Lili – Bedchamber




Amount of photos in album: 144 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:19
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

4 years 6 months ago

♥__♥ I hope I will be able to buy it soon…

4 years 6 months ago

mmm Lili back to bed – I really love these intimate style sets. I do enjoy getting these ‘natural sound’ videos from time to time. My only wish is that Lili could have talked a little bit in the video, even just a little greeting or something 🙂 I think that’s one of the major draws of doing a non-traditional video, but I still very much enjoyed it.

Very nice photo set as well with lots of pics. I did have a tribute pic from this set… but it appears to be slightly unique to the others in the full set. maybe I got lucky :mrgreen: thank you TM & Lili for another great release.

4 years 6 months ago

Or maybe your pic was from a different set in the same bed. 😉

4 years 6 months ago

yea…maybe it’s Lili’s identical twin, and it’s not actually Lili 😆 😆

4 years 6 months ago

Well I coudn’t wait more. I finally purchased it.
I enjoyed the tributes from this sets and still like it now that I can see it fully.
The video is good but I didn’t like the cut on the sounds, maybe they should have been smoother.

4 years 6 months ago

This video is for the fans of the up&close Lili experience 😉

I feel you on the audio. I think all or most of the cuts on the audio are from when cameraman has to talk, but yea it seems difficult to work around. I felt he was quieter / less present than ‘Tabletop’ which was good. This video also missed having a classic Lili bum slap 😉 I think these things can all be polished up, I definitely wouldn’t want to see these kinds of videos abandoned though.

4 years 5 months ago

as i was commenting on my post on lili bundle #4 regarding the glimpse video hopefully it is up now and visible the section from 2 mins 27secs on the bedchamber release to 2 mins 47 secs would have been totally perfect for that top of lili’s to have come off so we could enjoy those tits hanging so we can get a really good look and jizz to those splendid hanging tits

5 mins 9secs in if lili could have held that pose and give the camera operator time to cum around and capture the shot with her leg in the air, pussy side (camera facing pussy) on instead of with her back to camera ideally with her tits just barely contained with plenty of underboob/see through/fully unleashed take your pick i personally would like all three at different sections of the video

6mins 27secs when lili offers her pussy and arse into the air inviting the camera operator and viewer to get a full view from around the back, maybe its too bold for lili/operator but she seems to be right there for the taking so to speak offering it up for all us lili slaves to get a full dirty porno view

7mins 53secs to 8mins 18secs referring back to what i was saying about the 2mins 27secs section, definitely getting there just wish you could ask lili to hold the pose and maybe play with those tits while they hang there for a little longer than just a few seconds (fondling them similar to what she did very briefly in the pastease release and the sparkle video with the epic nipple covers)

9mins 48secs for a split second or so if you could ask lili to hold those tits like that or even better instead of using her arms to push her tits up use her open hands so we can see her tits pushed up and nips all at the same time for a good few seconds so the camera operator and viewer can get a real good look at those tits held and pushed up like that so we can really get into and enjoy our wanking/cum sessions

obviously i am a little tipsy so quite explicit but its better to be clear i think in what i am looking for/fantasising about
hope its ok and not to dirty to publish in the comments thread


4 years 5 months ago

Thanks for the kind words.
Sounds like you are in need of another tribute… 🙂

4 years 5 months ago

yes i am.

4 years 5 months ago

well that was certainly… an interesting read 😆 but seriously I appreciate your attention to detail here b79 😉 some valid points in this. I do think Lili could do with a little more fondling like Sparkle/Pasties as you mentioned – perhaps some ice cubes or baby oil needs to be involved for next time 😉

4 years 5 months ago

andrew, for me definitely much much more fondling i know you have mentioned in other comments elsewhere about baby oil being involved generally much to messy for my taste, for me personally just plain fondling of the breast, basic and straight to the point, hard cocks and cumshots.

several minutes worth of the tit tease would suit me in a video just fine

always good to here your input andrew



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