Kayley – Bandana





Amount of photos in album: 90 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 8:02
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

5 years 4 days ago

Video intro says MC, oops. We’ll fix it in the future.

5 years 4 days ago

opsss hahaha

5 years 4 days ago

Either here or at MC i’m still going to buy all of kayleys sets, i can’t get enough…

5 years 3 days ago

Still trying to understand the MC/TM division, is there an explanation of what goes where? Funny that Kayley is on both sites.

5 years 3 days ago

Kayley is a TM model first, MC model second. She’s on both sites mainly because she shoots a lot.
It is much easier for a TM girl to be an MC girl, because MC only requires photo sets. MC girls don’t really transfer to TM because the requirements are higher (always video). And MC is for different photographers for the most part.

5 years 3 days ago

This is why I love this site… questions actually get answered!

5 years 4 days ago

kayley, my favorite!

5 years 4 days ago

love Kayley, her flawless beauty, her silky skin, her out of this world curves…. wonderful fabulous 🙂
I’ll be looking fwd to more bonuses 😉

5 years 3 days ago

I will be nice! But maybe in a naughty way ;p

5 years 3 days ago

TM, could you please don’t approve any related comments regarding the bonus at least unit the next update have been released. It’s not fair that early buyers can enjoy their full experience and us late buyers by mins to 24 hours late, our experience ruined due their comments. It happened a lot and recently with Naomi first comment now this. I like to enjoy these bonuses spoilers free . TM you two options either mentioning that their is a bonus in this set so everyone are in the same Level which i do not recommend or don’t approve the bonus comments until the next set update is released. I hope you take this issue seriously and apply by the next model that have a bonus. Thanks.

5 years 3 days ago

If you want a spoiler free experience, I would not read the comments until you buy. Really though, we will only leave info out if the bonus is a new model, or if it’s something very special. I would almost not consider some a bonus, some we just make to frustrate you (like this one).

5 years 3 days ago

I love the bonuses whenever they show up and especially this one that gave me a good laugh!

5 years 3 days ago

I wrote my first message before watching the set. Reading these comments in rare cases it does help me if i want to buy set or not. What happening in MC with new models plus in here my hands is full and sometimes i need to save a bit for later. Regarding the bonus in this set, before i start, i would like to note you my English is my second language what about to say next is i am not trying to disrespect you or offend you in any kind of way. I know the hard work you doing with these sets but maybe the way i might say it might look a bit too much. Anyway the cruelty or frustrating thing you did with Madison,Naomi, and Diana was Masterpiece amazing but with this set is plain stupid and really frustrating in a bad way. Because it does not make sense we already seen it so whats the point of it. Plus her new prices already frustrating enough why add more to the list. I already have a really bad and frustrating day at work. I came here to relax and enjoy not to be frustrated. These style does not work with every model especially with Lili and Kayley. What’s wrong with classic kind way of modeling and plus Kayley is updating frequently not like other models which we have to wait month or more of an update. That’s plays a huge part of it. Even the bonus of her next set. Kayley been here for 1 year and four months let’s enjoy it one set at time no need to know the future. There things need to left for imagination. 2015 was the best. No comments no bonus and price was right just amazing. Lili, buying her set one buy one hopping to see more of her and each set is getting better and better without knowing anything those was the days. I know things needed to be changed in prices and adding comments and doing different things with other models like you did with Madison and other models, however no need to implement or force things. Kayley and Lili are both rare classics and innocent girls. Let enjoy them in a classic model way. Thanks for reading. I hope you get what i am saying and sorry for the long message. Thanks.

5 years 3 days ago

Thanks for your message.
99% of our audience doesn’t even write in the comments, they just buy. As for the “bonuses”, if you think these are what the future is, trust me they are nothing. We have lots in store other than what we tease you with. 🙂
I have lots of nostalgia for the old days too, things were simple! People now want to see different things, different levels of progress, different models. We will not get it right for everyone, but we will try our best. Remember that you are only one person. We have to consider not only your opinion but the thoughts of many many other people who visit us.

5 years 3 days ago

Thanks TM for the reply. I understand 🙂 ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Steve P
5 years 3 days ago

Soooooo there’s a bonus? Lmao. Don’t see how knowing that ruins anything. More likely to buy it

5 years 2 days ago

Agreed, what’s all this bonus talk? 🙂

5 years 2 days ago

Not sure maybe I didn’t get it? People mentioned a preview of a upcoming set but I didn’t see anything other than blurred boobs for a second in the video

5 years 2 days ago

not really a bonus,more like a gag photo,TM is having fun with Kayley fans.

5 years 3 days ago

The lineup of sets lately are killing my wallet if Naomi is next I might as well set up some kind of automatic payment lol

5 years 3 days ago

I’d buy Kayley sets even if she was wearing a full snowsuit the entire shoot.

5 years 2 days ago

I’m curious about something. Why is Kayley so shy about a frontal unobstructed view of her topless? It either gets blurred out, edited out, she puts hair in the way, or her hand. But… we have seen it all already! It’s like one kind of strange thing where she just won’t do a straight ahead shot topless. It has to be to the side or slightly covered one on boob, even when you can clearly see both. I don’t really get it.

5 years 1 day ago

I am thinking that’s what the bonus tease is all about… we’ll see

4 years 11 months ago

Yeah, I agree. It kinda drives me crazy. But not like in a good-being-teased-way.

5 years 2 days ago

What is this blurred candid bonus in set? Am I missing something?

5 years 2 hours ago

Dear Kayley, I bought 11 sets in total, and they are all from you and I would like to repeat a suggestion I gave on another page of this website. I think you keep your lips tightly closed to hide your braces, because you’re maybe embarrassed or you think they are ugly. Don’t do that :'( Your braces are an asset! I’m not asking to make a smile showing off your 28 teeth :p (Although, THAT would be make a great bonus, to make us laugh with funny faces, which I think bonuses should do instead of frustrating us when blurring and cutting things :wink wink:). I’m just suggesting: if you breathe with your mouth open while shooting, you would gain sensuality. Maybe try it? Anyway, big fan of yours, ciao ciao.