Lili – Naked




Amount of photos in album: 95 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:26
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

5 years 6 months ago

We hope you like this “classic” Lili set. More like this? More from the archives? Any thoughts, let us know.

5 years 6 months ago

well I was wrong about them being gold chains I guess 😛 More like this? YES – I just want to see all and everything archived or not, but I think you may already be aware of that lol.

5 years 6 months ago

“More like this?”…Silly question – OF COURSE WE WANT MORE!!!!

Paulo Amor
5 years 6 months ago

on both counts, Yes please 🙂

Steve P
5 years 6 months ago

Knew it was a classic! Blurry vision powers (almost) never fail

5 years 6 months ago

If You have more of Her sets like this, then for the Love of God yes please!
I was refreshing page from 5pm UTC time.
What a stunning and beautiful girl 🙂
Well done TM and especially Lili :*
You are a true gem of this website…

5 years 6 months ago

YES PLEASE! I haven’t seen it yet, but it appears that this is the “shy” Lili from years past that you’ve kept in the vault and delayed releasing because she revealed more than she was comfortable with at that time. There’s something sexy and special about this; it’s like a secret you finally get to see.

I can only imagine the delicious deleted footage on the proverbial cutting-room floor of TM’s and MC’s “non-nude” tease models, so any “classic” footage you have of our favorite models that you might be holding onto because of any OOOPS is pure gold!

5 years 6 months ago

MORE LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 years 6 months ago

Pretty sure i can die happy now, but yes more of this

5 years 5 months ago

could you give us some idea/tease regarding more from the archives comment goes without saying we all await your response in horny anticipation

5 years 6 months ago

Finally. Buying tomorrow

5 years 6 months ago

At last!!! Thanks TM and thanks Lili!

5 years 6 months ago

is she actually naked tho? Thought this was going to surpass lili’s grand prize. seems like a lot of hand bra and coverage. waiting to see what others say

5 years 6 months ago

Wow it’s worth it ♥__♥ I love the slow motions.
Thank you Lili and TM ♥

Big Lili Fan from way, way back
5 years 6 months ago

How long ago was this set of pics taken? Archives would indicate that this is an old set. Thanks for any info.

5 years 6 months ago

I’m 99.9% sure this set was shot the same time as Chocolate Shower, Creamy, and Summer (all of which were released in 2016 if anyone is curious). Personally I really liked this set and video a lot. I really prefer uncut/unedited videos over something overly edited. I really appreciate the fact that even though it was released 3 years later and is at a higher price, it wasn’t messed with. so thanks TM for that.

Some may have an issue with price, but if Lili wants $30, Lili gets $30 🙂 While I think Grand Prize might still be the “queen of the castle’ of sets so to speak this one will still make all the Lili fans very happy.

5 years 6 months ago

Honest review. This is a sexy set and video. But honestly you’re paying 30 to get some slow motion looks at her vagina. Would have been better without the thing around her neck. This set was more of a 20 dollar set than a 30 dollar one but I understand. Other previous sets are way hotter in my opnion. But I am a lili fan so don’t take it as a complaint. Just an honest opinion. I love the set. Love the video. The best thing from this event so far looks like the Maddie set. Whatever the level 11 set is I might get it. But only after one of you reviews it first. Don’t wanna spend 30+ for three seconds of a nipple if it is what we think it is lol.

5 years 6 months ago

Thanks for your feedback. 🙂

5 years 6 months ago

This is my concern with TM holding on to archived sets for too long. (aside from me losing my mind) I hope TM are being mindful that they are basically just sitting on piles of money that are slowly losing value every day they aren’t released (at least for the average Lili fan.) If you watch this video and the most recent Blue Mesh#2 video back to back- it just isn’t as big of a leap that it once was. It’s a 2016 price in 2019 basically. I personally love these classics though- so keep them coming.

Brendan Rodgers, Leicester
5 years 6 months ago

Andrew, you are a young man new to the game. Take some advice from one of the senior people here. $30 is the price of a cup of coffee in some places. In others it can feed a starving family for a month. I have seen Lili’s vagina and it is a top vagina. World class. But we need to see that every week.

5 years 6 months ago

game? lol are you joking? I have been here since the site opened, and funny enough I have never seen you comment even once “senior person”. I have everything Lili has every done, and I mean everything. Probably things you only wish you had. Thanks for the helpful reply though bud.

Brendan Rodgers, Leicester
5 years 6 months ago

Andrew, we’ve had a chat. This does not need to go any further.

5 years 6 months ago

word of advice Brendan – Do a little research before addressing someone directly and try not using a condescending tone when you do it. You sound clueless. I got a little heated and I apologize to TM for that, but glad they let me vent a little 🙂 I think TM understands the point I was trying to make, I only want the best for Lili and her sales. I won’t say any more on this topic.

Mister J
5 years 6 months ago

Sweet mother of Jebus!!! This is no dount an instant buy!!! Amazing work as always TM and Lili.

5 years 6 months ago

Great set and video,I really appreciated that the video wasn’t edited and we get to see Lili as she is while shooting the video. Yes,I would very much like to see TM open its’ archives and share more gems like this,maybe an “Archive of the Month”. Thanx for posting this and a big thanx to Lili this is why she’s the Queen of TM.

5 years 6 months ago

A nice set for sure and would have been great if it was a current set where Lili hasn’t got her hands firmly clamped over her boobs. I guess that will always be the issue with archive sets. Not sure about the pricetag for this set though. Anyway, as usual, a very beautiful girl.

5 years 6 months ago

If u want me to buy again give us the sailor outfit video seen in the previews a while back … Lili looks so good in it 🙂

5 years 6 months ago

I love myself most beautiful Lilli

5 years 6 months ago

I just want to say that the floating security code absolutely ruined this video for me, I’m guessing you won’t post this because it may affect sales but I was so angry I had to let it out somehow, please let me know if your going to do this to all future videos because if that’s the case even though I have every single set of Lilli’s I won’t be purchasing any more “vandalized” one’s.

5 years 6 months ago

i agree that security code little annoying however TM have all the rights to protect their content from getting leaked. Pirates affect everyone so only way TM will remove the codes if people start supporting and buying from TM and stop downloading from leaks website. If you can’t afford them TM are doing three events per year which you can buy the sets 50% off. 🙂

5 years 6 months ago

I agree, the placement of the codes could be better. Maybe not on their bodies on the key point of the video? I get the idea behind the codes tho

5 years 6 months ago

Glad to see lots of people giving their opinion of this long-awaited set.
I ordered this as soon as it appeared on the site 15 HOURS AGO and still haven’t received my files. I sent an email to TM, over 4 hours ago, asking what’s happening, and have received no response. Very disappointing.

5 years 6 months ago

TM, you didn’t need to post my comment above, now that you’ve fixed the problem. Sh!t happens. 🙂
Looking forward to Level 11.

Redmoon Footmodeling
5 years 6 months ago

I knew some people would complain about the security code. But yall have to understand how annoying it is for people to pirate your stuff. I run a foot modeling agency. And people like to take photos or videos and give them away or sell them for their own profit. It hurts my business and it hurts the models too. I can’t operate without money and the models can model without money. I will say though I would have never found out about TM or MC if it weren’t for someone sharing Lili photos in a forum. I liked her as Diana and I liked her as amber. And I was excited when I saw her. And then when I got here I saw other familiar faces. So even though the guy was leaking sets it’s what got me here and I buy all the time whenever it’s a Lili, Cutie, Freya, Maddie, Alice or Kayley set. I think Alice belongs more with TM than MC btw. TM has the prettier girls in my opinion. Keep up the great work TM!

5 years 6 months ago

I totally understand why it’s their but to have it floating around over the models body specially when it’s a so called special more expensive set is incredibly distracting and annoying.

5 years 6 months ago

Honestly for $30 I expect to see more. This is a $20 set not $30. Sorry if that offends anyone

5 years 6 months ago

Lili is the Queen. We all love you. Thank you for everything.

5 years 5 months ago

absolutely thanks to and of course lili for all the wonderful content you have put out there over the years you always save me from the negative, hopefully we have only just begun to see lili and she can continue on sharing her majesty

5 years 3 months ago

Wow! Gotta say, not usually a fan of photo sets, but I read another user’s comment how a photo set can prepare you for the vid. I let the photo set play play on auto, and I was taken aback. Lili’s eye contact with the camera in the first few shots are just piercing. Love the gypsy outfit also kinda reminds me of Princess Leia.
I will say I have a foot fetish. Love feet and her feet and how she archs them in the set. At first I didn’t like the bottom of her feet being dirty, but then it was kind of hot.
For a future set I will wish she has like a newly done mani/pedi with bright red polish or black with matching outfit of course!

I didn’t even get to the vid yet! Well worth the price of admission and normal price and a steal with the current promo!

Lili Forever!


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