Happy anniversary Teenmarvel.I wish all of you and all of us to be here and healthy and to the 20 year anniversary!!
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations you guys are the best…
1 year 4 months ago
Oh yes yes yes!
1 year 4 months ago
Holy Crap, I can’t believe it’s been that long. Here’s to 10 more!
1 year 4 months ago
Congrats first – how time flies!! Well done!!!
This is something I asked about once or twice… lots of people here like the traditional marvel queens from other older sites but others are more interested in the newer and younger models. It is hard to keep everyone happy with updates every 2 or 3 days so this is truly marvelous news.
Going to take this opportunity to ask if there is any chance we can get more higher quality vids too? I am sure most customers have had a PC upgrade over the last 10 years or have a smart tv they can plug a flash drive into. There really isn’t any reason why vids shouldn’t be 4k 60fps. It appears that some of your photographers worked for the teen starlet sites from 3 or 4 years ago and all their videos were 4k back then. It really isn’t cutting edge any more and it is so much better to enjoy the models in silky smooth 4k.
1 year 4 months ago
Many videos of ours are 4K (Kayley, Alissa, Heidy, Leidy). It’s the 60 fps part that is harder to do, mainly because compatibility and file sizes. Many can playback 30 fps fine, but 60 breaks lower end hardware still. Then file sizes would probably double, which 2-3x increases our cloud fees (more cost to upload and more cost to download). I want 4K 60, but I need there to be as few headaches as possible before making the switch.
1 year 4 months ago
And after 4K 60 FPS? VR? That would be mindblowing…
1 year 4 months ago
Can you give the option for the bigger file? Like $11.95 for the 1080p, a bit more $$ for the 4K? I’d pay more for higher resolution Katrina videos;)
1 year 4 months ago
Something to consider, sure. 🙂
1 year 4 months ago
Wow, where does the time go? Congratulations on hitting 10 years and producing so much quality content in that time. Thank you for all the models that have graced us in that time. I look forward to seeing all the new updates going forward!
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations to you!
1 year 4 months ago
Also, if you want to show off the new increased updates with a big Naomi update tomorrow, feel free lol
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of TeenMarvel!
From the launch of TeenMarvel itself, then MarvelCharm, the first event, LeidyMarvel, HeidyPino, MarvelFans and so many updates and moments in between it has been 10 exciting and amazing years!
Now with 6 updates per week for both TM and MC you once again seem to be able to achieve the impossible.
Thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for bringing us such an extraordinary family of websites.
If the past is any indication, the future is bound to be marvelous!
1 year 4 months ago
Thanks for being here for so long. 🙂
1 year 4 months ago
I can scarcely believe it’s already been 10 years. Happy anniversary! Thank you for sharing the great news, and always being there to keep us going.
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations on 10 years, TM! The longevity is a testament to all the hard work and dedication you and your models have put in over the years. You guys should be proud of what has been built here, and I hope you never stop innovating and improving in the years to come. My first order here was in the 100’s and it’s crazy to see my most recent in the 220,000’s… saying it has been quite a journey for me the last 10 years is an understatement. 🙂 It’s great news for all the fans of both websites to see updates getting a boost.
I couldn’t do a 10 year anniversary post without mentioning Lili, so Thank You for providing Lili such a great and stable home for her to model for 10 years. In my mind it’s not just an anniversary for TM but also for Lili. I am grateful for all the things from you and her I have been able to enjoy over the years.
1 year 4 months ago
Thanks. Maybe another 10 years of Lili. Why not? 🙂
1 year 4 months ago
that sounds wonderful tm. obviously on the eve of the next 10 years anniversary a new lili archive or new material is announced to extend it to another 10 years minimum and so on and so on. also just to echo what has already been said before in previous comment threads tm and the wonderful ladies really do spoil us with every release you put out. thank you to all involved to say the very least. I am not sure how many people it takes to run such an operation as tm but when I say thank to all involved I really do mean that to include all the camera operators, editors, and apologies to any person or group I have missed out that capture and then put together the magic for us to feverishly devour, we don’t get to hear from you guys very often if ever but from me to you guys thank you. peace
1 year 4 months ago
It’s easy for you to say TM, you have all her archive sets and I don’t. 🙁
I’m all for it as long as Lili is up to the task.
All I want for Christmas this year is Lili in a brand new session doing some Christmas content. That would really make my whole year…
…oh and a Lili baby oil set, have I ever mentioned I like those? 🙂
1 year 4 months ago
Thank You!
1 year 4 months ago
Congrats on 10 years… and counting… best sites period… and getting even better all the time… the most amazing models… photographers… and admin… a recipe for success… we, the fans and supporters, are most grateful for all of your hard work… we reap the rewards of your dedication to the art of your craft… you have made dreams come true… and every step taken has been a move in the right direction… thank you for having us along for the ride… always looking forward to what’s coming next… you’ve brought many a fan favorite out of (semi) retirement… and always open doors for new talent… and you allow the fans a seat at the table… listening to our musings… keeping things fun with events… and giving us the possibility of truly connecting with our favorite models through MarvelFans… I can’t begin to express how these sites have contributed to my livelihood over the years… from a fan to a fan… thank you… for everything… and now… with this latest news… I feel I must say… this is going to be expensive 😀
1 year 4 months ago
beautifully summed up, Yadnus.
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations on the first 10 years and thank you. I’ve been following from the beginning, starting with lili (I have everything you’ve ever released from her) & then moving onto other great models, especially Rebecca over on MC.
What was the first set you ever sold ? When did Lili join the site ? I’ve been following her from the first set (premier) but the dates I have are early 2014, so either I mis-remembered & she wasn’t one of the very first models, or I’ve moved files around on my systems & have lost the initial dates.
1 year 4 months ago
At this moment if you go to store page, leave the sorting on “Sort by latest” and go to page 133, https://www.teenmarvel.com/shop/page/133/ then you will see Lili’s Premier set is the 8th one from the end. This order of sets is still the same as it was on the day TM launched of that I’m pretty sure. However, I’m not sure exactly how many sets were available right away on launch, I’m thinking 5 but I could very well be wrong. So either Lili’s premier set has been available from day one or followed as one of the first updates.
1 year 4 months ago
Lili was one of the first updates. We started with Kate, Belle, Melissa, and a few others.
1 year 4 months ago
Congrats :), where is the the new update then? last 31.10 😀
Can't Wait
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations. I want thank you and your photographers – but especially your models – for bringing us 10 years of beauty, joy and wonderful dreams.
I truly hope to see more of the beautiful girls – er – now ladies – who helped start the sites and bring you success and us Joy (Becca, Val, Lili, Marissa, et al).
We very much appreciate that you need one day’s break each week. I am sure that our wallets – and our special “parts” – would appreciate the break, too.
Now to go and look for that second job to pay for all the extra sets!
How about adding an anual Anniversary Special (like the Summer one) and have a Birthday Special for each model on their BD? Maybe even a Wedding, Bridal Shower, Baby Shower, etc? And whatever other occasion that there might be (graduation?)
1 year 4 months ago
Thanks. We have so many models, it would be very difficult to keep track of and coordinate that. But that’s why we want to give models more autonomy with things like MarvelFans, so we don’t have to be the ones to manage constantly. It’s not the same as a dedicated set or bundle though.
1 year 4 months ago
Here is wishing for a 100 years more!
(and more efficient video and image encoding)
Thanks again to TM Admin/staff, photographers – but especially All the Models: May All of you stay healthy forever and continue to enjoy modeling and sharing your beauty with us for just as long. Marvel has shown that True Beauty is like fine wine: It only gets Better with Age.
As well, here is to the experience of watching the new budding beauties come of age and turn into long lasting Beautiful Flowers to be Watched & Admired. The amazing opportunity to sample the fine wines over time and appreciate each and every new nuance with the passage of time. The only difference being that we will have the enviable advantage of being able to “set” the first vintage next to the latest (and many mid vintages), enjoying them in any order, or concurrently. As we have been able to with the likes of Becca, Lili, Sarah, Marissa, et al.
And now to be greedy: how about adding Heidy Tuesday to Heidy Fridays? Seven days are just too long to go without getting a new Heidy fix…. Hoping that her 150 milestone will be even more revealing (yes:I am greedy).
1 year 4 months ago
Happy anniversary TM MC. keep it up. LOL any chance you have old stuff in hiding? Maybe some Candi out takes? Miss her so much, seemed like the time to ask. Thank
1 year 4 months ago
It would be awesome to see some kind of ‘anniversary bundle’, with long time models or archive sets of older ones that haven’t released previously.
1 year 4 months ago
No Candy, but plenty of things in the archives.
1 year 4 months ago
you have my archival mind tweaked .spill the beans??.
1 year 4 months ago
Congrats, thanks you so much. I was here from the beginning. I miss some models, especially Victoria, Freya, Luna, and Angela, but disappointment was quickly overcome with new models. I think the future will be great!
1 year 4 months ago
With our new schedule we should be able to get at least some sets from the archives out for them.
1 year 4 months ago
I really hope the new schedule will allow for some archive sets to be released. Mostly over on MC with models like Rita or Ariana. But certainly also here if there would be more of Verca, if there even is more of her in the archive.
1 year 4 months ago
I would like too to see more sets from the archives! Lately I’ve seen only the “most wanted” models getting updates. I miss Angela too.
1 year 4 months ago
More Angela is coming.
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations! Thanks for the outstanding and professional work for the past decade! From the photography, to the models, to the customer facing side – its always been great. Madison and Verca are who brought me here so many years ago. Models have come and gone so I’m both anxious and excited to see what 6 updates a week looks like. Here’s to 10 more years!
1 year 4 months ago
Classic Maddie and Verca are good choices. Thanks for being with us for so long. 🙂
1 year 4 months ago
Please unbundle your bundles to sell those sets separately and stop selling bundles in the future. From a customer POV they make no sense.
1 year 4 months ago
We already stopped making bundles for the most part.
We will consider separating older bundles.
Lonesome George
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations for 10 years of amazing work! Throw yourselves a nice birthday party, you deserve it!
The 6 updates a week on both sites is fantastic news, I’m very looking forward to it. I regularly come to your site to see what new sets you have in hopes to see one of my favorite models, but unless you’re a Lili, Kayley or Jesse fan (which is not my case, with due respect for the models), the wait to see our favorite models can sometimes be very long and frustrating. Hopefully with twice the updates there will be finally room for all the other models, both new and “old”.
Thank you so much for your amazing work, and wishes another 10 years of success!
1 year 4 months ago
Thanks. I don’t think even 6 updates a week is enough to satisfy if we’re being honest. But this is the best we can do for now.
1 year 4 months ago
Wow, ten years! Thanks for the tons of unforgettable moments you provided us. You let us discover some of the most beautiful girls ever, and you fulfilled so many of our desires. Thanks again, and even with some ups and downs, we will always support you and the girls. (BTW, I’ve checked, and my first order was in December 2015, so it was a much longer journey than I’ve ever thought…)
1 year 4 months ago
i hope you will do a special thing for Charlotta like a memorial compilation of behind the scene where we get to see who she was when not modeling
i know she will always be missed
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations on 10 years. Can we get some Ebony models?
1 year 4 months ago
I’d like that too.
1 year 4 months ago
6 days straight of Sabinka would be a BLESSING!!! Hell even one a week! Hope to see more of her and a possible return of the goddess Mia! She was a doll
1 year 4 months ago
Congratulations! Will we have hotter videos of Sofi, Kayley and Sofie showing much more? Will they at least show their asses more? They don’t even need to show their pussies, just seeing their asses exposed will make me much happier.
1 year 4 months ago
Saw a still picture of Nika was included in this tribute vid.
Any sets of her that are unreleased and any word from her? Even if she’s not coming back, a status update would be nice to hear.
For everyone who kept these sites going strong, from TM/MC, the wonderful models, the photographers/videographers, and all the fans, all the best and a great 2024 and on!
1 year 4 months ago
Is there any chance we could get some old less censored Madison sets?
1 year 4 months ago
Really great stuff! I am curious if there is a ‘second’ version of Naomis Playtoy video and set?
1 year 4 months ago
congrats! would be amazing if we could get some more Linsey
1 year 3 months ago
Bem que poderia ter um novo vídeo de melissa…minha preferida…TM poderia também dar informações dela
Got something to discuss?
Happy anniversary Teenmarvel.I wish all of you and all of us to be here and healthy and to the 20 year anniversary!!
Congratulations you guys are the best…
Oh yes yes yes!
Holy Crap, I can’t believe it’s been that long. Here’s to 10 more!
Congrats first – how time flies!! Well done!!!
This is something I asked about once or twice… lots of people here like the traditional marvel queens from other older sites but others are more interested in the newer and younger models. It is hard to keep everyone happy with updates every 2 or 3 days so this is truly marvelous news.
Going to take this opportunity to ask if there is any chance we can get more higher quality vids too? I am sure most customers have had a PC upgrade over the last 10 years or have a smart tv they can plug a flash drive into. There really isn’t any reason why vids shouldn’t be 4k 60fps. It appears that some of your photographers worked for the teen starlet sites from 3 or 4 years ago and all their videos were 4k back then. It really isn’t cutting edge any more and it is so much better to enjoy the models in silky smooth 4k.
Many videos of ours are 4K (Kayley, Alissa, Heidy, Leidy). It’s the 60 fps part that is harder to do, mainly because compatibility and file sizes. Many can playback 30 fps fine, but 60 breaks lower end hardware still. Then file sizes would probably double, which 2-3x increases our cloud fees (more cost to upload and more cost to download). I want 4K 60, but I need there to be as few headaches as possible before making the switch.
And after 4K 60 FPS? VR? That would be mindblowing…
Can you give the option for the bigger file? Like $11.95 for the 1080p, a bit more $$ for the 4K? I’d pay more for higher resolution Katrina videos;)
Something to consider, sure. 🙂
Wow, where does the time go? Congratulations on hitting 10 years and producing so much quality content in that time. Thank you for all the models that have graced us in that time. I look forward to seeing all the new updates going forward!
Congratulations to you!
Also, if you want to show off the new increased updates with a big Naomi update tomorrow, feel free lol
Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of TeenMarvel!
From the launch of TeenMarvel itself, then MarvelCharm, the first event, LeidyMarvel, HeidyPino, MarvelFans and so many updates and moments in between it has been 10 exciting and amazing years!
Now with 6 updates per week for both TM and MC you once again seem to be able to achieve the impossible.
Thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for bringing us such an extraordinary family of websites.
If the past is any indication, the future is bound to be marvelous!
Thanks for being here for so long. 🙂
I can scarcely believe it’s already been 10 years. Happy anniversary! Thank you for sharing the great news, and always being there to keep us going.
Congratulations on 10 years, TM! The longevity is a testament to all the hard work and dedication you and your models have put in over the years. You guys should be proud of what has been built here, and I hope you never stop innovating and improving in the years to come. My first order here was in the 100’s and it’s crazy to see my most recent in the 220,000’s… saying it has been quite a journey for me the last 10 years is an understatement. 🙂 It’s great news for all the fans of both websites to see updates getting a boost.
I couldn’t do a 10 year anniversary post without mentioning Lili, so Thank You for providing Lili such a great and stable home for her to model for 10 years. In my mind it’s not just an anniversary for TM but also for Lili. I am grateful for all the things from you and her I have been able to enjoy over the years.
Thanks. Maybe another 10 years of Lili. Why not? 🙂
that sounds wonderful tm. obviously on the eve of the next 10 years anniversary a new lili archive or new material is announced to extend it to another 10 years minimum and so on and so on. also just to echo what has already been said before in previous comment threads tm and the wonderful ladies really do spoil us with every release you put out. thank you to all involved to say the very least. I am not sure how many people it takes to run such an operation as tm but when I say thank to all involved I really do mean that to include all the camera operators, editors, and apologies to any person or group I have missed out that capture and then put together the magic for us to feverishly devour, we don’t get to hear from you guys very often if ever but from me to you guys thank you. peace
It’s easy for you to say TM, you have all her archive sets and I don’t. 🙁
I’m all for it as long as Lili is up to the task.
All I want for Christmas this year is Lili in a brand new session doing some Christmas content. That would really make my whole year…
…oh and a Lili baby oil set, have I ever mentioned I like those? 🙂
Thank You!
Congrats on 10 years… and counting… best sites period… and getting even better all the time… the most amazing models… photographers… and admin… a recipe for success… we, the fans and supporters, are most grateful for all of your hard work… we reap the rewards of your dedication to the art of your craft… you have made dreams come true… and every step taken has been a move in the right direction… thank you for having us along for the ride… always looking forward to what’s coming next… you’ve brought many a fan favorite out of (semi) retirement… and always open doors for new talent… and you allow the fans a seat at the table… listening to our musings… keeping things fun with events… and giving us the possibility of truly connecting with our favorite models through MarvelFans… I can’t begin to express how these sites have contributed to my livelihood over the years… from a fan to a fan… thank you… for everything… and now… with this latest news… I feel I must say… this is going to be expensive 😀
beautifully summed up, Yadnus.
Congratulations on the first 10 years and thank you. I’ve been following from the beginning, starting with lili (I have everything you’ve ever released from her) & then moving onto other great models, especially Rebecca over on MC.
What was the first set you ever sold ? When did Lili join the site ? I’ve been following her from the first set (premier) but the dates I have are early 2014, so either I mis-remembered & she wasn’t one of the very first models, or I’ve moved files around on my systems & have lost the initial dates.
At this moment if you go to store page, leave the sorting on “Sort by latest” and go to page 133, https://www.teenmarvel.com/shop/page/133/ then you will see Lili’s Premier set is the 8th one from the end. This order of sets is still the same as it was on the day TM launched of that I’m pretty sure. However, I’m not sure exactly how many sets were available right away on launch, I’m thinking 5 but I could very well be wrong. So either Lili’s premier set has been available from day one or followed as one of the first updates.
Lili was one of the first updates. We started with Kate, Belle, Melissa, and a few others.
Congrats :), where is the the new update then? last 31.10 😀
Congratulations. I want thank you and your photographers – but especially your models – for bringing us 10 years of beauty, joy and wonderful dreams.
I truly hope to see more of the beautiful girls – er – now ladies – who helped start the sites and bring you success and us Joy (Becca, Val, Lili, Marissa, et al).
We very much appreciate that you need one day’s break each week. I am sure that our wallets – and our special “parts” – would appreciate the break, too.
Now to go and look for that second job to pay for all the extra sets!
How about adding an anual Anniversary Special (like the Summer one) and have a Birthday Special for each model on their BD? Maybe even a Wedding, Bridal Shower, Baby Shower, etc? And whatever other occasion that there might be (graduation?)
Thanks. We have so many models, it would be very difficult to keep track of and coordinate that. But that’s why we want to give models more autonomy with things like MarvelFans, so we don’t have to be the ones to manage constantly. It’s not the same as a dedicated set or bundle though.
Here is wishing for a 100 years more!
(and more efficient video and image encoding)
Thanks again to TM Admin/staff, photographers – but especially All the Models: May All of you stay healthy forever and continue to enjoy modeling and sharing your beauty with us for just as long. Marvel has shown that True Beauty is like fine wine: It only gets Better with Age.
As well, here is to the experience of watching the new budding beauties come of age and turn into long lasting Beautiful Flowers to be Watched & Admired. The amazing opportunity to sample the fine wines over time and appreciate each and every new nuance with the passage of time. The only difference being that we will have the enviable advantage of being able to “set” the first vintage next to the latest (and many mid vintages), enjoying them in any order, or concurrently. As we have been able to with the likes of Becca, Lili, Sarah, Marissa, et al.
And now to be greedy: how about adding Heidy Tuesday to Heidy Fridays? Seven days are just too long to go without getting a new Heidy fix…. Hoping that her 150 milestone will be even more revealing (yes:I am greedy).
Happy anniversary TM MC. keep it up. LOL any chance you have old stuff in hiding? Maybe some Candi out takes? Miss her so much, seemed like the time to ask. Thank
It would be awesome to see some kind of ‘anniversary bundle’, with long time models or archive sets of older ones that haven’t released previously.
No Candy, but plenty of things in the archives.
you have my archival mind tweaked .spill the beans??.
Congrats, thanks you so much. I was here from the beginning. I miss some models, especially Victoria, Freya, Luna, and Angela, but disappointment was quickly overcome with new models. I think the future will be great!
With our new schedule we should be able to get at least some sets from the archives out for them.
I really hope the new schedule will allow for some archive sets to be released. Mostly over on MC with models like Rita or Ariana. But certainly also here if there would be more of Verca, if there even is more of her in the archive.
I would like too to see more sets from the archives! Lately I’ve seen only the “most wanted” models getting updates. I miss Angela too.
More Angela is coming.
Congratulations! Thanks for the outstanding and professional work for the past decade! From the photography, to the models, to the customer facing side – its always been great. Madison and Verca are who brought me here so many years ago. Models have come and gone so I’m both anxious and excited to see what 6 updates a week looks like. Here’s to 10 more years!
Classic Maddie and Verca are good choices. Thanks for being with us for so long. 🙂
Please unbundle your bundles to sell those sets separately and stop selling bundles in the future. From a customer POV they make no sense.
We already stopped making bundles for the most part.
We will consider separating older bundles.
Congratulations for 10 years of amazing work! Throw yourselves a nice birthday party, you deserve it!
The 6 updates a week on both sites is fantastic news, I’m very looking forward to it. I regularly come to your site to see what new sets you have in hopes to see one of my favorite models, but unless you’re a Lili, Kayley or Jesse fan (which is not my case, with due respect for the models), the wait to see our favorite models can sometimes be very long and frustrating. Hopefully with twice the updates there will be finally room for all the other models, both new and “old”.
Thank you so much for your amazing work, and wishes another 10 years of success!
Thanks. I don’t think even 6 updates a week is enough to satisfy if we’re being honest. But this is the best we can do for now.
Wow, ten years! Thanks for the tons of unforgettable moments you provided us. You let us discover some of the most beautiful girls ever, and you fulfilled so many of our desires. Thanks again, and even with some ups and downs, we will always support you and the girls. (BTW, I’ve checked, and my first order was in December 2015, so it was a much longer journey than I’ve ever thought…)
i hope you will do a special thing for Charlotta like a memorial compilation of behind the scene where we get to see who she was when not modeling
i know she will always be missed
Congratulations on 10 years. Can we get some Ebony models?
I’d like that too.
6 days straight of Sabinka would be a BLESSING!!! Hell even one a week! Hope to see more of her and a possible return of the goddess Mia! She was a doll
Congratulations! Will we have hotter videos of Sofi, Kayley and Sofie showing much more? Will they at least show their asses more? They don’t even need to show their pussies, just seeing their asses exposed will make me much happier.
Saw a still picture of Nika was included in this tribute vid.
Any sets of her that are unreleased and any word from her? Even if she’s not coming back, a status update would be nice to hear.
Her and Anisa were/are my two faves from MC.
Congrats on the 10 years and many more!!
For everyone who kept these sites going strong, from TM/MC, the wonderful models, the photographers/videographers, and all the fans, all the best and a great 2024 and on!
Is there any chance we could get some old less censored Madison sets?
Really great stuff! I am curious if there is a ‘second’ version of Naomis Playtoy video and set?
congrats! would be amazing if we could get some more Linsey
Bem que poderia ter um novo vídeo de melissa…minha preferida…TM poderia também dar informações dela