Madison – Double Dose





Amount of photos in album: 209 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 20:35
Video Thumbnails:
madison-havefuncap-1 madison-havefuncap-2 madison-havefuncap-3 madison-havefuncap-4 madison-brickwallcap-1 madison-brickwallcap-2 madison-brickwallcap-3 madison-brickwallcap-4

Got something to discuss?

5 years 3 months ago

The amazing Madison is back 🙂 . Good set however I suspected more after a long wait. The bouns itself is worth the price. After I have a taste of heaven why I need to go back to earth!!

5 years 3 months ago

Another double Madison update! What a wonderful treat!

5 years 3 months ago

sometimes i just don’t get it. i know already from the price how revealing the sets will be if its 11.95 there is almost nothing. she went nude and now she went back to tease? some may like it but i don’t give me the tits and pussy put a 20-30 dollar price tag and i will buy it:)

5 years 3 months ago

I do not think anyone understands was going on with Madison sets. These sets are well worth buying even if it was individual but the timing of the update is soo bad. Her first nude was revealed during the event then the Model of the month started three updates were normal which I totally understand taking things slowly more tease which I liked then her last special end of the month set was best of all nude. After that regular update nonnude!!. The next event started nude set than a regular update nude finally, we can start enjoying to see more of Madi in regular sets. Now we back where we just started!! I started to hate those roller coaster rides. Madison went to tease to extreme tease which I definitely love and support to frustration. The only reason I bought this set because Madison’s name was on it. I am not worried about her future with TM and I know what TM has in store for us and I am really thankful for TM and Madison for that and fully supported. However, I am starting to hate these events and the model of the month if these sets are just for the main event. I am not talking about bonus sets and the special sets these sets are meant to be for the main event. I am talking about similar to Madison – Graduate Video.

5 years 3 months ago

I’d be fine with Maddie in a burlap sack… or maybe even that mime get up that Nika wore recently (jk… please don’t, LOL)… Madison is a popular model, and I suspect she produces a lot of content, as she seems to genuinely enjoy her work… probably tons of stuff in the vault… like Lili… difference is, she’s chosen to share more of herself with her fans, and it’s my assumption that TM wanted to provide us with some samples of that new direction during events and such as a sort of taste of things to come, in part as a bonus for her supporters, and in part to silence the trolls who were saying she was never going to get naked. This may have painted them in a corner with a lot of tamer content in the hopper. Keep in mind TM is all about Extreme Tease… but with these double sets (at no additional charge), it helps TM “burn through” some of the older content, and gives a little added incentive for her fans to provide support for the older/tamer content. This is all purely speculation on my part, but it certainly seems like this may be the case… Regardless, some may see these sets as a waste of money, given what we’ve seen from her in the recent past, or you could view them as “for diehard fans only.” Personally, I’m a diehard Maddie fan, and I will continue to support her, because I truly feel blessed by her beauty, love her playful modeling style (be it tame, daring, or bold), comfort in front of the camera, and basically just the way she makes me feel. If TM wants to give me twice the content at the normal price, or gouge me for something that will drain me in every sense of the word… I’m always on board… I want Madison and TM to continue doing what they do for a long time to come. Whether my theory is accurate or not, I trust that they know exactly what they are doing. I’ve been a supporter for 5 years and they have yet to let me down.

5 years 3 months ago

I have to disagree with you with the Extreme Tease part. If this set is an Extreme Tease then what do you called this set Madison-Nearly-There or Madison-Graduate (at the end of the video) and lastest Noami and Kayley set and Elza, Diana, and other models. These are just a very very few examples of what extreme tease are which of course I love and support. I am always grateful for what TM doing with Madison and other models too. I know I might be a little negative in a few comments however TM knows they can count on me in supporting the models and I never let them down.

5 years 3 months ago

I certainly won’t try to argue with you (and wasn’t trying to in my original post, hope i didn’t come off that way)… however, I think a concept like Extreme Tease is in the eye of the beholder… Everyone has their own opinion… and Maddie’s looks amazing… Sorry, got distracted… but it also may be a sliding scale. What someone thought was extreme at a point in time, may no longer cause the same titillation it once did when a new bar is set. That said, for me personally, a girl that is completely naked and spread eagle with only a thin strip of metal obscuring her honeypot and yet not really showing any of her “naughty” bits, is taking tease to an extreme. But that’s just me. If anyone can apply a hard definition, it’s probably TM, as they are the experts. I was just offering my own (imagined) explanation for why we aren’t getting more daring material from Madison on the reg… It helps me sleep at night, thinking eventually, it’ll be more extreme and less tease.

5 years 3 months ago

No worries man :). All opinions matter and we all want what best for her. We still have one more month left so hoping for Madison month or maybe even better Madison/ 直美 😉

5 years 3 months ago

Is this just tease stuff again?

5 years 3 months ago

I needed me some Maddie and I got a double helping and a sweet bonus 😉 thanx TM

5 years 3 months ago

She just danced around half the time 😆 glad you liked it!

5 years 3 months ago

Even though it was nice to see Maddie again, I wish I would’ve spent the extra money on the latest Kayley or Naomi sets. I should’ve known for the price what she was going to show.

5 years 2 months ago

Prior to this point, I had been strictly a purchaser of Classic Newstar releases (basically, all of Lili’s, all of Cutie’s and a few of Freya’s). Any other sets that I happened to buy were merely as a result of them being in a bundle with Lili or Cutie. However, the combination of the current marvel50 offer and the incredible hotness of recent Madison updates has changed all that! Yesterday I bought this and the previous four Maddy releases. Of course, the more explicit sets are more expensive, but that is offset by the great value of double packs like this one and ‘Backyard & Mirror #2’. Thanks to the double packs and the marvel50 offer, I effectively got nine sets for $49.38. Thanks, TM, for not excluding recent updates from the offer – and thanks, Madison, for posing. Now I’m eyeing up the rest of her back catalogue…!


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