Veronica – Rebirth



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Downloadable photo album in zip format
Amount of photos in album: 109 pictures
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 12:25
Video Thumbnails:

veronica-rebirthcap-1 veronica-rebirthcap-2 veronica-rebirthcap-3 veronica-rebirthcap-4

Got something to discuss?

6 years 6 months ago

Hi all, sorry for the issues. We will monitor things to make sure it is more smooth. Also, we are extending the event on TM for one extra day.
Enjoy Veronica!

6 years 6 months ago

thanks for that and please more Veronica

6 years 6 months ago

Thanks for the extension. It means I will be able to buy some when I get back from holiday!

6 years 6 months ago

TM has really (in my opinion) has really fallen off. Yeah it still updates on a regular basis but, and this is going to sound stupid to some, but they have too many models. (Pause as admin gets mad and starts formulating its uh-uh response) Of course meaning that the rew models that you do want see get passed over (I mean no malice to anyone saying this), and the frustration is compounded by the fact that when the models you do want to see finally do update but its the same ole paint by number set that it always is. The backsliding of models is also frustrating. I certainly dont anyone taken out of there comfort zone or do anything that they dont want to do but it does become bothersome when they do take a leap forward only to turn around and take ten steps back, its like a race where someone keeps moving the finish line. Maddy for a minute looked like she might really take off then she tamed back down, then it looked like Naomi was going to as well starting back with the christmas video that she did that was cut way too short then tame again then there was that set from her bundle that almost literally blew my mind then her next set tamed back down. That one Petra set Pleasing where she was either getting a helping hand (or something else) was amazing eventhough we didnt get to see the actual action, but thats been her only one like that,. I was mildly excited about the level system coming back til I saw what the levels where going to be, out of the four previewed the only one that caught my eye was the lily one (but even though i love lili and she is the only reason i even know about this websites existence I am about over her I’m all for the tease thing but at this rate I’ll be dead and in the ground before anyhing really exciting happens, at this point for me its been like thirteen fourteen years of teasing). I’ve read good suggestions from customers on ways to at least take yor mind off the fact you’re not going to get to see the goods so to speek i.e. storylines or cosplay, but none have been taken as of yet.

I take no joy in writing this, I wish i didnt feel this way. I’ve been checking this website on a daily basis (alot of tmes multiple tmes) every since there was only a placeholder for the site and have given thousands of dollars over the years in support ( and mind you I am not a wealthy man quite the opposite) but i feel like I’ve moved forward and TM couldn’t keep the pace and my real fear is that one day I’ll turn around and TM won’t be anywhere in sight.

I apologize if what I’ve written has offend anyone that was not my intention but i just needed to get this off my chest, its been there for awhile.

P.S. it was really cool of TM to extend the event because of their technical issues.

6 years 6 months ago

Hi, thanks for your opinion. We disagree (obviously we are biased) but I can give you reasons why things the way they are. To address the too many models thing: We have to do this, it’s how people find new favorites. You were around when we launched, so you remember the variety of different models we had, and Lili wasn’t even on the site yet. Most of them do not model anymore, but then we moved on and found Madison + Naomi. Point being is we have to show some new models from time to time, otherwise you don’t get hits like those girls. Granted it is extremely rare, but we still have to do it. Most other sites like ours are boring because of not experimenting. I think we can help solve this issue with more updates so there is less downtime between your favorites.

The rollercoaster for model sets (let’s just call it that) is just the nature of model sites like ours. All sets can’t be a grand slam. And if we just had the girls go all out after teasing, let’s say at a new website, you would see high subscription numbers for 1-2 months and then a massive dropoff. If we hit that ceiling of a model going all out all the time, it becomes boring. You’ve seen this all the time over the years we’ve been around. So our goal is to satisfy you, but not completely satisfy you. You craving more is part of the reason why there are so few sites like ours left.

We love hearing suggestions on how to improve. If you have creative ideas (not just “show more”) we want to hear it. I think storylines can be great and we’ll look into it.

6 years 6 months ago

Part of me agrees with AnIdiotsOpinion and part of me agrees with Admin. I too have been here since day 1 (Basically checking the placeholder a lot and going a little crazy with excitement when the site went life) And while I see AnIdiotsOpinion point and my first “instinct” is to hope my favorites will keep showing more and more, the more I think about it the more I start to lean towards Admin’s point,
For sure I would love if one or more of my favorites would start to show more, turn the teasing into pleasing so to speak, and some have (to various degrees) and I have enjoyed that very much,

Let’s call it short term satisfaction what I would get from more of my favorites, this is nice, but at some point will get to be “same old same old”, perhpas not tomorrow or next month, but certainly not forever. Because no matter how awesome something is, if you see it often enough you will become “used” to it and want for something more/ something different.
Therefor I believe, while it might be (very) awesome for your favorites to update more often/show more, I don’t think this is very sustainable in the (very) long term.

Let’s call it long term satisfaction, what I feel TM is aiming for, not just having me excited since launch, but still now and hopefully for a long time to come, and this is where I think it hurts, because in order to ensure the long term satisfaction, “sacrifices” have to be made to the short term satisfaction, and this can be very (very) frustratiing.

All I could wish for is for TM to continue the path it’s been going, by bringing us gorgeous models, not just trusted favorites doing their thing, but bringing in potential new favorites as well, for example Lili might have been everyones favorite from day one due to earlier sites, but Madison had her debut on TM, and while I don’t know the actual sales numbers, I’m guessing she is doing quite well. (and this is just examples).

That said, I do think there should be at least some progression overall to keep a certain model interesting, I have no problem if this is a rollercoaster, as long as the overall trend is going in a certain direction.

I hope this makes sence, but this is how I see it:
A tease where you KNOW you will be pleased is good, very good perhaps, but doesn’t last all that long.
A tease where you KNOW you will NOT be pleased might be good, indeed also very good perhaps, but this also doesn’t last forever, thought perhaps a bit longer.
A tease where you DONT KNOW when or if you will be pleased is perhaps frustrating at times, but also priceless at other times, and to me this is what keeps the models going for as long as possible, which in the end is what it’s all about.

6 years 6 months ago

Your’s may be just an opinion and obviously some will disagree including TM ( for obvious reasons ) but I’m guessing many more will totally agree with your sentiment myself included, thank you for being brave enough to express it and thank you TM for being open enough to post it.
To many of TM’s most loyal customers I think this site was unique because it brought us our “favourites” and the underlying promise of what was to come, but when those favourites are no longer here or each set becomes just more of the same then even the most loyal will lose interest and unfortunately to me at least this seams to be becoming just another model site.

6 years 6 months ago

It helps us to know who you are a fan of. I know who you are a fan of judging by your orders, but a blanket statement can be hard to decipher. Many who complain seem to be a trend of Lili fans, but this has and always will be the case. She will not be able to satisfy everyone. But Naomi is doing better than ever, so the numbers tell us many people more than ever enjoy her. We appreciate the feedback. Thanks.

A Cutie Fan
6 years 6 months ago

How is Cutie doing? Hopefully she is still selling well.

6 years 6 months ago

beautiful lady

6 years 6 months ago

No worries about the issues, glad it’s all smooth now.
I’m so excited to see Veronica back again! I do hope she will have more updates in the future, until that time I will be enjoying this update for sure!

chase w.k.
6 years 6 months ago

shes the best thanks support and we want more new sets from her please, good news shes back!!!

6 years 6 months ago

Brand new? Sweet! I’m so glad she has returned! I had feared she was done with modeling, which would have been a shame.
Please keep the Veronica sets coming!

6 years 6 months ago

Veronica is SO smoking hot! It’s been way too long. Glad I guessed correctly about it being her. Thanks!

6 years 6 months ago

wow, she is super sexy, where has she been hiding? love her goddess features OXOX

6 years 6 months ago

Va-Va-Va-Veronica!!! I’m excited by her return.

Don’t want to dwell on the convo above, but I do think it’s ironic that this topic is coming up (again) in response to the return of (a) a classic model who (b) is always very brazen in her modelling style when (c) there is the potential for a large number of updates in a short period of time (during the event, which (d) typically “ups the ante” so to speak). I’m not judging, to each their own… My personal favorites are Madi, Petra, Cutie, Naomi, and of course, Lili (in no particular order… or, at least I’m not saying)… but I would LOVE to see more from Sofie, Bella, and Nicole (to name a few). I like Freya, Veronica, and Romana (a LOT), as well, (especially, when they “deliver”); however, seeing them less frequently makes me appreciate them and what they do even more. Lili has an update (near) weekly and I’m grateful for that, but if she went full Freya, it would get boring after a while. I still get a rush with every little slip/flash what-have-you. I don’t personally want to lose that. That said… I look forward to more exposure from all of the models, but I understand the reason things are the way they are and why they have to be… It’s pumping and resisting… I also appreciate all of the models on some level, and look forward to the opportunity for new favorites. I know when to anticipate new releases, but I still click refresh daily and wait to see if we’ve won the collective lottery… It’s funny I never see chatter like this on MC…

All that said, that’s just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions? … And I say Veronica’s is lovely!!! XD

6 years 6 months ago

Veronica is a 10/10 – what a beautiful woman.

6 years 6 months ago

This is a great set! Veronica was one of my favorites, and I always wondered if she’d do any more modelling. Does this mean she might be getting back into it? At any rate, I really like this one… now, if only Chloe would come back.

6 years 6 months ago

Good job Teen Marvel! Veronica is so gorgeous. Very revealing.