Karen – Marvelous





Downloadable photo album in zip format
Amount of photos in album: 80 pictures
Resolution: 2000×3000
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 8:53
Video Thumbnails:

karen-marvelouscap-1 karen-marvelouscap-2 karen-marvelouscap-3 karen-marvelouscap-4

Got something to discuss?

4 years 3 months ago

I’ll start off by saying I had to do a work around to even find Karen’s page. I went to the models page, and deleted another model’s name and input Karen and hoped that worked (which it did).
She should be added to the models page. I know it says available models, but shouldn’t she be able to be searched for under “View All Models”. You’re doing her a disservice. She’s basically hidden.

I will say, I actually even forgot I didn’t see this/bought this during a buy bonanza while I was deleting files to make room on my hd. She’s a beautiful woman, with an ample bosom. We start off with her in white bra and semi-lace panties which may have been a mistake. There was nowhere really to go from here. I’ve made my opinions be known on the cheese music that sounds like when you’d watch the Spice during the day on the 90’s on ppv cable channel and for some reason they played music instead of sound until 10 PM. From 10 PM – 6 PM we got the real sound.

I’m not sure if this is one of the normal photographers/videographers, but it seems more amateurish. The direction, Karen basically stationary. Her makeup is on point. I love her eye shadow and lipstick. She’s hot so she got me going, but sadly, nothing happened in the end for me. Too many zoom ins. We get a glimpse of these hot pumps she has on throughout the vid, but the videographer barely gets her whole body (head to toe) at any point! She smacks her ass twice which was hot, but you don’t hear anything cus of the dubbing. Awful.

Now I apologize if this comes off as critical, but it’s because Karen is so hot and this was my introduction to her, and it just falls flat. Don’t get me wrong, she’s hot and I’m glad I purchased this set, but the videographer needs to step it up. Either get on the same page with Karen or have Karen matched up with someone she gels with more.This may very will be the same videographer from all the other vids, but something was way off with this one.

I would’ve loved a minute just on her whole body with the heels and then the heels dangle and drop off one at a time since she was in the chair the whole video.