Spring Bundle 2019




✅ 40 Minutes of Video  ✅ 4 Hot Models ✅Extreme Tease to Orgasmic Please

Amount of photos in album: 489 pictures
Resolution: Various
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 40:49
Video Thumbnails:
lili-bloomingbeautycap-1 lili-bloomingbeautycap-2 lili-bloomingbeautycap-3 lili-bloomingbeautycap-4 petra-blossomcap-1 petra-blossomcap-2 petra-blossomcap-3 petra-blossomcap-4 sofie-paradisecap-1 sofie-paradisecap-2 sofie-paradisecap-3 sofie-paradisecap-4 romana-pinkmeshcap-1 romana-pinkmeshcap-2 romana-pinkmeshcap-3 romana-pinkmeshcap-4

Got something to discuss?

5 years 9 months ago

ohh Petra i was waiting for a new set for soooo long going to buy it every soon i hope there more of her in future, we need more and more bundles

5 years 9 months ago

Petra’s makeup in this looks better than in any other set she’s done. Love the natural look; thought she was a new model and was so excited!

However, how is it you keep putting out things that offer nothing new…Lili – topless, been there. Petra, topless tease, been there. Sofi, showing nothing new (I would buy it if she was topless, she’s a fav), Romana, showing nothing new but at least she’s still gorgeous.

Could you please just release a bundle which features something new and exciting? I wouldn’t care if it was $80 as long as every model took it one step further than they have in the past.

5 years 9 months ago

Thanks for the compliment on Petra.
Honestly though man, I dunno what else you want us to do. We just had an event with great content that does exactly what you wanted from some models (you didn’t buy the Lili or Maddie set 🙁 ). I guess if you only look at the previews you will come to your own conclusions. By the way, Romana literally can’t show anything new unless she grows a third arm or something. And no, we’re not going to have her do further explicit content that she doesn’t want to do.

We could have all our models naked and people would still want more. Do stuff with a partner – still want more. Bukkake party – Still want more.
Our website is about models modeling. I’m not going to promise that all of our models are going to get naked.

“However, how is it you keep putting out things that offer nothing new”
Kris? Madison? I can’t wrap my head around this, lol. 😆

5 years 9 months ago

I know most people would want more but I’m totally happy at just nudity. I don’t want anything more explicit, I’m super happy with where romana is at, you just wait too long in their careers and to get them there…i don’t want to say anything disparaging against any of them but I’m sure you have some idea of what I mean.

You are aware I felt screwed over from the last Madison purchase, and I was wary of getting the new one with the old tricks. Luckily you seem to have stopped adding censorship to when there is a fabric covering which I very much appreciate and is the only reason I am still here.

For Lili, I don’t see anything new, her old set & video “Summer” had better angles than what I see in this preview. If I’m wrong I would love to know.
For Madison, she has had an explicit nude video out floating on the web before you guys even picked her up (she’s fingering herself, up close cam shots) so this isn’t “new” it’s just new for you…which is great, but it’s just not for me (and no, I’m not asking for you to have her finger herself, I am fine with it as is, just not for me.)

What I DO want is outlined above, Sofi showing nip, petra to stop doing the same frontal shots over and over again. Valensia and Rebecca are killing it right now, Kira was absolute perfection, I just want to see more content like that. Too much tease, not enough please. It’s been literal years that I’ve been following and at some point I just want things to progress. (Cutie has done a great job in this arena as well, no complaints about her <3)

5 years 9 months ago

Madison has not ever modeled for anyone else or done webcam shows ever. And she definitely was not on cam doing that. I’d even let you post the “proof” here and have everyone here tell you it isn’t Maddie.
I appreciate your constructive criticism, but I honestly think that you don’t have enough of our content and are judging based on previews. If you want to see a little extra Sofie, check her bubble bath video. I am not telling you to buy more, all I am saying is that there are too many holes in your library if you think every set is the same. I guess that means I am kind of telling you to buy more… but you get the idea. Every model we have brought on our site that were on previous sites have shown more here than they ever have, nobody can argue that.

Still, this is a tease site. It says so at the top of every page. Some models will progress like Cutie (though people still complain even about her), some will do it slowly, some will not. I am open to new posing ideas, photoshoot ideas, etc. What I don’t want is a “why isn’t she nude” discussion, because we have talked about that for years now.

5 years 9 months ago

Don’t feed the trolls TM hahahahaha, if they don’t like the content its their problem

5 years 9 months ago

I meant to say Kris* got mixed up, Kris is the one with the video, and I would never want to hurt your sales by linking said video. I wasn’t even going to mention it until you claimed her being nude was new. Saying Madison was a complete accident, I’ve only ever seen her here.

You are more than welcome to suggest more sets for me to buy, I don’t mind spending my money here as long as the content is worth my time. I am definitely going off of previews for certain things because after spending hundreds between here and MC I’ve learned that in my own experience the previews are exactly what you get and almost every time the most revealing photo is within the preview thumbs. I use to buy out of excitement when it looked like there were more revealing things in previews (meaning that behind the paywall things would go further) but after being disappointed time and time again I just stopped buying anything that didn’t have a preview showing what I was looking for.

As far as suggestions go, to me teases are fantastic, it’s the reason I check the site daily and have done for years now. But the reason I love tease is for the surprise of it ending (even momentarily). Many other sites in the past have done things where they surprise you with things like an ending that is goes from handbra to completely uncovered for a few frames of video at the very end, completely unexpected, completely unannounced and guaranteed to make me explode every time. It’s pretty much what I live for. There have been hints at something similar here like with Eliza’s incredible video with you having a bit more fun than usual…the only thing is that hasn’t progressed, it happened again in smaller amount, but whatever was going on behind the camera I would really love a glimpse, even if it was just for a few frames. Even if it was two sets down the road.

The perfect video btw as a fantastic example would be something like “Kaelin ***edit***” (just search it, I assume you know who I’m talking about) where even though she is nude the entire video, you never really see much…then just as the video is ending, she calls the camera back over and gives the most direct and incredible shot for just a few moments…it’s still a HUGE tease, even if it was direct because there just isn’t enough of it to give you time to really get through it without hitting replay a thousand times. Whenever a model goes from tease to “unleashed” i would love if it were something like that on here with any of the models.

Anyway I appreciate you not getting terribly mad about all of this, or at least not obviously so. I know all of the other fanboys like to put down when someone has anything negative to say…but I just feel like it’s worth the site owner having some idea of what’s going on in the heads of some of their customers…because I’m sure there are lurkers out there who feel the same.

5 years 9 months ago

I am in agreement with basically everything you said. The only thing I do not align with is your time frame for when a model should do what you said. I’m assuming the Kaelin video would not have the effect it did on you if you weren’t waiting for years for it to happen. Obviously, that is a more extreme situation and maybe she did it before (I don’t know much about her). But your Elza scenario of “two sets down the road” is like fast forwarding through a movie to get to the ending. It will never happen that quickly. We also kind of have a different view of tease, as you think a nude video is “never really see much”.

That being said, I like your ideas on what you enjoy, and our models will try to do that more often. But I will just say that everybody will be disappointed at something in the future. We don’t want to be a boring naked website, we want things to be fun and interesting. It’s how we bring so many classic models back and recruit new ones. If a model wants to go the extra mile though, they are free to do so.

5 years 9 months ago

Sounds good to me, thank you 🙂

5 years 9 months ago

Did I hear Bukkake party? I’m down with that. I’ll bring the nachos.

5 years 9 months ago

Even if all the models were comfortable taking things up a notch (which some are not and we shouldn’t expect them to be), if every single release offered “something new” from each model, they’d be out of content pretty soon! Also, I was willing to pay $30 each for the recent Kris and Maddie releases for that extra step, but if those were released as part of a $80-100 bundle with two models I wasn’t as enthusiastic about, I’d be bummed at being forced to pay for things I didn’t want to get the special goodies I’ve been waiting for.

When it comes to special releases where models take it up a level, a la carte is a better option for both the consumers and the producers in my opinion.

5 years 9 months ago


5 years 9 months ago

Agree totally man! Bundles should be about getting to see multiple models at a discounted price (and perhaps discovering a new favorite in the mix). Special releases should stand alone so that the featured model can receive ALL of the praise she deserves for her boldness!

Steve P
5 years 9 months ago

How far a model goes should be up to the model. If you have an issue with that then you’ve always got other options in these great big interwebs but then you’d be missing out on all the fun the rest of us are content with having. I mean Romana has had “Assistance” on this site, which was amazing by the way. She might even have the potential for more explicit action but that is up to the her and also that isn’t fully what the atmosphere is for this site. The once in a while events with touchy and REALLY touchy stuff gives you some of what you want but keeps you wanting more. That is the definition of an extreme tease. I’m just damn happy to see her again and with 3 more beautiful ladies we love. I say enjoy it while you can, if I can find my wallet.

To TeenMarvel and the wonderful ladies who grace us with their beauty, I LOVE YOU

5 years 9 months ago

If you want porn they are other places for that …. for me I like this place because they try hard to please us and the girls are gorgeous.
One thing I would like to see is kinda of a contest where the user who comes up with the best idea for a set for a certain model gets the set done and he gets it for free, would love to see Lili in a gangbang with midgets and a goat but that’s just me … 😉 kinding of course I don’t like gangbangs !!!

5 years 9 months ago

First part of your idea is interesting. Lili in a gnagbang? not so much..sorry.

5 years 9 months ago

I guess you don’t understand sarcasm !!! Was just mocking the idea that every body wants more … gangbang,midgets and goats really … lol

5 years 9 months ago

I got your sarcasm…my brain on whiskey didn’t communicate it very well last night. lol

5 years 9 months ago

meant kidding …. damn you Lili when I think of you with midgets and goats my brain goes off

5 years 9 months ago

Speaking of Lili anyone have a review on her set I can’t buy for a couple days but all the models look great !

5 years 9 months ago

It appears this was shot the same day as the Backyard video, so it’s pretty much in the range of that one. I prefer her outfit in Backyard over this one so I liked the 1st half of that video better. This video does pick up steam in the 2nd half and her sitting backwards on the chair was something new so that was nice. All in all it’s a pretty good set, but the main difference is I didn’t have to buy an entire bundle to get Backyard. This bundle is a decent price for 4 models.. I just don’t personally really care for the other models.

5 years 9 months ago

Are sofies toenails painted in this one? Please can someone answer? Thx

5 years 9 months ago

I love them all, thanks, and more Sofie is always welcome, now we need some more Bella 😉

5 years 9 months ago

It doesnt matter who the essentially NN model is, eventually all hand bra sets tend to be the same. May I suggest the occasional different slip, intended or otherwise, or flash in each set. Its a great tease for more and will certainly keep the punters coming back for more as you would never know who was going to do what next. A good example was Kayley the other week. Just a thought.

Solid Snake
5 years 9 months ago

I’m not interested in any of the models here but got to say that this bundle is and an insanely good deal for that price.I do agree with you Jaimee in a way that some sets of models don’t hold well with other for example i can bet that the Lili Sudsy from her event is way better than this one that just got released. But that’s a good example that you cant jump and tell what a model has or not done until you have seen everything of them.

Haven’t seen any of the other models to talk about but the Madison you are referring does it have the TM logo in it?

A model i do know is Cutie 🙂 and she has shown so much that’s it’s crazy how fast it been that pretty much if people complain about her not showing more they don’t know anything and just want to complain about something. My only complaint about it is that she has so much potential that it’s lost that is stuff she already has done in the past that till this day none of them has been done and that makes me as a fan of Cutie from her beginning at Newstar extremely sad.

5 years 9 months ago

Hey TM-Thank you for bringing Petra back. The wait has seemed so long. Any hope for more Sofi soon?

5 years 9 months ago

I wish u would stop making bundles I hate paying extra money for girls I don’t care to see. You should make the bundle a option and have Lili and the other videos separate if we just want the one girl. Now I have to pay 25 bucks just to see a new lili video. Hey not all of us are rich give us a break from the bundle scam!!!

5 years 9 months ago

Totally agree with Mike. The bundle price is a bargain *if* you want all the sets therein, but if you don’t then it isn’t. In my case, there’s only one set I wish to own. The option to buy the sets individually (at the usual $11.95 each) is a good idea.

5 years 9 months ago

I want get dirty with Lili in that bark with her perfect body

5 years 9 months ago

So this discussion went off the rails anyone else think this is about the best Petra has ever looked ? Damm! hope to see more of her

5 years 9 months ago

Yes, loved how she looked. 🙂

5 years 9 months ago

for whatever it’s worth,I’m adding my 2 cents to this thread. If you’d like to see what for me is the perfect TM video,watch Katrina in her pristine video,beautiful model,smoking hot body and the right amount of tease to show. That is what keeps me here at TM,save the porno for the porno sites. Respect the models.

5 years 9 months ago

I’d be happy if I never saw a bundle again, or if there was a way to buy individual sets of the model you want. For me, this bundle is basically one model I really like (Lili) and three I don’t care less about, so I don’t consider it to be good value for money at all. I’m just paying extra for a set I want and getting three I would never buy as well. At some point, maybe consider the option of just letting us buy individuals sets?

5 years 9 months ago

We found that this tends to happen if we include a classic model like Lili. Most people like bundles either if there is no classic model included, or all the classic models are included.
There is no option (yet) to purchase individually.

5 years 9 months ago

is anyone else having problems downloading this set, TM any problems with your server or is it just me? never had any problems before and no problems downloading from elsewhere .

5 years 9 months ago

The cloud servers are not controlled by us, so we can’t do anything if there is an issue.
Usually it resolves in a few hours.

5 years 9 months ago

I’m not usually one to leave negative criticism. But really I don’t know why you are still working with Romana. She lost all her cuteness. Sorry, just being honest. I guess her sales numbers will reflect that, otherwise you seem to have a horny bunch of customers 😛
In the past you had so many incredible cute models like Claire or Laura, which never came back, wish you’d go chasing for cuteness again.

5 years 9 months ago

We don’t have more Claire, but we have plenty of Laura.
Romana has regrets for what you talked about (I edited it). We tell our models to try and keep their integrity.

5 years 9 months ago

Smile Romana your still hot.. How about recruiting Yana Gnatenko from George models that site has not updated in months she would be a perfect fit for this site

4 years 7 months ago

would totally love to see the sluttiness/pornstar quality of big titted romana taking advantage/lead of the the more innocent and reserved lili now as both have progressed so much since they were last on camera together

dont know if it would be at all possible to get lili back together with romana? since they have worked together many times before but now with there progress (huge emphasis on the understatement) since they were last together on camera would be a total cumshow for me.

for now i will have to play my favorite lili vids while watching this version of romana at the same time to fantasy combo and blow my load while i desperately wait for a video that may never happen?

please pretty please i beg you to make it happen

4 years 7 months ago

Not gonna happen.

4 years 7 months ago

have they moved to far from one another or is it something else stopping them from working together again? any info you could share/be willing to share would be illuminating and informative, certainly for me personally.

not sure if this is the best place to post this response on the public forum or would it be best for private communication/email?

so very sad to hear that

4 years 7 months ago

its been said before but worth restating, that once a set has been released there is a flurry of commenting then nothing at all.

i personally can not understand why people after enjoying the release dont then come back to the comments thread at a later date and take the opportunity to chat/discuss whats what.

surely you guys look at the releases more than when they are released, boggles the mind anyway.

for anyone checking out the comments thread at a later date it makes me so horny just knowing that this combo exists and although it may never happen that lili could put on the same outfit worn by romana here, probably just pure wanking fantasy from me but i can always just play both videos from lili and romana side by side for a great cum session along with a favourite porn video playing alongside/in the background to really heighten the hotness and fantasy aspect.

maybe leave at that for now as its making me feel really desperate that it may never happen and is just a fantasy, very sad

4 years 7 months ago

Comments cum and go… maybe we’ll have a way to make them more visible in the future.