Lili – Silver Sling





Downloadable photo album in zip format
Amount of photos in album: 94 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:22
Video Thumbnails:
lili-silverslingcap-1 lili-silverslingcap-2 lili-silverslingcap-3 lili-silverslingcap-4

Got something to discuss?

6 years 10 months ago

Lili in less and less clothes. Yes Please!

Don’t ever ever ever stop doing what you’re doing, and Please keep going. A but naughtier every time would be nice 😀

6 years 10 months ago

Lili day is best day :o)

6 years 10 months ago

Guys you have to seriously start thinking about doing a ”naughty Lili set” before the end of the year, even at 50$ it will sell like crazy.
Can’t get enough of her, her skin looks so smooth and her hands are perfect … yes I have a hand fetish …lol

6 years 10 months ago

TM makes, sometimes, with Lili a generous and tasteful story, such as mesh Mirror, Black mesh 2, mesh peek, Beloved, Pink mesh 1 and 2… step forward, but then make and sell two or three Lili stories “mechanics” that are a step back. Lili’s presence compensates for the lack of scripts, decorations and fantasy, imagination or creativity in the stories he plays…… I hope you understand this criticism as constructive, greetings

w miller
6 years 10 months ago

I agree with Zanon. Enough of this tease and fooling around. I haven’t purchased in awhile. because it’s all the same. Show everything, add some explicit finger work and downloads would be off the charts. Raise the price $50 – $100, whatever, but let’s move on. And also a nice trimmed bush would help.

6 years 10 months ago

I’m with Zanon,Lili needs to do a nice naughty set. 🙂 😮

6 years 10 months ago

It’s the monthly Lili discussion again.

She’s a tease model. She already shows quite a bit, but she is not going the route of some other models. And like most girls who go down a harder route, the interest would disappear after awhile. The internet models who last a long time (which is Lili’s goal) keep interest with their charm and creativity, not how many fingers you can fit somewhere.

That being said, she keeps showing more. You know what you are getting when you grab a Lili set. If she satisfies you, keep buying. If not, then don’t.

6 years 10 months ago

You made Marvel MAD , why do you even bother replying to them and some of them did not even buy one set. guys you need to know one thing that its Lili decision to show more or not you need to have little more respect, you have two options continue supporting her or there are other websites that’s give want you want.

6 years 10 months ago

Not mad. These are customers who buy, but we very much disagree that the solution to bring interest or sales (which are doing just fine) is to just make things more explicit. If you study ex-internet models who have gone that route, you will find that they are no longer with us 99% of the time.
Probably because a lack of keeping things interesting, they thought that would fix the problem. It does not.

6 years 10 months ago

(sorry for the length of this) I do sympathize with some of the expressed critiques in recent posts, as I have had some myself obviously. but..

I agree with TM in that Lili has definitely progressed over time, it has just been at her own pace. I would MUCH rather her make sets where she feels (and looks) comfortable than anything else. If you are here – you should like Lili for being Lili, not for how far she will go – there are thousands of other sites for finding anonymous girls doing anything you want and probably for free.

Yes, for whatever reason some recent sets have seemed inconsistent at times and maybe less creative than others.
However, coming from someone who has everything she has ever produced, Lili does probably more modeling than all other girls on this site combined, so not everything will be a home run. I instead can appreciate that it’s here at all.

I’ll end by saying that one of my all time favorite Lili sets is “Flight” from 2015 not for how much she takes off, but because she looks amazing in it and that it’s just done well. Sets / videos with something unique in it is what I get excited about personally.

6 years 10 months ago

Thanks for the long time support and thoughts. She is doing her best to keep you happy. We’ll keep doing our best.

6 years 10 months ago

The sets are fine. I only buy one model as well and she’s a tease model. I’m ok with a few flash pics every set with a little bit of a show more set every 3rd or 4th set. I don’t need a naughty set to enjoy the model. Just keep on showing a little more every few sets and you’ll keep me happy.

6 years 10 months ago

So far I have bought every sets Lili has put out (some good, some ok), asking to see more of her is not just to see her do this or that it’s because I like her and think that she’s gorgeous. For me having her show more will just make me buy more … if I may on another popular site there’s is a girl name Karisha. she never does nudity, barely does see through and does the same thing over and over again, so like others I’ve stopped buying her sets even if I like her.

I know it’s Lili decision to show more or not and I respect that but someday her fans will get bored and stop buying, just like me now when I see a new set
I always ask myself if I should buy it, because we are getting the same thing again and again … and as far as I am concerned about ex-internet models who showed more they are probably not with us anymore because they weren’t that popular in the beginning. Which is not Lili’s case !!!

Again thank you to Teenmarvel who face up to the comments of their fans even if they disagree …

6 years 10 months ago

Great comment. I’m in full agreement that repetition is boring. I don’t think that’s the case for us, since we have more fans now than ever before. That doesn’t mean every set will be a home run, but the silent majority enjoy how our content is progressing.
Keeping things interesting is very difficult and is more than just “less clothes” That’s the point we’re trying to make. There is no doubt that we could charge 5x for a stunning Lili set with nothing off limits. The journey is better than the destination though, or however that saying goes.

6 years 10 months ago

” Keeping things interesting is very difficult ” just some ideas but maybe you could add some kind of a scenario/story to the video like the model comes back from work and heads to the shower slowly stripping out of her clothes or girls playing strip poker, etc. Maybe have a contest and the customer with the best idea for the set gets it made … from what I see on here you have great fans and I’m pretty sure somebody has a good idea for a set.

Thank you again and keep up the good work.

6 years 10 months ago

My comments are not directly about Lili but TM in general. More specifically the models personal grooming. Which do you prefer? All natural. Completely smooth. Shaved (always seems to have a 5 o’clock shadow) Or neatly trimmed. Just curious about what people like and if the models could oblige. Thanks for your time.

RedMoon Footmodeling
6 years 10 months ago

People want to see porn. She is a MODEL she doesn’t need explicit finger work. If she isn’t ready to go all out like say Freya then accept and respect that.

6 years 10 months ago

To teenmarvel:

Theme ideas that Lili and other models could do

Bath tub milk
Teasing by the beach
Posing underwater
Tank top and bikni soaked in water
Massaged with baby oil

A set I wish lili would do…
Light tons of candles and turn off the lights. Have lili strip naked while posing on bed..

I enjoy lili teasing. It makes me want to buy more sets but I just can’t stand the same poses the same hand bra the same themes. There are so much more lili could tease with.

6 years 10 months ago

”A set I wish lili would do…
Light tons of candles and turn off the lights. Have lili strip naked while posing on bed..”

I like that idea …

Not trying to tell you want to do it’s your site but I think you should try my contest idea guys, whoever has the best idea gets the set done … I think it would fun and you would get a lot of participation from the fans/customers. ty

6 years 10 months ago

Well TM has always welcomed customer suggestions for sets – it’s been in the FAQ section of the site since it opened. I submitted a few ideas years ago but they were never realized, though some other’s could have been that we just don’t know about. Contest idea could be fun though.

I personally always wanted a baby oil set from Lili – since we already know she doesn’t mind getting a bit messy 🙂 or… maybe a set with Lili in a tied off black and white striped top, ‘unchained’, sitting on a bed would be nice 😉

6 years 10 months ago

I just wanted to suggest a few ideas to teenmarvel. another set idea I would love to see lili in is one where she is blind folded and handcuffed to a bed while another model strips her down… again so many ways on making the models tease hard and show less

6 years 10 months ago

Please don’t stop doing the hand bra. I love those shots – and the whole Venus pose. What I’d like are a few more shots with an ENF (embarrassed nude female) expression on Lili’s face. That would go great with the hand bra and Venus pose.

6 years 10 months ago

another scene which has many great pause moments for video – glamour-tease mix unstoppable


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