Lili – Grace




Amount of photos in album: 119 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:05
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

1 year 6 months ago

hopefully I am not coming across as a completely ungrateful miserable barstard but 16/17 days between this & lili’s last release, such excruciating drawn out torture I guess this must be the way it is now with what about 25 different models on the tm site? obviously that number does not include all the other models across the other sites, mc & mf, wow that’s a lot of models to have to juggle, very nice problem for you guys to have, sounds like a whole lot of work though.

these approximate two week intervals between releases really are a tough slog, granted my brain at the moment is definitely a bit addled but boy do i wish we could go back to a simpler time (did that time ever actually exist?) with more frequent lili updates maybe I was busier & time went quicker or there were fewer models etc well you get my point. I am sure there will be a lili obsessive who has tracked such a question maybe they could post there findings in terms of the frequency of lili releases over the years, I think Andrew has definitely answered/touched on this in past comment posts.

I think I have been spoiled in the past & come to expect something that is unrealistic, I just have to accept things as they are & not as I would like them to be with regards to lili & what is released is what is released as disappointing as this is & a bitter pill to swallow i must just accept & put up with the way it is & be very thankful for anything at all. it is most difficult though seeing as how much is going on over at to think of the possibilities if only that were lili with a dedicated site, such a sadness that it never materialised, but here I go again hoping for something that is not the case.


1 year 6 months ago

It was a little slow the last 2 weeks, but some things will be picking up again now. And considering Lili is active again, you will not have any problems of future Lili content. She’s going to drain you like she always does, with more updates to come.

1 year 6 months ago

thanks tm for the morale boost & awesome to hear that lili is active again very much look forward to seeing the very latest from lili. I most definitely like the future draining thought, sounds very hopeful indeed.

1 year 6 months ago

oh, I could write an entire book on this subject. 😆 but yea I’ll try not to…

I’m right with you b79, it has been very difficult at times. I know how hard it is seeing get weekly structured updates and still not having that for Lili after all these years. I also hear you about the simpler times before MC and MF. When Lili started modeling on TM there were maybe 10 models? As of today that number has multiplied many times over. I’ve seen several models come and go over the years, but I always appreciated that we at least had a steady flow of Lili coming in. It hasn’t been released as frequent as I think it needed to be given her catalog of work, but she was always deserving of extra support all the same.

Just how active Lili can be in the future remains to be seen, but I really hope for the best. I would like to see a bit of an increase in 2023’s releases and onward because there is still so much to go through. This year we haven’t actually had any double Lili releases and her last solo bundle was in 2000. A lot of fun can be had with themes or progression in those and feel like we’ve kind of moved away from that in recent times. Her Naughty and Nice bundle during last years winter event was one of my favorites, but each Lili bundle of the past has been memorable. In my opinion those types of things seem to sell the best and are always a huge hit with fans.

1 year 6 months ago

always a detailed great response from you Andrew with great insights thanks for posting.

‘Just how active Lili can be in the future remains to be seen, but I really hope for the best.’ it may or may not be news to you but tm updated above

‘And considering Lili is active again, you will not have any problems of future Lili content.’

which was wonderful news to me like I said in a previous comment I have been a bit addled recently so my thinking & recall is not that great at the moment but would transcendent & pink dress be the most up to date actual releases thus far? 2020 if I recall correctly is what I seem to remember you mentioning Andrew when transcendent was released? I think I have had a peek or two of a few other releases from this time period with regards to lili’s hair style from tributes but I don’t think I have been good enough to have seen anything from after that, if there are any? up until the 2023 shooting tm has updated us with via tribute’s.

1 year 6 months ago

I’ll add to my other post saying that I think there was a short window of time where it would have been opportune to branch off and do a Lili solo site(maybe 2016?), but for all we know it might not have been what Lili wanted to do, even if she had the content to back it up. I understand TM has to leave a cushion for breaks / IRL stuff from models, but my horny for Lili self has and will always wish we had sets more often lol.
TeenMarvel is Lili’s home for going on 10 years now and it wouldn’t make much sense to change that now as exciting as the thought of a Lili only location would indeed be.

The news was not new to me, but yea Transcendent was from late 2020. Lili did shoot her little pregnancy shoot in 2021 which we have so that is technically the most recent release. Lili was on a complete break from modeling in 2022, but she is as gorgeous as ever and ready for 2023.

Big Dave
1 year 5 months ago

Just a reminder, we still have yet to see a set of hers after her first child. And he’s 5yo. So everything released like this set is from the past.

Her 2nd child is 2.

So we have to realize that the well may dry up eventually.

1 year 5 months ago

This is inaccurate. There are sets after her first child released here already.
There are also sets made after her second that are not here yet but are coming.

It may dry up, but not for awhile.

1 year 6 months ago

This set is very high on the tease scale… I love the sheer outfit and how she plays with it in the video. 🙂 I watched her classic ‘Fishnet’ video directly after this one made for a nice tandem experience. A great photo set as well as I’ve come to expect with this session. Lovely as always with Lili.

1 year 6 months ago

good shout Andrew, always fucking loved that fishnet outfit. back in the day it seemed like an unbelievable step at the time would people agree that it marked lili’s first proper full tits shoot & I definitely mean full tits almost looks like tit job tits they really are that full during this shoot? I have had many pleasure sessions to that particular release, fuck I love the kitchen bench recline scene as the camera pushes in as lili spreads her legs & then as the camera focuses on those full almost look like’s a tit job tits close up, fuck me so full & delicious looking then the cherry on top so to speak there’s those fucking tantalising pink nipples peeking through that mesh top to just completely put it over the top & Finish us/me off completely, good memories.

definitely slow motion & loop heaven

1 year 6 months ago

yea… the part where Lili leans back on the bench has been permanently etched into my brain actually. 🙂 Her breasts are indeed very full and amazing in this session. It was truly an event set before events even existed. Another set that really wowed me back then was ‘Flour Power’ if you recall that one. Fishnet is just one of several sets that I am so grateful to have had so early on. I’ve been able to enjoy it for many, many years. It will always and forever be worth another viewing.

1 year 6 months ago

It’s exciting to see Andrew and B79 talking passionately about Lili. They sound like two young gallants vying for the tournament’s young princess.
I would also humbly love to see with hotter content and differentiated payment plans… Long live our eternal princess!!!

1 year 6 months ago

Well I fully concur with all you guys. The wait between updates is excruciating at times. It’s a very exclusive membership into my fantasy harem lol… but she absolutely rules supreme. Lili brought me here. Has kept me here. I also would LOVE her own site. Just imagine the sets rotating out…. from old to new. Maybe even some behind the scene vids or just her just saying high for filler in-between releases. I would be fine with translated subtitles on any personal videos if she’s still bashful about speaking english. Alas, one can dream. But very thankful of everything we do get so appreciation to TM and Lili.

1 year 6 months ago

Worthabuy I am not sure if you have purchased this release from Madison I bring it to yours & anyone who would care to read this comment’s attention as it features a wonderful bonus interview/exchange between lili & Madison, lili is asking the questions in a beautiful English accent & Madison to answers wonderfully in English. it was released many years ago now as a wonderful tease before release. which looking back now seems to be a brief moment of fleeting heaven, not looking likely to be repeated sadly featuring the two heavenly blonde Czech beauties.

I have said it in other comments threads, that to think of the releases Madison has put out with other tm models since the private tutor release with lili, I may be speaking out of turn here as it is a presumption from me that it must have been? maybe not, lili’s choice not to continue down the girl girl route as it would have been an absolute goldmine for tm if the two blonde beauties had continued to shoot together which clearly from Madisons output most definitely continues to include harder & harder girl on girl action, if only it could have been lili as the other girl. I will leave it at that for us lili slaves to ponder on the what could have been’s, so close yet so far.

1 year 6 months ago

OMG no I have not saw that! Thanks b79. I will most definitely check that out. I just love to hear her speak. I just love experiencing anything she does honestly lol. Hell, I wish she would bring the “bangs” haircut back for a shoot or two haha. I have no idea how this got by me back then. And yes… what could have been! The way Madison has unleashed they may have been firing ping pong balls at us by now lol. I joke… I know our Queen is way to classy for anything like that. But no lie….. I ache for some modern sets from her … up to date. 100% sincerity, I think she keeps getting more beautiful as time goes by. Thanks again…. it’s always a pleasure reading you and andrew conversing… I always learn something new

1 year 6 months ago

Worthabuy thanks for taking the time to respond

with regards to your “I ache for some modern sets from her … up to date.”
our overlord’s at teenmarvel gave us lili slaves great hope with the update below

“It was a little slow the last 2 weeks, but some things will be picking up again now. ‘And considering Lili is active again’, you will not have any problems of future Lili content. She’s going to drain you like she always does, with more updates to come.”

with regards to your “I wish she would bring the “bangs” haircut back for a shoot or two” bangs I think in England is the equivalent to a fringe with this in mind I had a look back over lili’s 240 updates on the site, does that hair style cover cover lili’s releases from premier, white lingerie, maid, shredded mesh, pink sheer, black lace, sheer lace, white magic, bubble bath? the first nine releases?

looking back over lili’s catalogue of releases lili looks absolutely wonderful which ever hairstyle she has worn & in all honesty up until you mentioned “bangs” I had never thought about lili’s hair style not once, never having noticed the differences with how she styles her hair in different shoots but now looking back as you point out there are very distinct hair styles for different time periods. whichever way she seems to style/wear it, she so rarely doesn’t hit the spot & usually just completely captivates me.


1 year 6 months ago

Yes! Those sets exactly! Wow you do your research lol. But yes, idk why but that was always my default measure of how old a set was. Or from what era I should say. And yes, she rocks them al so well. It’s the blonde hair/dark eyebrow combo that is “my type” apparently…. And she was the first so she will always be the one all others are judged by


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