Kayley – Sheer Panties





Amount of photos in album: 96 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 8:30
Video Thumbnails:

Kayley’s MarvelCharm Event Set: Sweets! Click here.

Got something to discuss?

4 years 5 months ago

oh ho Tm! you delivered the vaccine.Thanx kayley we love u !!!

Kaley/Lena/Sarah fan
4 years 5 months ago

Bought it but the links don’t work (yet).

4 years 5 months ago

Now fixed.

Kaley/Lena/Sarah fan
4 years 5 months ago


4 years 5 months ago

Not working yet for me. I bought it the instant it popped up. Too soon?

4 years 5 months ago

I fixed yours. Go to the order tracking page and get your new link.

4 years 5 months ago

thanks. All well now

4 years 5 months ago

What I’ve been waiting for! Can’t wait to receive the link. WOW, thank you Kayley.

4 years 5 months ago

I knew that it is the best event!!!
No more words…just call 911!!Really this time…

4 years 5 months ago

I don’t get the pricing nowadays. Lili – Grand Prize was $20, which was high, but it was what everyone was waiting for. Now it seems like it is no big deal when 1 video sells for $30 (and level 9 may be even more). I like some of the girls on this site, but $30 for a single video is crazy nowadays (porn is free everywhere). I have always been willing to actually pay for better looking models that I wanted to see, but to me it is getting too much.

IMO all sets in the event before this one should’ve been standard pricing (Maia set looked good, but without seeing the video I would guess it is very similar to Maia Touchy $11.95). For some reason all Kayley sets are more than any other model, so I figured this one would’ve been more. But to me $30 is too much.

I personally will not buy these more expensive ones because it gives TM the idea to keep going higher and higher with the prices. Maybe I am the only one that feels this way and if so I won’t comment anymore. But if sales go down then maybe these prices can get under control. Either way, hopefully TM will see that at least some of us fans are disappointed in the pricing.

4 years 5 months ago

Nope, not the only one. I was waiting for this set but at $30 I had to tell myself “no”.

4 years 5 months ago

I agree 100%

4 years 5 months ago

You are not the only one. I feel the same way and was excited for a Kayley set but disappointed at the price. 30 bucks for a single video and photo set is pretty crazy IMO. Thats three months of netflix lol. I didn’t even buy the Lili set because it was more expensive for what I’d consider a standard set. Guess I’ll be waiting for the Summer event to use the 50% coupon on them, if I remember.

4 years 5 months ago

Clip stores are inherently more expensive. If you are used to membership sites, then it won’t feel like you got your moneys worth. If you treat it like you are paying the actual costs of a model and photographer to make a set for you, then it makes more sense. It is about perspective. But I understand if you don’t want to buy. Stick to your morals, we cannot make everyone happy. 🙂

4 years 5 months ago

Also agree 100%, but I’m sure that this will for sure be one of the restricted from coupon sets in the next event so we will just be out of luck.

4 years 5 months ago

Whenever a model makes a jump in their content, the price reflects it. Normal sets are going to be normal price. The pricing has always been like this. Kayley’s first topless set was $40. Be happy this jump didn’t cost as much.

Remember, you’re supporting the model by purchasing her sets, not just watching any old smut you can find on the internet.

4 years 5 months ago

Coop. You should go back and look at all the negative comments about the pricing on that Kayley – Creamy set. A lot of people were upset back then too. So much so that TM needed to put out a long detailed explanation about pricing to try to calm everyone down. Then shortly after they lowered the price to $30 (I would guess because not many bought at $40). If people didn’t complain back then, I would bet that this release would’ve been $40 (or higher).

All these higher prices are a relatively new thing (maybe the last year). Look at Lili’s history. She started clothed, then, along the way, we got pasties, creamy, shower, hand-bra, mesh peek, shear peek (top and bottom peeks), and full topless. The price was $11.95 all along the way until we got to Grand Prize. The price went up but her loyal fans paid the extra $8 because a) it was Lili, and b) it was a full sheer thong. Then the price went back to normal (until recently when all prices have started climbing).

I know we aren’t “just watching any old smut you can find on the internet” and that is why we are paying $11.95 for a single 5-10 minute video (Kayley charges $14.95 ). I am just expressing my frustration with these really high priced sets.

I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

4 years 5 months ago

I agree. As much as I like Kayley, I won’t be buying this one. If we are “paying” for the model and the photographer to make a set for us, what is the difference between a $10.95 set and a $30. Did it really cost that much more to make this set?

4 years 5 months ago

I will refer to my posts on her creamy set.
“The other thing to consider is that prices are not set in a vacuum – the models also determine what their price should be. This is one of the few industries where they have majority control, The contract we have with Kayley would have you thinking we’re crazy, but I believe it to be worth every penny. Like all models, we coach her on what fans like to see, and she determines if she’s okay with it or not. All models have their own morals, some are more comfortable with doing different things than others.

So if you’re in the models shoes, and you’ve been modeling since you were young…now you are asked by the fans to take the next step. What would you do? You know they have followed you for years. You know they are perverts . If it aligns with your morals and you’re comfortable with it, then the next step is to realize what your price should be.”

And another quote:
“My question is what sets one model apart from the other? I value all of them the same.” – What sets a model apart should be simple. Each and every person has specific value. A CEO is more valuable than an employee, and even in the same profession – A 5 star chef is more valuable than a 3 star chef. If a model is able to prove their worth to us and even to the customer, they have leverage.

We can’t just go to Kayley, show her some sheer panties or go topless, and then think she’s going to agree without negotiating price. I know all you guys see is what you pay, so none of that really matters. If you don’t want to pay, then do not. I am just explaining from the business side why it is the way it is. It is not for greed. We simply can’t operate at the current scale we’re at (or at this level of model bravery) without adjusting some pricing. If I could set the price of everything at $10, I would.

Also, this is the fastest and most sold set of this event so far. And fast selling in terms of Kayley in general. Just something to keep in mind…

4 years 5 months ago

Merriam-Webster defines greed as “an excessive desire for more of something (such as money) than is needed”.

To JC’s point, the standard $11.95 charge covers the cost of the set (photographer, model, etc.) and you still make a profit. When you raise the price above standard, then you have a desire for more money than is needed. It could be the model who desires more money, or the admin desires more money, or the photographer desires more money. But someone there desires more money (unless all the extra goes to charity). This is the exact definition of greed.

I am not saying it is bad. All businesses adjust their prices up if there is demand at a higher price. You have every right to set the price wherever you want and I hope you can make as much money as people are willing to pay. But I wouldn’t say that it isn’t greed. You want more money and that is okay.

This comment may not get posted like my last one, but I am still hopeful that you will let your customers have a voice.

4 years 5 months ago

About your last message, I don’t see any sets you’ve purchased… you can contact us with this info if you have. A business is more likely to listen to feedback from supporters. 🙂

I deal with greedy people all the time. Greedy photographers, models, and customers. It’s not fair for you (or anyone else) to assume that “standard pricing”, or pricing of any kind, automatically means there is profit at that price point. I never gave a business statement showing operating loss or revenue… so you’re just making an assumption.

Giving a model an actual wage to live off of is not greed. I would say the reason we are still around and almost every other model website isn’t is because we try not to be greedy. But who knows.

Milton Friedman quote: “Of course, none of us are greedy, it’s only the other fellow who’s greedy.”

4 years 5 months ago

I am so sorry. I did not realize that you haven’t made any money over the last 5+ years of standard pricing. If I had known, I would’ve given a donation to help you out. Can you share the donate link, so everyone can help you survive? Thanks for everything.

4 years 5 months ago

Found the jerk.
Good job at having a healthy debate. I’ll leave this here for everyone to see. Have a nice day.

4 years 5 months ago

That’s the reason why I started to hate the comment section. To many negativities and jerks. TM, I think I need you to start adding profile info below the name like if he’s a new member, old member, and big supporter something like that. So we can determine if he’s worth the reply or not. Some come here complains about the price or something else and others trying to convince them otherwise and by the end of the day, he did not have any purchase history.!!!. It just makes the comments more negativity and drama for no reason.

4 years 5 months ago

That’s a great idea!

4 years 5 months ago

I agree with tracking people’s purchase history and treating longtime customers and bigger spenders better. Maybe you can have levels of VIP status where they get free standard sets at certain levels or discounts on these expensive sets.

4 years 5 months ago

I am one of the people who complain about the price tag and I am not sure if it actually helps or not. However, I am 100% sure that not buying the set will not help either few vs many. I bought the set and I cannot say to you it’s worth it or not, only your eyes and your wallet can answer this. TM, I know the prices will not change but you need to do a small change in the event. When you show the preview of the set you should mention the price also. I like to know how much I am spending on the event because when comes to (Lili, Kayley, Madison, and now Madison and Noami) those models have the highest price tag. You need to help us a bit I cannot take the risk anymore. I already skipped 3 models and I do not even buy any set in MC with there are four sets I wanted.

4 years 5 months ago

We could try it, but we still can’t predict how many levels there will be in an event. That affects how much a person might spend as well.
I don’t think there is a definitive way to say how much everything will cost in the end.

4 years 5 months ago

I know but something better than nothing 🙂 .

Steve B
4 years 5 months ago

Hey TM. I’m trying to order this and also a couple older Sofi sets but I can’t apply the coupon. Do I need to place 2 separate orders?

4 years 5 months ago

Yes, coupon won’t work on event sets.

4 years 5 months ago

I’ve been watching and waiting for this set. Kayley you are astonishingly beautiful. And what a day it’s been!!!

4 years 5 months ago

Just watched. Amazing! Best Kayley set to date. Thank you Kayley for continuing the progression. You are so beautiful!

4 years 5 months ago

Was so excited could hardly type my cc. Definitely been waiting for this one, so thank you Kayley and TM. Really hot photos, but the vid is even better 🙂

Steve P
4 years 5 months ago

At first I was thinking double Kayley between both level 7s on the sites would be obviously great because she is super pretty but I was hoping for someone more risqué…and hot damn we got that anyway. She has made some big strives in the relatively short time she has been on the Marvel sites. Can’t imagine what the holidays may bring this year!

4 years 5 months ago

I certainly hope the sheer panties trend continues, or if she gets bored with them get rid of them. I would love a sheer teddy set Kayley if your watching! BTW, no matter what you wear or charge Kayley your number one!!!

4 years 5 months ago

Happy for the Kayley fans. Still hope a Cutie set comes by where people will say damn TM that’s mind blowing.

Kaley/Lena/Sarah fan
4 years 5 months ago

Absolutely worth the price. And I bought her new one on Marvelcharm, too, which is also a must have for Kayley fans. I don’t at all mind paying more for her sets, especially when they are this revealing. There are many good models. But Kayley is in a class of her own. She deserves more and I am grateful to Kayley, her photographer, and Boss for making it possible to see and own such a totally stunning set. Thanks!

4 years 5 months ago

Purchased this without even looking at the price. No regrets.

Best set ever!

4 years 5 months ago

Thanks. 🙂

4 years 5 months ago

Sweet Lord keep this coming !!!

4 years 5 months ago

Kayley must be doing something right (wink, wink) to have two event sets on the same day. $50USD for 2 sets is to extreme. I think it’s official to say the old TM is gone. Quantity over quality these days.

4 years 5 months ago

Wish the whole pantie were see through but this is a great start !

4 years 5 months ago

hi can i use a gift card to pay?

4 years 5 months ago

Yes, but contact us first.

4 years 5 months ago

High heels just once please

4 years 5 months ago

Ordered this and got it in about 15 minutes… Congrats TM!!… Yes it’s pricey, but what a long way she has come in a short time… there was a time I would pay mega bucks just to see a nipple… I really like Kayley and love the direction she is heading… this series has only a few short looks through see-thru panties… but it’s a giant step in the right direction… the problem is, it’s not a giant step forward from the last set… but definitely an improvement on the last set… bottom line, I love this set and do not feel cheated…

4 years 5 months ago

omfg save your pennies boys you’re gonna want this one!! this girl is a freak of nature

4 years 5 months ago

AS a fan and support a lot of models, I am very glad that %50 Discount does exist cuz it will be a nightmare 🙂 . I want to buy MC one too 🙁 but I need to resist other models need support too

4 years 5 months ago

My my my… how wonderful this is. Way to go TM and Miss Kayley

4 years 5 months ago

Never thought I’d see the day. Thank you TM and thank you for getting so daring, MS Kayley!

4 years 5 months ago

Outstanding update. I LOVE it! Kayley is beautiful and very sexy

4 years 5 months ago

Sorry, Kayley is beautiful, and I wish her success. I bought her first 50 or so sets, but the higher cost, crazy frequency, and the watermarks, have led me to spend my money on other models. I was going to wait for event pricing, but I’m not even motivated to buy the few sets I’ve missed in the past during this event.

4 years 5 months ago

I can’t imagine how anyone who made the decision to spend $30 on this set would be disappointed in that decision. Thank you, Kayley and TM. Very nice!!!

4 years 5 months ago

thanks for update hope to see some stubble and more slips later…Maybe 4k videos as recommendation

4 years 5 months ago


4 years 5 months ago

code received many thanks

4 years 5 months ago

Bit the bullet and bought the set…Jesus that is a nice set.

4 years 5 months ago

So did I, but I can’t wait to receive this one……..she is a Teen Marvel beauty…..I am ‘bracing’ for a Kayley and Ella set one day…..that would be sweet.

4 years 5 months ago

Kayley and ella together! id love to see that.

Redmoon Footmodeling
4 years 5 months ago

I haven’t bought anything in a while because I’ve been working with international models myself lately. But I saw someone say something about pricing and how $30 is too much when porn is free. Well to me the difference is these girls are actually pretty. And aren’t porn stars. Kayley is just recently starting to stop covering her chest. I read somewhere that models choose pricing? Well maybe the more comfortable she gets the lower the content will cost. Maybe we get fully nude Kayley for $20 in the future. Regardless. I don’t mind chucking out $30 if I really like the model.

4 years 4 months ago

Oh man. Just received the link and my god…..such beauty. I can imagine her walking down a beach in a bikini and having all the guys AND gals stumbling to get another look. I’m sure this happens. Thank you Kayley and TM. I am in heaven.

4 years 4 months ago

Kayley is getting more and more to perfection, waw !!! I hoped already for this – and I don’t want to be explicit here- but the bulging below really makes me super happy – I like this like that 😉

4 years 4 months ago

Wow! This is a must have for any Kayley fan! Thank you TM! Kayley, you just keep getting more and more beautiful!