent job with the sites and have a good balance of models who do tease nude and hardcore!
I would be interested in doing some editing as well I have some free time and the requirements to do the editing (basic adobe experience and a Mac) reach out if you would like to discuss further
First of all, thank you very much for being open to feedback. Hopefully it will help you make the sites even better.
Let’s start with the high-level importance:
For me MarvelFans has turned more into an alternative way for Tributes, Tributes+ if you will.
I tend to ask the models for some previews their upcoming sets.
My thoughts on the types of content I would like to see as well as some ideas:
Previews of upcoming updates on the main sites are great
Random casual selfies are nice, perhaps something like a Selfie Tuesday or whatever day of the week really, as a way to get some posting consistency in.
If you don’t already, please provide the models with some easy to post or share pictures and clips from their shoots.
It seems to me for many models you have shot a lot more content than has actually been released or is actually being released.
Perhaps the active models could post more in the MF shop.
For the no longer active models, yes please, I would very much like MF pages dedicated to unreleased content.
I’m very much enjoying what Anita is doing with this.
There are some no longer active models of which I have tributes for still to be released content.
If there is only one thing I could ask for then please let it be this.
Mid-level importance:
1: An exact time would be nice but not really needed, fine as it is as well.
2: Perhaps the MF shop can help out a bit here. Though I must say a bundle once per week / 2 weeks with the less popular models seems like a great idea. This also make the wait more tolerable, as we would have a better idea of when to expect an update from our favorite model, even if she’s not the most popular one. Combined with the upcoming previews we have over on MC I think that would be perfect, something similar for TM would be great.
Also on the costs side, I’m surprised you haven’t had to do this sooner, over a decade of TM and a lot of sets are still priced around the same amount as they were at the start.
“And one last question: if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?”
Reading back on what I wrote above, I think it’s safe to say my main thing is: I would love to see more classic/unreleased sets become available.
Great feedback, thank you.
I have requested that more models on MF do selfies. So many of our models really like to separate their work / life, it’s hard to get some to make this shift of only making photo sessions to implementing more candid moments. Some do it better than others (Phoebe, MC Nicole for example).
Fun fact about costs: if you use an inflation calculator, the average price of sets should now be around $16. We’re still in that range for most content, but some sets cost a little more, some cost less.
It’s still not great, because salaries and renting of properties has increased much more than the inflation average. We’ll be fine, just wanted people to know that it affects us too.
I can very much understand why a model would want to keep their work and life separate.
As an alternative for those models, perhaps ask them to make some selfies before, during and / or after shooting? Which they can then post over time on their MF page.
Keeps it more separate for them as well as adding a bit of a casual touch.
Get Vanessa to come back, and banish the handbra.
I love the idea of unreleased/classic sets having its own category. As for other pain points; losing access to content purchased after a model decides to close their page on MF really sucks.
I think better previews for content on the subscription pages is a must. Not all content from page to page is the same quality/length even if the prices are. (I’ve been bit by this a few times unfortunately) I think most fans can say that they want an idea of what they are getting before hand. I appreciate you trying to encourage more updates and engagement for some of the models. Perhaps for the ones who can’t update a page regularly, they could upload more store items?
I’d be interested in more classic/unreleased content if I knew that it was enhanced compared to what was out previously. Again, preview and transparency are welcomed!
It would be lovely if the payment system was more responsive. Current state is far too long of a wait to order from TM and get credits applied hours after the fact.
Thank you for all the effort you put in for the site, the models and the fans.
I would like to suggest that when a model is leaving the site and wants all her content removed, that fair notification be given to allow anyone who wishes to purchase her sets would have the option to do so before content is removed. I was waiting for the next event to purchase Vanessa’s sets from MarvelStars. It was very disappointing to found out that she had not only left, but all content had been removed. Now today I find out that Daniela has left and will miss out on her more recent sets, as again, I was waiting for the next event. It also baffles me that a model can request to have her content removed. Is not Marvel the owner of the content?
For Daniela, for now it’s temporary. Her content might come back, but in general I agree with you. However, lots of times a model appreciates when we do these gestures of good will, and it tends to reciprocate back over time. If we don’t agree to some of the requests, then trust is lost and that is very difficult to earn back.
Sabi completely naked in body paint with nothing covering, and some more sets of her with fully see through revealing tops and bottoms, beaded, crotchless, etc. Slingshot bikini would also be hot, extremely small micro bikini, full fishnet dress, no tape for any of the suggestions. Hope to see alot more of this goddess in the near future.
I would love more ethnic diversity with models. (Cough cough asians) OR for some to come back My all time favorite models from your site were Isabella, Karina, and Marina. All Goddesses
I love the idea of a Classic/Unreleased section. There’s gotta be a vault of unreleased content.
Anita has the right idea.
Q: What would you like to see from them?
A: Jiri, the photographer, is incredible. The camera quality and resolution are chef’s kiss. Being able to zoom in so closely is a huge plus for the TM/MC Studio. And he seems to really understand what viewers like – at least what I enjoy. Personally, I love “backside” (ass) shots. I’d love to see more of those angles and more models being as bold as Bety in how much they’re willing to reveal back there.
A: More ahegao expressions and tongue-out shots from the models would be great – playful expressions add a lot of personality.
A: Outtakes and bloopers sold exclusively on MF would be a fun addition.
A: Consider creating exclusive opportunities for extra/highly trusted subscribers/fans to request or help fund custom content. I realize this would require extra vetting, but it could be a cool way to build both deeper engagement and another source of income for the models and the studio. These supporters could receive special content or help fund shoots/travel in exchange for personalized ideas being considered.
Q: Accessing Funds
A: No issues at all. The timing of deposits has been smooth on my end.
Q: Classic or Unreleased Content
A: Claire. She is so pretty and it is a shame such few sets featuring her were released: https://www.teenmarvel.com/product-category/claire/
Q: The timing of updates
A: No issues from me so far. I trust the MF community to weigh in more if needed.
Q: Which models to prioritize for updates
A: I apologize if I am not understanding the question, but if you are asking who I’d like to see more from: Bety, Beverly, Esmeralda, Kayley, and Sabi.
Q: Hiring Editors
A: I have a high-end PC, though very limited editing experience. I’m willing to learn, and if you’re ever in need of extra help, I’d be happy to assist however I can beyond just being a subscriber.
Q: And one last question: if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?:
A: Please, remove the auto-subscribe feature. When I top off my wallet – for example, to tip Kayley – it sometimes automatically renews subscriptions I didn’t want, which cuts into my available funds. It is quite frustrating when this happens, and has happened multiple times. I’d prefer to manually choose what and who to support, like tipping sweet Kayley.
That’s everything. Thank you for being so open to feedback – it’s thoughtful and appreciated.
I would love to see a production date for each update. Especially in MF announcements are made for new photo shoots, but you never know which photo shoot was done at that time.
I don’t have too many suggestions, so this is mostly feedback on what’s already been suggested.
Adding at least one more model to MS sounds like a good idea, then moving back to the Wednesday/Friday schedule with more consistency would be nice. Of course, if Vanessa decides to return, she could take Friday’s back and perhaps Monday could be used for the additional model(s).
The weekly bundle idea for TM and MC would be a nice addition, as long as each set can be individually be purchased. You did some of those during the latest event, and I thought that was a great way push out updates.
For update times, I think having a consistent time frame would be best. I do like the idea of between 6-8 p.m. EST. Lately, I never know when the sites will update, and it’s usually happening while I’m at work.
For MF, I think livestreams have been under-utilized. Phoebe has always been good about doing them, and I appreciate that a lot. However, it’d be nice for fans of other models if more could be convinced to give it a try. Chatting live with them, hearing them respond to questions, and reacting to tips and suggestions is great fun.
Also, there should be some kind of way to show if someone is streaming. Right now, you only know if someone is streaming if you’re subscribed to the creator, if they post something in advance, or if you’re constantly checking the /explore/creators/live page. Maybe if a creator is currently streaming, a banner could appear near the top of the content column of home page and explore page, linking to the /explore/creators/live page.
I do like the idea of having MF exclusive creators. That could be interesting with the right talents.
That’s all I’ve got for now.
I can think of a few creators who could utilize livestreams more. Our photographers for sure could livestream their photo sessions, and some of the models like Aiko or Esmeralda could as well.
Thanks for the feedback on everything else too.
Thanks for giving us the opportunity for feedback.
Older unreleased sets or re-released extended sets would be my number one request. You could sell them directly in the MF shop or if the volume is great enough have a separate MF account for Classics for a small monthly subscription. Anita has been knocking it out of the park lately. Please more like this!
Consistent time of day and even day of week for updates. I don’t think the current update cycle matches up with the days of the week. It would be nice if the days without updates were the same every week, like a Wednesday or something. There should always be new content available Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Anything for sale in MF should be required to have an unblurred preview. At least one photo, even if censored, is better than nothing. Again I think Anita is doing a great job with all of this.
It would be nice if we could purchase MC, MS or TM sets using MF funds.
Can you please add me to the list for instant TM downloads? Thanks.
You’re added.
Not sure how we can allow website purchases with MF funds. We don’t want accounts here for people to login to. I would have to post the set on our MF page to unlock, I guess. Not sure about the demand for that though.
May I also be added to that list please.
It seems there are 2 of using the same name here. I am a different AD from the one than posted earlier.
I have only been a customer since June 2022 and am an avid fan and instant purchaser of just one model in particular (Alissa) and a purchaser of 2 other models at event time (Jackie & Jesse) so I have specific buying habits and may not be your typical customer, therefore my viewpoint and suggestions come from that angle……
MarvelFans – Alissa is an active creator so it is great to get previews of recently shot sets – and I frequently request unlocks of these sets instead of using the Tribute option on the main website as it is less ‘pot luck’ and I can choose to spend more if I want more from a specific set. The one downside to this is no video clips available as unlocks anymore (clips used to be provided in set previews when she first started on the platform ie a $20-30 unlock for a handful of pics and 1 short clip)
I’m sure subscibers to any models MF page would like live streams but can they be made available after the event (Alissa did 1 live shoot, and if you weren’t online when it happened (as I was not) then too bad)
I’d love to see more behind the scenes and/or candid content either on your MF page or Alissa’s page.
Maybe also some bonus content for those of us who support a model by subscribing continuously month in month out – not just join for a month to get everything and not subscribe again for a long period – this may help in subscription retention for models.
I have found one downside to subscribing to MF and that is seeing all the previews of photoshoots and knowing it could be 2 or even 3 years before I get to see a certain set in full due to the woefully slow release schedule for Alissa. I occasionally wonder if I made a mistake by subscribing and maybe not knowing would have been better, sometimes ignorance is bliss as the saying goes. But it’s too late now, I’m hooked and too far in to stop now
Finally on my MF thoughts…. shop content. From reading your comments so far it seems that another website will likely not be happening, nor will other models be joining MarvelStars – this means a model like Alissa with 50+ sets in the bag and likely shooting 18-24 new sets a year has an abundance of unreleased content, so starting to release sets on her shop is a no brainer.
Which leads neatly onto Updates and Times…….
A set time would be preferable given I know a set is going to be released from the upcoming release schedule. Countless times I have sat here in the evening (UK time) contstantly hitting refresh excitedly awaiting an Alissa update, only to get more frustrated the longer the wait goes on, and sometimes the set fails to materialise until the next day. The times the sets are posted seem to be completely random so a fixed would be very much appreciated.
Schedules – I like the idea of set days for specific models especially if this means more updates of the popular models (and more Alissa for me), so my suggestion would go along the lines of:
Day 1 model A, Day 2 model B, Day 3 model C, Day 4 model D, Day 5 model E, Day 6 bundle, Day 7 no update
Day 8 model F, Day 9 model G, Day 10 model H, Day 11 model I, Day 12 model J, Day 14 bundle, Day 14 no update.
So a rolling 14 day schedule and the 10 most popular models would get 2 updates per month, with the remaining models released on the bundle days – the bundles seemed to be popular at the xmas event judging by the comments at the time.
General comments regarding the MC and TM websites. I think TM has a much more modern look to it than MC, which I think could do with a makeover (not that it impacts my puchasing behaviour) but it does feel a bit outdated compared to TM. What definitely needs improving to entice new users is the Model Pages on both which are bordering on useless in my opinion.
MC Main page has a list of ALL MODELS (below the FEATURED MODELS) yet only lists 12 of them, maybe this could be changed to popular models (or just remove this entirely). The actual Models Page only lists 27 but should have the model catalogue in its entirety, and maybe add options to sort Alphabetically, Most popular, Release date etc.
TM Main page and Models page suffer from similar issues or even no models show depending on what you click on.
Needless to say, this needs thought on both sites to make it easier for new vistors to find content instead of scrolling through page upon page in the Store section.
Finally, continue the great work bringing us such great content and models, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds (and just a bit more Alissa a bit more often please)
Oh and if you could add me to the Instant Downloads list I would be thankful, I’ve had a dowload link sent within 3 minutes before, and some that have taken over 24 hours but usually they are somewhere in the middle. When it comes to the Goddess that is Alissa, in the words of that famous song by the band Queen, I Want It All and I Want It Now
I have you added to instant downloads now. And thanks for the thoughtful messages and feedback.
We will work on the main site pages to update with the current model roster, alongside showing some MF previews. At least that is the current thought process. I’m with you on the scheduled updates, something like that is what we’re looking at.
I agree with the issues you mentioned about MF. Beautiful girls with lots of potential but they don’t keep their content updated and don’t interact with customers. I was excited about one of the new photographers on MF, but it seems she is no longer active. I hesitate to try new girls because so many of them lose interest quickly. I don’t want to pay a monthly subscription when the model does not update for 2 or 3 months.
I would like to see more MF posts from them and offering more custom content. Collaboration with other girls when possible is fun too.
Speeding up funds transfer is a great idea.
Main sites
I requested instant download a while ago and I love it. I’ve been a customer for a very long time. I appreciate being able to get the content immediately instead of waiting a day or two. Thank you!
It is unclear to me which models are still active or which models have only old unreleased sets. Old sets are fine. But I am just curious who is making new content.
Shoot, either I self deleted or I got deleted from MF. I don’t even have an account there anymore.
I read your post, TM. This thread is too damn long to read everyone else’s response and then your response to their response, so apologies if things are repeated.
1. I would like dates of when content was originally filmed and when it was released. Prob hard to do retroactively, but going forward.
2. MC is awful on a phone, you try to scan and it just goes on endlessly to the end of a page.
3. Delete or move non-active models off MC. MC basically needs a complete overhaul. Even on a desktop it’s janky as hell. The upcoming sets are always late and outdated.
4. Requests for specific content for models.Outfits, types of vids, etc.
5. Would love to buy clothes worn in a vid. Prob hard to do, if not impossible.
6. While I don’t get it as much these days, but get rid of that damn code on vids. Embed it. There’s no reason you have it OVER the vid, embedding is more secure all around.
That’s all I got for now. Thanks for all you all do.
7. Each member/email should be relegated to ONE ‘Name’. As it is now I can leave a comment as anyone. I don’t, but it could be an issue.
Hi, I don’t blame you. I did not expect the long replies either.
2. Yes it’s trash, we never thought about phone when it was first designed. It’s a static page that isn’t dynamic for different phone resolutions.
3. Will do.
6. There is already some code embedded, however when people don’t “see” the code, they assume they won’t get caught. By showing them, it lets them know that yes, we are not bluffing. It’s not a good system regardless, I’d like to make it better, or use it sparingly.
a lot has already been said. First thanks a lot for your work.
Definitely more unreleased for classic models is always a must. Maybe getting a “collector editions” special section on MC and TM. Some kind of vault that only trusted used could have access.
For MF updates, I think it lacks consistency. Sometimes we get a lot of updates the same day by numerous models, and then 2-3-4 days with very few updates. Also the problem of creators that charge for subscription but never update. A cleanup should be done.
For models, I always enjoyed ethnic diversity. It’s nice to have a mix of latina and euro models. Getting more asian style would be nice also (always missing Isabella!).
Finally, you should improve experience for mobile users. Most of my time spent on your websites are from a mobile device and unfortunately, navigation is often difficult. Buggy interface, hard to zoom, strange layout… I think MC is the most problematic. Also, MF interface could be improved. It is sometime difficult to access an specific model.
Btw if not already done, can you add me to the instant download list?
You’re on it now.
These sets but with Sabi doing the same exact poses in the same outfits with NO TAPE please and thank you.
Thank you for the transparency and for the opportunity to provide feedback. I’ve had some opinions and ideas in my mind for some time but didn’t know how to share them. I hope I don’t come off as being too harsh.
I’ll go in order of what’s written:
“What would you like to see from the models, and what would you like to see from us?”
Honestly, MF became stale the moment you decided to limit what the models can and cannot show. MF as a platform was a great opportunity for fans to purchase the content they truly want from their favorite girls. I understand we live in an era of overly sensitive people who can’t handle the idea that models have their sex lives and might want to share them, but what I don’t get is why others should be denied the option to access the content they desire – especially when there’s an option to buy stuff privately through DMs. I’d like to see that restriction lifted. If someone doesn’t want to see explicit content from their favorite models, they simply don’t have to buy it.
“Access to your funds much quicker”
This is a great idea, even though funds can already be purchased ahead of time anyway.
“Pages dedicated to classic or unreleased content”
This would be a good opportunity for people to discover new models and content, so why not?
“The time of day when each site updates with a new set”
I didn’t know it was an issue.
“Which models to prioritize for updates”
The releases of inactive models could be incorporated into your idea of a MF page for classic or unreleased content. This would free up more slots for the more popular models, and since all that content would be centralized, people looking for it might discover content they wouldn’t have found otherwise.
Regarding your second point: we were promised that six updates a week would allow us to buy much more content from our favorite models, but right after the change, you introduced a bunch of new models, and now we’re back to square one.
There are plenty of ways to address this. While I like your idea of bundling less popular models, I suspect others might not.
A better approach could be releasing two or three sets of the same model bundled together more frequently, without changing the intervals between releases. Another option is to release more sets on the MF shop page – lots of models are already on MF, but the shop rarely has new stuff being added. On that note, why don’t models release sets on their creator pages? They can already sell images and videos, so why not full sets? That would absolutely be the best way to address this. If each model had regular set releases on their own page where all their fans are, that’d be ideal.
My suggestion: keep releasing on MC and TM, but offer more sets for paid subscribers. It’s a win-win, more sets for us, more subscribers and support for the models.
Now to answer your question: “if you could change one thing about any of our websites, what would it be?”
I’d like to see all your websites combined into one, let’s say Marvefans, with an option to switch between platforms easily with a single click. That way, we wouldn’t have to constantly check multiple sites, more sets could be released in the shop (helping with the release slots), and with sets released on the models’ own pages, they could see their fans’ reactions and interact with us directly.
Hi, great feedback. Thanks.
About limiting MF content: the problem at that time was the new platform caused a rush that many people (fans and models included) thought made anything possible. We did not want our models to do something stupid and risk content leaking that they would regret. Now that time has passed, we aren’t as strict about this as before, in fact I don’t remember the last time we told a model that they can’t do something. Many models sell things privately through DM.
And for sets, I agree that we and the models should utilize every tool available to get more sets out.
Combining all websites into one isn’t possible, they are built on different platforms. The best thing we could do is implement sets on the main sites here at MF, and you could unlock them with your MF funds. But I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that there are too many websites and there is a need to compress things a bit more.
Payment system must change, you have to find other options cause i always denied even i was trying different countries and bank credit cards.
My biggest gripe about MC and TM is that I have to wait a day or so to download content. I’ll send a message in contacts so I can get instant downloads. I did not know that was option before. As far as updates, I like as it is done now… most of the girls are so great that I want to buy almost all of them. To save me from going bankrupt, please keep the update frequency the same as they are now 🙂 Thanks.
All done. Enjoy.
I know your models set the prices, but they are too high. Especially for models like Heidy, and especially the $40 sets. It’s too much for a 10 minute video. I stopped buying Heidy, after buying like 150 of her videos because of prices, and the feet close ups are a major turn off too. I get some are into it, but it’s too prevalent. Another example, Kayley released a set to the store for $50. I paid, because she’s my favorite, but I won’t again. Too expensive.
Kayley does a good job with her MF site. It’s nice to leave a little tip and get a picture and short response. I tried some other models, but they were too inactive. I haven’t paid much attention to customs but they are common and pushed on other sites and I think there’s a lot of opportunity there.
Updates in the evenings are great. I miss Vanessa and Tina. Kayley seems to be less frequent lately. I guess the newer models are more popular, but I wish Kayley updates were more frequent. Seems like the popular models lately get super frequent updates, but they aren’t the ones I’m interested in. New models are always good, but for some reason the new models lately just haven’t gotten my interest despite buying a few sets to give them a chance.
Bundles with multiple updates of less popular models on occasion sounds like a good idea. So the more popular models can have more frequent updates.
I still don’t have instant on TM, no idea why, have bought thousands of videos lol. MF has been for years. I’m not too worried about it, waiting a day doesn’t bug me.
You’re on the list for instant downloads on TM, I don’t know why you wouldn’t get them. MF funds are not instant, but everything else is.
About prices, setting prices on the main sites lower (including on Heidy’s) is a guaranteed way for us to lose money and eventually go out of business. By paying for a set, you essentially help us pay for the model, photographer, location, editing, storage, hosting, processing fees, taxes, etc (I could go on). And I know as a customer you’re probably thinking “not my problem”, but I’m just being transparent on where that money needs to go. For MF, it’s completely different. The model can charge whatever they want, then they get the majority of this. If Kayley wants to charge $5, $10, $50, she can. If it’s too much, simply don’t buy it. Kayley also likes her more daring content on MF for her fans to enjoy, that’s why we don’t post it much here. We will get to them eventually, she is still very popular here too. And Tina hasn’t modeled in 1-2 years, we just have a large amount of content left that still needs to be released.
I gotta say I 100% disagree with the user above.
I LOVE the focus on Heidy’s feet on her vids. Sometimes I wish it was longer or that she did feet only vids for that fetish. I can’t count how many times I couldn’t hold on looking at her cute toes, soles, and feet.
Is here MF more risque?
She’s amazing, but it kinda stinks her best modeling years are wasted with her hiding those amazing, perky breasts! Even her booty hole. Would love to see her kitty, as well, but maybe that’s pushing it.
Heidy giving a pov footjob, or food foot play, I think I’ve suggested this somewhere before. lol.
Wait, you said Vanessa and Tina both stopped modeling 1-2 years ago!? I know Vanessa did because of some idiot with leaks, so her backlog may be released one day?
And Tina from MC also stopped modeling!? Crazy cus her sets seem to be cranked out. (Not that I’m complaining.)
Appreciate the transparency and for checking TM instant.
It’s weird, someone checked before and said I was on but it still hasn’t been instant. I’ll check again next purchase, but it isn’t a big deal. Might be my old email address is on there because it’s similar, or a space in it? In any case, no big deal.
For the pricing, I do understand. It isn’t the regular $16.95 or $19.95. It’s the $44.95 sets that don’t seem to be worth the extra, and you’re right, I just shouldn’t purchase. I suppose if you get a large percentage purchasing those expensive sets it’s worth it to you. But, in the long run, I’m not sure it’s worth it because some customers are unhappy they aren’t getting all the sets. But I respect your response and firmness on that point and want to see you stay in business. So I may buy those on events.
And I forgot, the watermarks. Those are the worst, and the one thing I would get rid of. They utterly ruin the video. I understand the need for security and maybe they work sometime, but I hate them with a passion lol.
I’ve loved all the sites for years now, my biggest concern is that years ago I purchased sets no problem and then in the last couple of years my set purchases would cancel, this would put me off retrying the purchase as it would take so long to find out whether the purchase is successful or not.
So definitely a quicker download solution.
Saying that, thank you to you and all the models!
I’d rather see fewer releases, and more appearances by the top tier models like Jackie, Caroline, etc.. The cameltoe and tiny thong teasing is fantastic. Booty shaking as well. You already have a fair amount of it, but even more would never hurt.
vanessa thats all im saying my love for models died the same time she stopped she was my number 1 my insta buy and i wont buy none till she return not a threat just only her fan
I’m really not that interested in more explicit photos. There are so many hardcore websites on the internet and they get a bit samey after a while. More than anything, I’d prefer a move towards more glamorous photoshoots as opposed to the crude ones that seem popular these days (i.e. photos of girls with their legs spread uncomfortably wide and fingers jammed into their crotches. That’s just tacky.).
Marvel Fans isn’t something I’m interested in… at least until it becomes much better value for money. The only one I’ve checked out so far is Jackie’s which, sorry to say, was a complete rip-off. Does she really have any actual involvement with her own site because it seems unlikely that she’d be forever talking about how wet her pussy is and posting links to her ‘friends’ – who are all really rough looking tattooed porn star types? The actual content was pretty poor, too. One I bought cost me £20 for 5 photos and a 20 second video clip. Rip-off? Unfortunately yes.
For the future, I’d prefer a move towards more ‘wholesome’ models, not ones with tattoos and piercings. That kind of thing is a real turn off. Teenmarvel brings to mind more innocent models, not tattoos and piercings.
Maybe some kind of bio page for the models? It’d be nice to know if they have their own websites, Onlyfans pages, etc.
Could we have longer videos / photoshoots? I’d be quite happy to pay extra for a 30 minute video and I’m sure I can’t be the only one.
About Jackie, that wasn’t on our sites, but we informed everyone that it wasn’t her managing that specific page where you saw that. It happens too often for us to count.
I agree with your other points as well.
I think one main thing I’d love to see on alot of the purchases on MarvelFans, is a better summary of what I’m purchasing – I’ve had purchases where I’ve felt like I’m going in blind, and have not gotten what I had hoped for. Maybe something like ‘contains x photos’ or ‘2 videos x:xx total length’, that goes a long way in my eyes.
Also classic content is 100% something I’m looking for, even if I’m purchasing the same set, if I know there’s more photos, higher resolution, I’m sold. Anita does a great job, but more is always better.
And for new content, I think just more of everything, even if it’s vlog-style, with the models (cheaper) thru possibly something like voting for content (not sure how that would work, maybe model + outfit choices?), more content is better.
For update times, I think it does need to be set to a specific timezone, I’ve had a few times where I’ve waited for a specific set (on MarvelCharm), and it released a day after the date listed for me, so being more specific would be nice. Even if we had to do the math ourselves, list it as GMT or something like that.
As for the tax / processing fees, I’d say that’s expected, I know credit card companies make their money every ‘swipe’, maybe something like a bulk discount for people purchasing multiple sets at a time, so the fees are a lower percentage of the total? And to incentivize people like me who tend to purchase sets immediately, maybe set a ‘discount’ price for the first 2-3 days after a set releases, so there’s less incentive to wait on the bulk purchase – just throwing ideas out there.
Thanks again!
Wish 1
An email alert when a model responds to your chat.
Just like when I get an email when there is a new update of the site of your favorite model that you have a subscription to, like with my favorite model Valensia.
That would be nice.
2nd wish:
Remove sites that no longer have content available.
like Mila on MF or Anita on MC
3rd wish:
A FAQ with content and not like now on MC: a FAQ with a menu but WITHOUT content!
I’m curious what is possible
I’m very happy with MF site with my favorite model Valensia (multiple updates every week!)
1. That’s being worked on.
2. I think you mean profiles on MF. If there is no content, on the page, we’ll remove it.
3. You would have to describe your idea better, or give an example for me.
Great if wish 1 will be solved!
Wish 2: remove empty sites see among others: MF Mila
https://marvelfans.com/Mali (empty page and name adjusted)
and on MC
Then also remove her photo in the overview of models:
an overview of models that is correct is useful
Wish 3: addition:
If you look at this page:
you see NOTHING.
so why create a menu with frequently asked questions while this page is empty and does not answer frequently asked questions.
It will certainly relieve you of emails with questions
So there is enough information to place here
We used to have an FAQ there on MC, I’ll if it can be added back, otherwise it will be removed.
First of all, thank you for all the work you do!
I’ve got a rather simple suggestion. I’d appreciate it if there were bigger preview pictures.
Also, I’m sure I’m not the only one who would be ecstatic if there will be more extended/unreleased sets of our classic favourites to be unleashed upon us.
Holy smokes….total TLDR but I read most of it anyways too. Lots of great themes here.
1) Consistency/FrequencyTransparency –> Too many models without frequent updates as customers have varying tastes. Many have suggested (I would agree) that you keep some form of schedule for weekly models (1 release a week like Lili, etc.), bi-weekly models (2x a month release for Sabi, etc.) and monthly models (1x a month release for those with either fewer sets or less active). Transparency around each models’ category (1x a week vs. 1x a month) so folks can log in when they know their model will be released vs. not. I have my favorite models but some litterally come out once every few months if I’m lucky.
2) BTS –> Its super popoular but obviously up to each model in terms of what they are willing to share/not but would think it’d be a big hit.
3) Classic/Unreleased –> Someone mentioned it but bundles. Would think they are huge hit. Could off 5 for the price of but buying individually slightly higher than 20% of the cost in case someone only wants 1 or 2 of the bundles. Great additional revs and helps you clean-out and get caught up.
4) MS was a great concept allowing those of us who are long timers/purchasers were able to get “special treatment” and more revenue some of the more active models. Adding more there would be great if able.
5) Old/Gone models –> Someone mentioned that Daniela is gone…sad as i hadn’t even realized. Ideally if folks can be given 24hrs heads up but appreciate the models want them gone immediately. Hopefully they all come back (we miss you Vanessa) and put back their content but would agree with your approach. But sad none the less.
6) Refresh the pages so each model a bit more dedicated but would put this on the lower priority list. #1 I think would cover a lot of folks’ comments.
7) Also pls add me to instant purchase pls.
Thx and keep up the great work.
Now you can see why we put the discussion here instead of MF… even here it is hard to keep up.
1. You have the right idea. We’re deciding now who will get frequent updates.
3. We’ve moved away from bundles, mostly because people don’t like every model included in a bundle. But I do like the idea of a bundle discount, if someone chose to purchase a bundle with all the models included.
5. Some removals aren’t permanent. I am brainstorming a few ideas, maybe putting their content behind a private access where our whitelisted customers have access. Not sure yet, just thinking out loud.
7. You’re added.
Regarding no 5 – if that is managable, please do it. I was waiting for promo to buy Vanessa sets, and now they are all gone
Hey! I keep getting this error when trying to buy from MC: “An error occurred, please try again or try an alternate form of payment”*. Could it be because I’m using a VPN? (The mc and tm site’s blocked in my country, so I have to use one).
And about what you talking about
What if models earned a bigger cut of their sales the more they post each week? Like, if they hit 5 posts, they get 60% instead of 50%, and if they go all out with 10+ posts, they jump to 70%(the numbers is just for example). That way, even models who aren’t top sellers yet have a reason to stay active—it’s not just about sales numbers, but consistency. For fans, maybe a loyalty program where they earn points for buying stuff. Those points could unlock discounts or let them “vote” for their favorite models to get extra updates. And about the site updates 30% of updates for hardworking models (even if they’re not the most popular) would keep things fresh.
Hi, first off I would like to thank you for all you do.
I hope that I have something new to add. So many comments already.
1. It would be nice if a set is released on MC eg) https://marvelcharm.com/product/alice-throwback-marvelfans-photo-video/, that it was clear if it is identical to a marvelfans release or not. Is there anything extra?
2. More clear about what models are active, semi-active or retired. Maybe pages with those titles that link to the models.
3. We need more classic models! Please come back Nika
Could I please get added to the insta download on MC? I already am on TM and HP. Thanks
Hi, thanks for your message.
1. Good idea, we can add that a portion of the set (or all) is an MF release as well.
2. I will think of something. We just don’t like to say a model is ever retired because it can be 5+ years like Rikki did and they come out of retirement.
3. More classics are coming.
You are added to MC.
why not always give a discount on older sets like more than 1 year old. this should increase sell ~
TM have I would like to make a suggestion for a future models. She just turned 18: Modelo Julinha from YouTube, beautiful girl from Brazil.
Even though I’ve been tempted by other models before, so far I’m strictly a Heidy fan so I’ll stick to her site and MF profile. Some issues are probably related to other models as well.
1. Consistency of updates. I am not a regular subscriber but I’ve considered subscribing every few months. The problem is Heidy sometimes doesn’t post anything for subscribers for 20+ days. I’d hate to pay for a month and barely get anything new during that period. It would be ideal to have a somewhat regular frequency of updates for subscribers like once a week.
2. Content. From what I’ve seen and bought, she mainly posts BTS videos. It would be nice to have more content custom made for MF like the PPV video she did during “Smoke show” shooting. It could be short videos related to published sets like the one mentioned or others she did for “Best student” or “Topless reflection revisited” or something entirely different.
3. Previews. All of her posts drastically need more info about what you will see. It could be anything or everything from: better descriptions, blurred photos, screenshots from videos.
4. Time of updates. It’s quite random. It would be great to choose a fixed time or a 2 hour period in which we could expect new sets. It doesn’t even have to be the same every week as long as we know when it’s coming. You could post an update on the site when you know it will be late or early this week.
5. I think there are some older sets that were not released so far. I’m not sure how many but it might be interesting to be able to buy them somehow. Maybe an occasional bundle on her site as an extra update during events.
6. Prices of older sets. Sometimes, especially during sales, I want to check prices of older sets and it’s a real pain in the ass. You have to add every potential set to the chart. It would be great to see those prices on the site. An alternative could be browsing TM store page with a category for Heidy. It’s somewhat possible to browse some of her sets for “Uncategorized”. You could link to such list on her main website.
7. Minor fixes. I think info about ideas, editing and resolution is meaningless at this point.
Hi, I will talk with Heidy about what can be done for her page and the amount of updates.
I like your idea of putting the price on the set page. Thanks for the idea!
Great to see this space for feedback!
I have a few suggestions on the sites, First Marvelfans:
1. Auto-renew when you don’t have funds or add funds to your account – I don’t like this behaviour of the site to renew a subscription when you add funds to the site. My suggestion is to have the option to cancel subscription or auto-cancel subscription when you don’t have funds. Then you decide if you subscribe again.
2. Have previews on paid posts – some posts are PPV and don’t have previews, so you don’t know what you are buying
3. Search in MF shop – currently I cannot search in https://marvelfans.com/shop a search bar would be nice
4. It is difficult to find the “purchased items from the shop” – you can add a button in the MF shop to take you directly to your purchased items. Currently you have to click on your profile and on the left navigation bar look for the purchased items.
5. Would like to see more “behind the scenes” of shootings. This could be content for paid subscribers of a MF page, currently only Jiri makes this type of content but are paid posts. It could be short-format or something more “casual”. For a time HannaFans and Anita did this.
For the regular sites – I don’t have too much to add to other suggestions, but also a search bar feature would be a good thing with tags like lingerie, stockings, cream, outdoors, etc.
Sorry for all the posts! This will likely be my last. Just want to say, after giving it some thought, a dedicated Kayley site would be my first wish. I know it’s unlikely but if there’s any model I’d like to see weekly it would be Kayley.
High Level
Marvel Fans Updates – I do not use the platform often but more previews and more content from the models is always welcome.
Marvel Fans Payments – Increasing the payment speed would definitely make me more interested in using the platform more.
Classic/Unreleased Content – I think adding some pages for classic and unreleased content is great idea. I always welcome more models, so if there are some that only wants to use MF and not the main site, I say we let them.
Mid Level
Site Update Times – There should absolutely be a scheduled release time. Combined with the weekly schedule, it makes things much more convenient when you’re waiting for a release.
For the release time, I think it should be a time that allows most people to enjoy the content the day of release. Something like 6PM UTC should work for most of Europe and the Americas.
Model Priorities – I like the idea of two updates every day, but I understand that not really doable yet. The bundling of less popular model updates is probably the next best solution.
Low Level
Orders and Emails – My orders have generally been fulfilled in a timely manner, however over the last several months I have experienced more delays than usual. Hopefully I can be added to the instant download list and that should resolve the problem.
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I’ve been reading some of the comments and I haven’t read them all so I’m just gonna throw my two cents out there
Concerning MF, I believe the situation will sort itself out because the creators who doesn’t post as often or doesn’t update as much as they should. I think they will soon get the point of they need to be more interactive or that income is just going to dwindle with that also being said the models who don’t update frequently it would be nice to have something that says not often updated not frequent. Something like that to where people aren’t spending money wastefully if that makes sense. Also I know that you want to keep things a mystery but having previews even if they are asmall one or even slightly blurry.
From the model: if they are OK with showing more than MF should be the place to where they can show more without having to blur things or hide behind emojis.
From the crew: definitely preview pictures would be helpful as I stated above and on their main page it would be helpful to have something that shows when the last time they even posted so that way, if you subscribe to a model and wait, two months resubscribe because you don’t know if the model updated or not just to find out that they’ve updated one time that feels like a waste of money.
MF funds: obviously you’ve already stated that getting the funds quicker would be more helpful agreed but here’s an idea that I have since everything is under the umbrella of marvel when you add funds to you wallet, How hard would it be to make a login for the other Marvel site to where you can use your Wallet funds to purchase sets from MC, TM, MS, HM, LM,exe.
Classic/Unreleased content. I think that would be a great idea to have a section dedicated to unreleased or classic sets. That you could load as a package deal or purchase separately, but as someone else stated, make them to where they’re only limited for a certain amount of time which will a keep people constantly coming back and checking for new sets new content, and it would also make the unreleased/extended content more sacred to own.
Personal opinion, your update times would be nice to have a certain time to look at 00:00 for the updates. It would be convenient, but also make it a time to where it’s convenient for everyone.
As far as who’s more “important”. I don’t think prioritizing the models who update more frequently should get more exposure because then it just shows that XYZ models aren’t really cared about and that shouldn’t be the case what I would do is you update every day like you have been but let’s say Monday, Wednesday and Friday you also have a subsequent update of the less active models because they do deserve update slots as well If any of you remember the old silver sites, they would have all of their models photos and under each one it would say how many sets that each model had and then whenever they did the updates, it would say updated 3-26–25. so you know at that time to go check that models page and Bam see the new update.
A new website isn’t needed, we just need to make these more streamlined and easier to use
As I stated above, if I was operating this website MC as the example. Keep the header, keep the rotating slides of the updates, keep the slide of future sets but below have a profile pic of the model, have how many sets she has when you click the models name it takes you to her page where it shows her profile pic, a brief description of the model name, age how long she’s been with Marvel just a little backstory nothing in too in-depth. Then below that have all of her sets listed with the tags of stockings, leggings, tape handcuffs, leather, exe.
Do this same template on the TM site as well to be consistent.
Going back to the MF funds it would be nice to have a marvel login to every website. We have to have one for MS and MF lets do it to MC/TM/HM/LM and that way when we add funds, we can call it MARVEL MONEY and you can use those funds on all Marvel sites whether it be for custom, tips, MF subscriptions or anything marvel That would also help you guys understand where people are spending most of their moneys versus their emails.
As far as needing editors I have adobe and do car photography and run a YouTube channel so very used to video editing. If that could be any assistance.
Hi, thanks for this and for giving us a voice.
For me update times would be great and an upcoming would be good too.
I like the idea of having a weekly update from “the vault” as well, ideally on the main page, personally I’d love to see more Bella.
Thanks again