Madison & Elza – Double


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Amount of photos in album: 269 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 20:28
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Got something to discuss?

3 years 8 months ago

This just made my day a whole lot better.
We need them both more often

3 years 8 months ago

Not enough Elza updates imo

3 years 8 months ago

I agree with you.TM needs to step up and increase the updates on some of the models. Elza is amazing in this set and we need more updates for her. lack of updates will cause the fans to lose interest in the models.

A couple of days I have spoken to one of TM fans and I told him I am starting to lose interest in Petra due to a lack of updates. June is about to end and only 2 updates for her this year. I tried my best to speak up but sadly no results. The worse part is she has amazing sets that are not released that might be locked in a vault forever. I am also afraid she might get the same treatment as they did with Freya, Luna, and Melissa. That’s in my opinion not acceptable.

3 years 8 months ago

I agree.
I’ve tried speaking up about needing more Elza updates in the past, but to no avail.
If anything it almost felt like the more I tried to push it, the less we got of her.
So I stopped completely

She’s my favorite model of them all, but I cannot go around chasing fairytales

3 years 8 months ago

We’ll be working on this within the next few weeks regarding updates. Good news for everyone, of course.
I have replied to everyone who has ever messaged us about updates. It’s not being ignored.

3 years 8 months ago

I would personally love to see a new Madison and Lili release together, would that be a possibility these days or is location or something like that an issue TM?

3 years 7 months ago

All of lilis pics are time released and were taken years ago. Lili just had her 2nd child last week, her first kid is like 3 or 4 now. The latest gallery of lili is before her first child, putting the timestamp around 2017.

3 years 7 months ago

TM, why even approve this comment above? You know that 75% of it is incorrect and the other 25% you wouldn’t allow me to post about just 1 month ago. Just curious, really.

“The latest gallery of lili is before her first child, putting the timestamp around 2017.” I mean…this isn’t even remotely true at all. There are many Lili sets both released and unreleased shot after 2017.

In reality, nothing about what b79 requested couldn’t still happen. It’s just very unlikely.

3 years 7 months ago

Sometimes people will not change their mind/opinion unless you allow them to make a public comment, so that’s what I did.

3 years 7 months ago

because you knew i’d find it, right? 😆 😆 yea it’s cool I understand. 😉

3 years 6 months ago

andrew just noticed your response comment at the bottom of your post which i always appreciate even if i do not always respond right way. i certainly hope that on this occasion your post “it’s just very unlikely” is not true and does not rule out any other duo release’s either that have already happened ie shot and not released yet or can happen again either currently shooting or in the near future.

i know that you very strongly lament all the unreleased back catalogue regards to lili (tantalising thought all that unseen footage you speak of) so i guess this flavours your response to the “very unlikely” possibility of any future duo releases? but lets ask tm and lili if they could do more duo releases and see what cums of it.

maybe it has already happened and some lucky tm user has had a glimpse of future duo delights and are just keeping that to themselves?


3 years 6 months ago

Hi, b79. My “it’s very unlikely” statement was speaking in regards to a possible future shooting done with Madison specifically. I don’t want to go into how I know some of the things I do…but to ease your mind, you probably won’t want to be ruling out any other future Lili duo releases that could be archived just yet. 😉 Hope that clears things up a little for you.

I think Lili duo sets can be great fun, but for me personally, I tend to tunnel vision greatly on Lili during them. 😆 I may not respond to them the same way as others, but still enjoy them. As for the pure wank fantasy of it all I totally get why you get very excited for those kind of sets though. 🙂

3 years 6 months ago

andrew thanks for your response

if i understand your “I don’t want to go into how I know some of the things I do…but to ease your mind, you probably won’t want to be ruling out any other future Lili duo releases that could be archived just yet. ”

if i am reading your answer correctly lili with another female lets just say has happened from a chap like yourself who would have been privy to such knowledge/glimpse/tribute?

3 years 7 months ago

All of lilis pics are time released and were taken years ago.

Her latest shooting was 2-3 months ago, actually. Her biggest fans all know this.

3 years 7 months ago

good lord what a tease tm i cannot wait to see them tm. or maybe i have already had a small peek but i am honestly not sure. i personally am not good at all on the timeline of lilis releases unlike some real detective level expert posters who seem to have a good grasp on the release timeline. thanks everyone for responding keep it up so to speak

3 years 7 months ago

I realize now Procrasturbate might have meant specifically ‘Black Mesh #5’ was from 2017 which would be correct. So apologies to him in choosing that line to quote, he was right. I probably should of quoted what TM did instead. We have gotten three late 2019 sets released already though this year, so it’s not really fair to single out a single 2017 set here and say everything is just an old set.

Her first child is only 2 years old so…she’s pretty much had a pregnancy + pandemic + pregnancy and still has managed shoots in 2020 and 2021. Either way Lili has already and will be releasing more current sets in the future. There is just… a lot to get through to be honest.

3 years 7 months ago

I believe we got only two sets from 2019, however, 2019 is still considered old and most of the updates are from 2017 and 2018. I personally do not care how old the sets are as long the updates still coming. You concentrate on fixing the facts but you still missing the main point. Seeing the Lili timeline of updates is impossible to get our ideas in her sets and if it did, it was already done before we ask for it or it will take years for it to be released.

3 years 7 months ago

Sets from 2019 : Caretaker 2, Wonder Women, Year 16. How many is that MHS? 😆 😛

When was it ever impossible to get ideas in though? She was constantly shooting new sets for years while the site was live. It’s not like TM shot all these sets before they activated the website.

I do agree though that from 2014 – 2017 (only 2 sessions actually spill over into 2018) Lili shot almost every single month during those 3 years. It is a staggering amount of sets during that time compared to anything after. So yea, if someone had ideas during that time they might not even know it amounted to anything for years later. Or if they discovered the site after 2017 and thought things were current you could also get pretty frustrated in that area. I’d rather have that than not enough sets.

Lili’s priorities of course changed in 2018, she can’t shoot nearly as much as before, but it doesn’t mean she’s never going to be able to take a day to shoot 8-10 more additional new sets in the future. It doesn’t stop someone from giving feedback. Ask TM, I bring up stuff I want to see all the time. It might take years to come out with the backlog we have, but it doesn’t make it any less cool if my idea eventually happens.


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