Lili – Majestic & Wet (BIRTHDAY)




Amount of photos in album: 268 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 21:22
Video Thumbnails:

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2 years 6 months ago

Weekly Lili updates for all of June!? Wow! I need to be an idiot more often… but seriously thanks TM. 🙂

Happy Birthday to Lili!! A great surprise inside and I already know I will very much enjoy both of these new sets in full.

2 years 6 months ago

wanted to mirror what Andrew has said above, I thought I had already said in my post below but I must have deleted it by accident.

happy birthday lili, I most certainly agree with you regarding your birthday message wish, (thanks for that, always great to see you looking so nice & relaxed & casual/comfortable) about continuing to model & if I can contribute in just a small way to help/encourage you along that path, wonderful. I personally hope that you can continue well into the next decade of your life, I would of course say consider something like at least the next 28 years say, something like that, sounds like a good number to me and when you get there maybe just say ah what the hell I will just continue why stop now.

as always peace & love

2 years 6 months ago

The weekly updates will also be chronological. Next week will be her sets from 2016-2017… all the way up to her latest sets for the final week. 🙂

2 years 6 months ago

That sounds like a fun way to do it. 🙂 I’m excited to see what you choose. I love both of these new sets, I’ve been looking forward to them for a long time. The last couple weeks have been rough for me, but today has been a great day.

2 years 6 months ago

I certainly hear you Andrew serious lili withdrawrals from me, these last 21/22 days lethargic, lacking all purpose with no updates then out of nowhere weekly updates talk about a most welcum sight.

I echo what you say Andrew about a great ending to the day & so exiting to see what lili & tm have in store for us for the rest of the month.
as soon as its weekly updates I immediately want twice a week or more. so greedy for lili I am.

have to keep telling myself be humble and most grateful for what we have of lili.

2 years 6 months ago

Happy Birthday Lili!

2 years 6 months ago


Did Lili really retire?

2 years 6 months ago

If you watched her message in the video, you would have an answer. 🙂

2 years 6 months ago

Happy birthday, Lili – a well-deserved tribute is on its way to you.

By the way, I cannot usually pause video previews, but by sheer good fortune a temporary glitch on my computer made it freeze at just the right moment – hee, hee!

2 years 6 months ago

Happy Birthday to Lili!! One question, Lili is still making videos in 2022 for TM (2014/2015; 2016/2017;2018/2019 and 2020/2021) ?

2 years 3 months ago

Wet video is WOW… easily beats almost of all other kitty video 🙂

6 months 14 days ago

I know you need some time off right now TM, sorry for spamming your inbox a little…
Happy Birthday Lili.


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