Lili – Bubble Bath 3




Amount of photos in album: 137 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 13:24
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

2 years 5 months ago

This is a case where I really wish it had been “Lili bath… no bubbles” 😆 This is a perfect classic set with Lili bringing top level tease… but don’t be fooled, the soap suds sometimes fight on our side. 😉 What an incredible beauty she was and still is. I love the photos and I’m also really glad the length of the video was kept as long as possible. (the longest ever released) I love Lili wet sets more than just about anything, but the only bad thing is when one is released I know it’s probably going to be quite a long time before the next one. 🙁

2 years 5 months ago

Andrew any thoughts on which era this release cums from? mesh peek, pink peek, dream girl, Christmas, stars & stripes maybe?
wow that tan line era was spectacular.

definitely agree great photos in this one and like you say the length, longest ever? I wonder why the extra length on this release, I know for you the length could have been three times as long or longer and you would still like a longer version of a wet release.

I know what sort of wet release I would like to see. extreme tease, extreme tease just keep repeating to myself

also I know you always say that lili’s wet sets are close to your absolute favourites would you care to put them into a favourite order or would it be to difficult to order them? you always seem so enthusiastic about lili’s wet sets maybe a favourite wet list could convert me.

I also have to mention for a brief moment I definitely fantasised & thought we were going to get some Madison type interaction from lili & the videographer at the 10:23 video section followed by some grand prize level from behind pussy shots with lili pushing forward and backwards adopting the doggy position seemed like it was there for the shooting such restraint shown in view of such a cock stiffengly tantalising view. definitely think pictures 96 to 101 if you already have it and if you don’t buy it immediately to see what I mean. back to bubble bath 3 side tan lined hanging tit heaven either way though follows.

must keep telling myself extreme tease, lili only shoots extreme tease and nothing harder. under no circumstances get me wrong I love lili’s tease, the journey is definitely awesome but surely everyone on here knows what I mean when I say just sometimes my mind boggles to the potential possibilities that lili presents to her videographer and in turn to us lili slaves. I often feel that way only to revisit at some later date to find all sorts of unseen awesomeness contained in said video hiding there in plain sight just waiting for me to discover it as I have missed it on the first few initial viewings.

hopefully a few lili slaves may take the time to comment

2 years 5 months ago

hi b79. In my original above comment I did say what era this set is from, when it was shot and how long it’s been since the last one. That part of
my comment seems to have gotten removed for reasons still unknown to me. I had no ill feelings about this being an older set as I love early Lili sets and have several tributes of this. I apologize TM if I was too specific with dates, hopefully you’ll let me know so I can avoid in the future.

If TM approves I’ll try and answer, but I’ll be more generalized over my previous comments that were removed. This set is indeed from the era you described. 4 of the 5 you mentioned are from it. (Christmas came from the session right after this one). ‘Stars and Stripes’ was the first and ‘Mesh Peek’ was the last we received spanning from 2015 – 2016. The length of this video is the longest because a lot of very early Lili sets were actually just longer in general and edited down. There were also several videos that were shot alongside the photo sets so cuts were made during taking of the photos. I think t’s just what they did back then in some cases.

I love wet sets because I love creative sets in general. It was also something I never saw on her old modeling site. I subscribe to the feeling that she’s cleaning up after being naughty all day of shooting in the nude 🙂 The water…the liquid “soap” 😉 …lol It’s too many things to describe, but I just can’t get enough of her in these. Natural sound improves wet sets a great deal IMO, but I understand that sometimes there were too many instructions in videos (like this one) so cutting in and out would be difficult and kind of ruin the immersion. I think TM does their best to make it natural sound if at all possible though. It is impossible for me to rank my favorite ones, but my 2 current favorites are ‘Wet Sequel’ and ‘Extra Wet’ with the later possibly being my current #1 of all sets. I cum back to revisit these often.

I thought the same about 10:23 section you describe b79… reminded me a lot of ‘Gold Coins’ in a similar situation 😛 it was also further amplified by a previous tribute reward of this I had of this. The tease was in full force with this one.

I’ll admit, sometimes the ‘extreme tease’ nature of this site gets the better of me, TM. I’ll just try and relax and enjoy Lili, but you know how it is for me. I do hope you’ll leave this full comment in tact, but do what you will with it. Everyone should be excited about what Lili has for us in all the releases to come.

2 years 5 months ago

The length of this video is the longest because a lot of very early Lili sets were actually just longer in general and edited down.

This is incorrect. Videos like this are longer because they are filmed at the same time as the photo set. We take some pictures, then film a few minutes of video, rinse and repeat until the set is finished. This is done with most bath sets because you don’t want to have the model get in the bath twice. It is much more efficient to have it done in one go. Because there are lots of splits, you sometimes lose track of time, which is why this video is longer.

2 years 5 months ago

ok thanks for clarifying TM. I did mention where you shot photos and video at the same time right after the sentence you quoted, but yes I was probably off by making a blanket statement saying “a lot were longer in general”. There are quite a few early videos in the 8-9 min. range that should have been longer, but probably not over 10 minutes in length which is pretty standard for Lili.

I based my statement off videos that were previously the longest we’ve seen, but looking back I see that several of these are the ones that have the photos and video shot in tandem like you said, my mistake. If anyone is curious some examples are ‘Flour Power’ , ‘Body Paint’ , ‘Candles’ which are all over 11 minutes, but share the same rule of “you would only do this once”. I did always miss those kinds of Lili videos when they stopped appearing, they are both sexy and a lot of fun.

2 years 5 months ago

I just want to shout out Andrew and b79 for having the most informative and helpful comments for any Marvel model. I have bought several Lili sets based on you guys’ comments and recommendations, so I, and I’m sure TM and Lili, thank you for your service!

2 years 5 months ago

cheers Christopher

lovely comment pleasure to hear from you glad I could help you in some way

2 years 5 months ago

Hey thanks a lot Christopher, I appreciate it. I’ve always tried to give a good review on first watch, but I try not spoil too much because the fun is always watching for the first time on your own and seeing what Lili will do. 😉

b79 I’m sure you will have lots of fun with those. Gold Coins is a fantastic video, I definitely recommend a re-watch. behind heaven indeed. I could never put two wet sets in one playlist, I would never make it past the first one. 😆

2 years 5 months ago

Andrew thanks for the response always such attention to lili detail wonderful stuff indeed.

I know tm does not tolerate full blown tribute discussion on the chat threads but just wanted to comment on you mentioning that you received several tributes for this latest release you were definitely keen once you had a peep of the tribute it was just to undeniable and compelled you to another, to try and satisfy your lili cravings.

thanks for bringing to my attention the gold coins release I must dig that video out it must be on another hard disc/computer of mine I don’t remember seeing the gold coins release for a very long time but from the preview, tan line heaven it seems with some from behind action as you say included to.

I will definitely have to put together myself a playlist of gold coins, wet sequel and extra wet from the previews of the two wet releases you have pointed me towards looks like lili takes a simulated ***shot/body wash to her tits in those two
exceedingly nice indeed.

like you say, containing our excitement for the lili releases to cum is always very challenging to say the very least but always worth the wait when tm/lili allows us slaves to release.

2 years 5 months ago

This is her best set in a while in my opinion! But at what point do we start a fund to get her on marvefans?

2 years 5 months ago

John I say be careful what you wish for, obviously I am not sure how or what every lili obsessive financial arrangement is far from it but how could we possibly afford all those potential updates have you seen how much some of the girls are charging over there

if lili was to enter I think we/i would completely loose our shit altogether maybe that’s just me maybe you guys allocate a larger budget to this side of your lives than I. I say this as I am not short of a few quid but lili on marvelfans would seriously hardcore wallet fuck us into total submission the likes of which we may not recover from.

maybe I am wrong and people want to be fucked into submission. I guess some folk are into that kind of thing.

I see that there are a few up votes to john’s comment I am not sure if its regarding the best set in a while part or the start a fund section
either way would sure love to hear what other lili slaves have to say on the matter obviously as much as tm will indulge us.

would discussing how much we spend per month tm be off limits to the thread? is that too much info to post here tm, obviously I want to be within whatever bounds you set?

I certainly have to congratulate John for such a bold statement regarding lili and marvelfans clearly John is ready for it, I myself would probably be to afraid to raise it for fear of the change.

I seem to remember when marvelfans was launched tm mentioned lili was considering an offer to join the new site I think now that quite a few months have passed and the fear of the change and something new has eased from my point of view a little, maybe there has been much discussion behind the scenes via email with tm patrons and of course I may have missed comments made to the question on some of lili’s uploads if I have I would be grateful if someone could direct me to given comment/comments.

I know from my point of view since the new site has launched I am generally thinking along the lines of please don’t change it please just leave it as is I generally don’t do to well with much change and when the site launched it left me feeling trepidatious and overwhelmed as to the main tm site and especially to lili’s section very much cautiously hoping no change would occur has been my wish ongoing.

obviously this is just me being very selfish and ignorant, what tm is doing for us, the girls in general is nothing short of a miracle/spectacular just reading tm’s comments on sarah’s latest release refocuses me, it seems so easy from my point of view from the safety of my home and country to worry about such matters when I too easily forget about the unimaginable upheaval and cataclysm that has affected some of the girls

what I said earlier in my post about prices seeming high over at marvelfans is probably just a lack of information on my part to the financial circumstances of the girls affected by there countries current predicament. hopefully this is ok tm to post on the main site for sake of discussion and curiosity


2 years 5 months ago

I think people are more comfortable with marvelfans now that they know it hasn’t interfered with how our other sites operate. Believe me, we were the most nervous about launching the site than anybody. But sometimes you just have to evolve and take risks, for the betterment of the models and to not fall behind.
If Lili did open a page there, it would just be NN / tease style content. She’s not going to change who she is. We’d make sure pricing is reasonable for her… there are enough Lili slaves here that will be more than happy to send her their money.

2 years 5 months ago

tm sounds like it definitely might still be on to lili joining the other girls over at marvelfans if I understand you correctly.
It reassures me to here you talk about the pricing seems like it could add a couple of hundred pounds per month to our outgoing costs per month maybe minimum if the other girls are to be any sort of gage in a given monthly period to purchase all possible uploads.

with regards to your marvelfans endeavour with what little I know about the set up it seems like it is working out for the intended purpose? seems to me to have quite a bit of activity over there when I have peeped over now and then to see what’s what, like I have said to you guys privately do you guys ever sleep you always seem to be working all hours.

thanks for responding



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