Lili – Season’s Greetings




Amount of photos in album: 83 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 9:34
Video Thumbnails:
🎄Give your Queen a Tribute for the Holidays🎄

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In Awe
4 years 3 months ago

Thank you Lili for making 2020 a year that I will now remember so Fondly ❤️. What an Amazing Model and Set to kick off the Holiday Event. Nothing less could be expected from TM (given your history for displaying great taste). Thank you Lili, the photographer and TM for a Fantastic year at TM. Thank you for keeping us so well entertained and distracted from all the shitshows going on around the world!
You always tease us so badly and so much, leaving us thirsty and hungry and coming back yearning for more.
The One True And Forever Tsareena / Empress / Queen of TM, inaugurating this event ❤️
You know that you are much Loved and Adored by all of your fans. We hope that you will stay with us forever

4 years 3 months ago

What an incredible set to start the event, I instantly remembered Lili and Romana’s set in this setting when I saw the preview image.
I can strongly recommend anyone to re-watch that video and follow it up with this one, that will really get you in the spirit!

4 years 3 months ago

I’ll be honest, I would have gone nuts for this set had been released in 2014 along with that Romana duo set… but I still enjoy all of Lili’s Christmas sets so it’s nice to finally see even if it’s early Lili and not as revealing. She was still incredibly cute back then and I love the hearts. Anyway, this was a great thing to kick off the event with though, can’t wait to see how the rest unfolds.

4 years 3 months ago

please own my cock

4 years 3 months ago

Ok I’m lost been on this site for years and don’t understand why Lily is the queen of the site? Someone please help me out with this one?

4 years 3 months ago

Anybody who models for over 15 years on the internet is a certified Queen. 🙂

4 years 3 months ago

shes been dominating the site for years. shes been anointed the Queen by users. Personally I have ALWAYS bought Lily sets.

It does seem like its just a drop a Lili set and rake in the cash at this point though. She doesnt have to shoot a new set, show anything else and all of us loyal guys will still drop cash without hesitation. I feel like Lili is for the people 100% and give it time she herself will reward us. Teenmarvel on the other hand is cash grabbing at this point and not pushing the envelope with the certified Queen.

I believe it when i hear users call Lili the Queen. shes brings us back. TM pushing her as the Queen is just enforcing more spending without making the effort of coming up with new sets/idea or advancing the progression thats been built up and advertised.

if Lili sets were new and not “progressing” that would be one thing. she doesnt want to go further and thats cool. Releasing old sets and consistently showing teases and misleading previews (blurred underwear, misleading hand placements ect…)

releasing old sets is great, i am always down for more Lili. but its obvious whats going on at this point. other model sets have been pushing the “maybe next time” narrative latley too. thats built to get you to continue to buy till maybe “next time” happens. kinda skeevy

-a very loyal and hopefully not banned Teenmarvel fan and customer


4 years 3 months ago

If we wanted to cash grab, we would give out Lili sets every week. People would buy them, correct, but it’s not about milking you dry.
To put things in perspective, her sets have always been a little behind her current look. This was only accelerated because now she has a family and had to take months off. But to everyone’s eyes here, nothing changed and she still updated as normal. That can only happen because we had a large archive of sets that we still think are quality to release.

I have always said Lili will not go further or ever meet your expectations of unleashing herself. People who buy her sets now know what to expect and know that she will tease them. Sometimes we add to the tease with dumb previews, that’s fair to say. This website will always be about teasing though, as the title says at the top.

Also I wouldn’t ban you for a comment like this. Seems like a normal critique. We have received far worse.

4 years 3 months ago

TM if we want to be accurate, technically tributes are the cash grab here…however, it’s completely voluntary. I don’t blame you, you are a business, your purpose is to make money. In fact I very much enjoy receiving them on off Lili weeks. However, releasing more sets is just something that SHOULD be done. It’s not milking anyone dry… they aren’t expensive. Sitting on ~300 archived sets doesn’t help me and it doesn’t help you either.

Also, when I see a set or sets I should have had 5 years ago it isn’t exactly the greatest feeling in the world to be honest. I’ve asked for older sets myself in tributes cause I was curious to see what other things existed from my historically favorite sessions. This sad feeling of not having those after so long is (as you even told me yourself) just exacerbated by the fact that I’ve been here since day 1 and I do tribute and have seen what “newer” Lili is being held back. As long as you continue making the effort to get more out while ALSO giving us some newer sets I’d be happy.

Truthfully we can sit here and say those older sets compete with newer sets, but let’s be real, most of them will not. It’s okay to admit you might have screwed up by keeping so many unpublished sets, they lost value to a lot of people sadly. I’ve always advocated that Lili should just do her own thing. If she wants to show us more, she can. I would be all for it, but I support her sets either way. There are plenty of other people around here to complain about progression without needing my help.

I’ve said this all before to TM privately but I just get a bit frustrated when I see comments like semONER and know that every time I do all I can do is go “yep, he makes a good point.” I want everything. I also know some people only want new sets. There should be a better way for everyone to be happy in the end.

I asked about considering making an archived page – something that could be separate from normal updates. You didn’t reply so I am guessing it’s probably not going to happen. I’ve been here 7 years, maybe I’ll just strap myself in for another 7 and hope for the best.

TM you might not like or agree with some of the things I’ve said, but I feel like if I don’t constantly try for change then I failed myself which is worse than keeping my mouth shut.

4 years 3 months ago

If I wanted to write a book on modeling websites I would. We shoot in excess for all of our models. You do this because you never want to run out of updates of a model. That’s how the successful websites stay in business, they all do this.
When Lili shot every month for years, it made it impossible to release every set. It would have required 10-20 updates of her per month. Why would you think that older sets lost value when Grand Prize is her most successful set? I will tell you now, do not underestimate the quality of archived Lili sets.

There’s always one comment of someone saying “I’m so tired of Lili” and the comment right after saying they want more. Same with Kayley and any other model who gets more updates than most. If you only support one model (like andrew) then our website is a frustrating experience. We will not be able to make you satisfied no matter what, because we cannot show blind loyalty to one model, we have to support all of our talents so that everyone is a little happy.

This is about controlling your portions. Of course you want everything when the food tastes good. But eat too much and you’ll be fat. Then when all the foods gone, you’ll sit there wondering where it all went. Pardon my analogy but it might help you understand.

4 years 3 months ago

You are right, you run the modeling website, I am just a customer. However, I have been one for a long long time. I love that Lili has so many sets, and I am not saying there shouldn’t be any archived sets. I am just saying there are a massive amount that we will never get to in any real feasible time frame. If you released 170 sets in 7 years, how long would it take to release twice that amount? Well, it’s quite a long time.

TM, you know that I know there are archived sets like Grand Prize that still exist. Have I ever underestimated older sets? No. I am not saying those sets have lost value… I am just saying that more than half of the rest in archives are not GP level. If you’re saying that is wrong then by all means show me next time. I would love to be mistaken. 🙂 Those are the sets I am talking about.

I focus on Lili because that’s just what I know. I am sure I don’t see how difficult it is for you to balance 20+ models at a time. I am just trying to show you things from my perspective. It’s probably just something I’ll have to deal with, but as I said before I hope you’ll try to work with me a little. No one ever said it was easy being a Lili fan. 😉

4 years 3 months ago

“We shoot in excess for all of our models. You do this because you never want to run out of updates of a model. That’s how successful websites stay in business, they all do this.”

TM I 100% agree with your point. However no need to go back in time. It’s time to move on. I am not asking about the newer sets but continue releasing the current year you are updating. Due to the fact she has a lot of sets each update of hers is very important. When you make an update like this you just delay things for no reason.

You have said it yourself some fans are asking to see more then why go back? and also you saying ” older sets lost value when Grand Prize is her most successful set?” SO WHERE THE HELL IS IT!!!!!!. You cannot say this base on one set only, as all the archive sets you have released does not come close to the grand prize. Plus having one grand prize set every three years is not even close to enough.

I not asking you I want to see her fully nude just continue releasing her current sets without going back. Why concentrating on her past sets where you have a lot of Lili sets from her current and even future. Plus you cannot increase her set updates because that’s mean other models will suffer from it. Already we have models that do not have frequent updates.

4 years 3 months ago

She only recently came back for shootings like I said. We’ll release them as we see fit. Stop thinking newer sets are somehow better than older sets.
Again, you’re all just saying the same thing in a roundabout way. We will release all types of sets from her, and they will be quality sets. I do not need help in knowing how to run the website or what everyone enjoys. 🙂

4 years 3 months ago

TM you deserve a year off. While you’re off I will take full control 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛 😛

4 years 3 months ago

TM I’ve always had trust in you. You remind me a lot of my older brother actually, much like myself also pretty stubborn. Though I am afraid you might beat me up more than he ever did 😆 😀

l like your food analogy. I just don’t want to see that good food go to waste because it sat on the shelf for too long. 🙂

4 years 3 months ago

@Andrew Do not worry about the food. I already ate it all. Sorry no leftovers 😛 . Maybe i will leave some for you next time 😉

4 years 3 months ago

I only joke, TM treats me very well 😛 @MHS stop talking about food, it’s making me hungry 😆

4 years 3 months ago

Thank you for the constructive response. I’ll admit I was maybe a little outta line. (And a little drunk lol). That is a fair point about releasing old sets and I was not aware of her having a family now. That completely changes my perspective and I apologize for my input. Makes perfect sense why new material is harder to come by and 100% I’d rather see an old set get released than disappear never to be seen.

I’ll continue to be a loyal customer. Guess my frustrations are just having hopes for a vid and then not always meeting those hopes. Couples in with money being tight for me right now with everything going on in the world. So a general frustration whenever I spend money on something I maybe could have done without.

I really respect that you guys publicly address concerns and input like this and shows you have nothing to hide. Have my respect 100%. Thanks

4 years 3 months ago

I hope that we will get more spicy set from Her…. Even the price suggest that this one is ordinary

4 years 3 months ago

she is just wonderful


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