Karen – Bedroom


Karen-Bedroom-1 Karen-Bedroom-2 Karen-Bedroom-3 Karen-Bedroom-4 Karen-Bedroom-5 Karen-Bedroom-6 Karen-Bedroom-7 Karen-Bedroom-8 Karen-Bedroom-9 Karen-Bedroom-10 Karen-Bedroom-11 Karen-Bedroom-12 Karen-Bedroom-13 Karen-Bedroom-14 Karen-Bedroom-15 Karen-Bedroom-16 Karen-Bedroom-17 Karen-Bedroom-18 Karen-Bedroom-19 Karen-Bedroom-20 Karen-Bedroom-21



Downloadable photo album in zip format
Amount of photos in album: 83 pictures
Resolution: 2000×3000
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 9:42
Video Thumbnails:

karen-bedroomcap-1 karen-bedroomcap-2 karen-bedroomcap-3 karen-bedroomcap-4

Got something to discuss?

4 years 3 months ago


That’s what I’m talking about! Amazing photo set. Karen is so hot in lingerie, stockings and heels and those poses! Especially from behind. I just wish she had the heels on in the vid and took them off and also had photos with her without the heels and then even taking off the stockings in the photos and vids!
Not enough attention is paid to these ladies legs, feet, toes and soles!

When we got to see Karen’s beautiful milky derriere with those black stockings as she wiggled her ass, that was enough for me. And those glimpses of heaven! And those Dimples of Venus!

I think Karen is my new fave on TM! Tell me she’s still active, that we’re going to get more of her soon and please make her visible on your site!! And I need to hear her smacking that fine ass!

I would love her in a bath vid (but no running water) and more of that growling face she does! So sexy.

She has such a beautiful smile and eyes.