Downloadable photo album in zip format
Amount of photos in album: 90 pictures
Resolution: 3108×4661
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:00
Video Thumbnails:
Downloadable photo album in zip format
Amount of photos in album: 90 pictures
Resolution: 3108×4661
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:00
Video Thumbnails:
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Lili gets the New Year off to an awesome start! Thanks Lili and TM.
Lili just keeps getting better and better!!! Thank you Lili and TM keep up the awesome work!!!
What’s (code)?
An extra layer of security. Testing it.
Sorry I know their must be a reason for it but personally I find it very distracting and for me it spoils the whole video.
Yeah we’ll mess with it a little bit.
I agree 100% Charles.
I am just ready for Lili to show her goodies
Lovely Lili nude, just add some toys! Come on Lili
12th year of modeling? She must have started when she was very young.
Loved the video. But, I watched it using VLC, with the speed cranked down two notches slower because Lili wiggles so fast. Slow her down please! The video shoot was almost unusable because she got her hands on some gunk on the bar that she wiped on her forehead, and which stuck to her hands until the videographer gave her a green rag to wipe ’em off with….all the while keeping the video going showing us what was going on. That code watermark thingy you have intruding into the main body of the video is trash…totally distracting…even naked Lili baring her nipples can’t compensate for it. However, I still loved the video because Lili is showing more and her body is perfect. However, this video SHOULD have been stopped, the bar cleaned up (get rid of the dirty extension cords too), Lili’s forehead wiped off and everything started again. But, I’m really not complaining. Instabuy every time. Happy New Year!
The code is horrible, very distracting!
I realize we went overboard on the codes. Future orders are fixed and only have it for a very brief moment, making it unnoticeable.
Sorry for those who had to experiment this with us.
Which code cuz my version have no codes
It’s different for everybody.
So my version has code and others don’t?
No, that’s not how it works.
I’m not going to go into detail about it. They will just be much more obscure next time if you were one of the people who got it.
ok – reasons for watermarking are understood. Please, please remember you have an awesome business going with Lili and us. Protect it. Testing new security ideas on a different model is one idea.
Well that’s nice to know that others got a clean copy and mine has crap all over the screen that makes it unwatchable. If the files are going to be like that I’ll just find them in a torrent. Not paying for that crap.
Apparently that’s exactly how it works.
Sleazy, I’ll just give you the video again with different embed settings where you won’t notice. Use our contact form to message me.
I’m not going to go back and forth on this issue, so please stop commenting about it. That’s enough.
I figure it’s an anti-piracy thing. With the embedded code, unique to each customer, the video can be traced back to the original purchaser, like with serial numbers on guns. Then, appropriate measures can be taken against the original purchaser for violating international copyright laws when he/she decided to upload said video to a forum for anybody to download, bypassing the copyright holder who owns all of the rights to it. Piracy is a huge problem for sites who sell photos and videos of any kind, and this scheme would kill any anonymity the original purchaser may think he/she has when committing copyright crimes.
Will we be seeing more from Freya any time soon?
I miss her so much too
WOW – another great one from Lili!! Can she do a set where she starts out wearing a tight miniskirt & satin blouse and takes it off to reveal a white lace bra, panties, garter belt and stockings? She can then strip that off too and leave nothing to our imaginations??? WOW!!! The video of that would be awesome!!!
she is getting more beautiful every shoot