Jackie & Jesse – Double


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Amount of photos in album: 335 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 16:38
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

2 years 4 months ago

I thought this was a perfect double package. I hope Jesse fans enjoy Jackie, and vice versa. 🙂

2 years 4 months ago

For those who are a fan of both, it is a big win

2 years 4 months ago

Will pick this up in the next sale as only interested in Jackie.
I really don’t understand your business logic… if you did more frequent updates you could have had these as separate updates and not pissed off all your customers who only want one. How hard is it to do daily updates???? How hard to do 4K? This site hasn’t evolved for years.

2 years 4 months ago

This update was meant more to introduce Jackie/Jesse fans to the counterpart. We have reduced the amount of mini bundles the past few months, but we still like to do ones like this because it still can introduce some fans to a model they may not have purchased otherwise (and we think Jackie + Jesse is as close to a good bundle that you can get).
It’s pretty hard to do daily updates.
Jackie’s content is all in 4K.

2 years 4 months ago

Thanks for the reply TM. I take back what I said about 4K as I checked my Jackie Homecoming and it is indeed 4K. Kudos for 4K!!
I guess I missed it as the bitrate and filesize were not so much more than 1080 so didn’t think to check but having viewed it again it is definitely a lot better for it.
There were several comments in the Jackie Homecoming set (not just me) about the way the other site (GM) constantly mixed up models and even worse split sets from vids. Their loss. But I stand by my comments on bundles. They are really divisive… for some it is 2 fave models for great discount or sometimes 2 for 1. But if you only want one it is like being forced to pay double. Not sure why you want to be like GM

2 years 4 months ago

We can raise the bitrate a little more, but it took a lot to make it look more noticeable unless we double the bitrate again. And I do my best to pixel peep it on our studio monitors.

We did bundles (and even mini bundles like this) before GM started it. This can be confirmed with dates published for our sets vs theirs. For the most part, I’m with you that we should not put 2 different models together in a set, and to just focus on more updates and more models with just bundles featuring themselves. At the same time, I still believe it is important to introduce people who may be missing out on a model they could potentially enjoy. I think with GM, the selection of models is less ideal (could be my bias though), but it feels weird to mix a model like Heidy with a no name model. She was strong enough to have her own site. It makes more sense to combine two newer/less known models. Also, we know based on data that models who like Jesse also buy Jackie, or models that like Elza also like Selene. Same with Kris and Alex. So we try to focus mini bundles into those situations. There is some thought into the decisions, it’s not just slapping models together into bundles just to clear out inventory. I know you won’t agree, just want to get my perspective out there.

2 years 4 months ago

Yeah a bit more bitrate would be great although I imagine if the file sizes were suddenly 2GB other customers would moan about it!
I decided to get this anyway and be less of an ass. It is 4k Jackie after all 🙂 And no disrespect to Jesse as she is pretty hot too.
If it had been Jackie and Sheila I would have bought it instantly but maybe someone else would have been less happy. So I think my point is still valid but it is your site to run so I will shut up. Good conversation though so appreciated.

2 years 4 months ago

That’s a dream come true!!!! The perfect bundle! Thanks, thanks, thanks

2 years 4 months ago

This is like an early Valentines gift!

2 years 4 months ago

Let’s face it. You could put Jesse in a double package with sack of potatoes. I’d still buy it. She is quite magnificent.

Lonesome George
2 years 4 months ago

Jackie is just amazing, great that she is back. Really next level.

2 years 4 months ago

Jackie is a goddess. i’m loving the once a week update with her. hope it continues OOXX

Super Sleuth
2 years 4 months ago

I’m sure someone else observant already scoped that Jackie has a previous set here also named “Prodigy,” but if not, just a heads up to the Jackie Fans and Marvel. Both sets are great… but I’m biased in favor of all things Jackie (aka OD/JD).

2 years 4 months ago

Yes, we have corrected this. Thanks to everyone who pointed it out.

2 years 4 months ago

As a big fan of Jesse, yes. Very yes! With Jackie too? It’s a very happy pay day!


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