Lili – Servitude





Amount of photos in album: 110 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:16
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

4 years 10 months ago

TM, don’t you think it’s time to upgrade Lili rank from Queen to Empress!!??

4 years 10 months ago

It all blends together at this point… 🙂

4 years 10 months ago

Definitely Empress

4 years 10 months ago


4 years 10 months ago

Anyone who had the faintest idea that Lili might slip from her lofty pedestal atop the Marvel Universe just saw that idea evaporate…All Hail Empress Lili! Long may she reign!

4 years 10 months ago

This goes back to something I previously said,you get a great set and can’t believe it can be bested,and then the next model comes up and another set that can’t be bested. Thanx TM for a really great Lili set,she brought glamour and hotness together.

4 years 10 months ago

A very lovely Lili set, I always like the teases and peeks she can do in these silk slips.

4 years 10 months ago

I love this dress, shame to have cut the neckline so low.
All hail to the empress.

4 years 10 months ago

Another great set / vid from the queen. The photo set is good, but the video is OMG – as mentioned by DocMatt, they just keep getting better 🙂 I do have one quick question – have any of the recent sets been from after lili’s break, or all they still from before that period ?

4 years 10 months ago

I’ve seen this asked a few times, and TM can correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty certain that none of the Lili sets that have been released were shot after her break. This particular set is also older than some others (see her ‘Fashion’ set). I am pretty sure the 3 most recent sets to be shot are ‘Feline’ / ‘Slayer’ / ‘Tabletop’ from early 2018. I’m a very detail oriented person by nature so I can’t help myself trying to decipher the sets… maybe I was a detective in a past life lol.

4 years 10 months ago

This set was shot the same time as Fashion. Feline and those other sets you mentioned are actually not the newest. Timeless and Relax are some of the most recent.
To be clear, just because a set was shot before another set, doesn’t mean it will show less. But I understand many want to see the more recent stuff, and we’ll get to it eventually. Lili sets have always had lagged releases because she shoots so often.

4 years 10 months ago

ah ok, thanks. I just try to do my best 🙂 I wasn’t actually sure where Relax fell, I couldn’t match it with any others at the time. Timeless being newest makes sense though.

4 years 10 months ago

Andrew, the big surprise is that Grand Prize set was taken in the year 2015 (released in 2018) and till now no set comes close to it. I come to peace that neither of 2016,17,18 sets can surpass this set, I hope I am wrong. My only hope now is her newer sets.

4 years 10 months ago

yes, that is true about Grand Prize. It’s why I always say don’t sleep on potential older sets 😉 GP is still my #1 and yea I am with you, I’d like to see it knocked off the top one day too. I mean If it were easy to be a NSD / Lili fan it wouldn’t be any fun, mystery and frustration(in a good way) have always just kinda gone hand and hand with her lol.

4 years 10 months ago

I would love to buy archive bundles 100% Lili if you have so many sets that wait to be released. It may help :p

4 years 3 months ago

Lili shoots often? MAN! I’D LOVE TO SEE THAT!

3 years 6 months ago

jim, hilarious comment what you said that or being cum shot on facially for a first go by say peter north or omar williams should do the job just fine. i know its total fantasy on my half so dont bury me for dreaming.

4 years 10 months ago

@teenmarvel do you guys have videos of lili that you can re release that have waaay more slips due to not being edited? I would love to see some of the older sets especially the summer set/video

4 years 10 months ago

We’ll have to check. Usually edits you see are only 2-3 seconds of footage removed. I am sure in the future we could release some unedited previous footage for the fans.

4 years 10 months ago

yea, doing this would be really great. I am all for the idea. I already know of at least one x-mas set like this 😛

Paul Amor
4 years 10 months ago

I just wanted to put my vote in for this idea – very provocative in the best way!

4 years 9 months ago

Hmm, a compilation video of various sets’ unseen footage would be a pretty new idea and would probably sell like crazy. Multiple outfits, multiple settings and a high concentration of “slips” in one video would be the ultimate video.

4 years 9 months ago

james that compilation video you speak of really would be awesome, loading up multiple video players to try and replicate right now with already released videos, wanking bliss

4 years 10 months ago

i am fully devoted and absolutely begging to cum. someone at the teenmarvel kingdom gets the gist of what i want. as i am not quite sure how much can be said in the comments thread about how totally fucking awesome the video is.

from a fully devoted cum shooting lili slave. (sorry for the crudeness of the language)

4 years 10 months ago

Naughty slave, we had to edit your comment a little. 😉
b79 is truly dedicated.

4 years 10 months ago

thank you, master

4 years 10 months ago

Lili is IT! As James Bond would say “Poo-see” 🙂 Been waiting for this for a long time. I haven’t watched the video at full speed yet…3 notches down in slow motion does the trick! Can’t wait for the day she’s sitting on the stairs, looks us all in the eye and slowly spreads those long perfect legs way far apart…and doesn’t cover up…I’ve begun to think it’s an actual possibility!

4 years 10 months ago

Hi! I’m a fan of Lili for a lot of years. If have a big wish for the time when you start shooting with her again.
I now there was a big progress in the last year – no hands on the breast anymore. That’s great. But I hope we will see more of the “other” part. There were good fotos in the past. One of my favourite pics is number 84 of the nurse set. Please, let me see more like this. Or at gold coins set there was a bit of it.
Or I remember the summer video when she lift up the umbrella.
Thevifeos have good parts, but I hope we will see progress in the photo sets. I miss that there is a progress!

4 years 10 months ago

Oof. What I would give to hear her thoughts while making this one. Lili’s expressions during the video slay. This photoset shows off her fit physique in most exquisite ways, esp. her standing at the wall.

4 years 10 months ago

Staff: late to say — I saw the link in bright color for rules the Special Run (can’t remember ‘summer special’ where we unlock sets). Thank you for making it more visible.

Kenneth Garrett
4 years 9 months ago

Nice work y’all servitude maybe Lily’s best

b79 (Lili Slave)
4 years 9 months ago

just wanted to re-emphasise my oath to serve lili and declare my servitude to be your number one servant to the one true queen of teenmarvel

i declare i shall withhold cumming/orgasming to any other woman until you allow me too cum on your say so my queen.

cant say much more in general discussion but the overlords at teenmarvel headquarters get my point.

awaiting my next orders.

4 years 9 months ago

Yes, perfect.

4 years 9 months ago

i have been coerced *naughty things edited* about how much cum i have spilt over these last couple of weeks, a lot of cum is definitely about right
i have come to beg permission for my next release
i await my next instruction, to earn my next orgasm
had to slow right down to really savour it so i could really ring my bell so to speak and enjoy the precum drips
thank you for your kindness in allowing me ten minutes to jerk my cock
i did obey and i did ruin it (first time ever done such a thing and your right it feels reel blissful
its definitely going to take some practice to cum on command but i am willing to try)


4 years 9 months ago

Wow, sounds like a good time. But spilling a little early has punishments.
(b79 asked for this. apparently he’s addicted and there’s no turning back)

4 years 9 months ago

oh yes i will have to be punished for being a very bad boy, spilling to early demands a punishment for my lack of control my master and mistress.

from a hopelessly addicted lili slave